Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and sixty-one into the Indian Ocean

"My head of state, Mountbatten of India just issued another telegram after he announced the establishment of the Resistance Army..." Bowman hurriedly walked into the head of state's office before Li Le was about to go to the start of the naval meeting. . fastest update

The windows of this office provide an unforgettable and beautiful sunlight in the wolf** full of towering trees.

At this moment, Li Le is standing in the sun, looking sideways at Bowman with a sour expression on his face: "What's wrong?"

"My head of state, the missing princess Elizabeth has appeared in India, just as you estimated before!" Bowman reported the latest situation.

Fools also know that the British will play with the means of buying tickets at both ends. Just like there are people like Charles de Gaulle in France, there will inevitably be a diehard who will fight to the end in the United Kingdom.

If Churchill didn't die, the man had better be Churchill. It is a pity that Churchill was confirmed by the United Kingdom to be dead. It is also a good way to let the princess run away from home.

"We can't stop this kind of thing... Good luck can't let us kill all the enemies as easily as Churchill forever." Li Le consoled Bowman with a mocking tone.

From Li Le's point of view, being able to take **** luck and kill Churchill in a confused way is already a performance of great luck.

If Churchill was still alive and went to India together, then Germany would have to fight hard to control the Middle East and enter the Indian Ocean.

"Didn't we all expect these things to happen long ago, then there's no need to panic. Just go on at our own pace." Li Le took a step and walked to the door.

Stopping there, he turned around and added: "Go to Goebbels and ask him to prepare a script to respond to that little girl in India... In the most vicious language, it's better to scold her! "

Today's German Navy can be said to be a contradictory collection of chaos and complacency. The surrender of the British navy brought unlimited opportunities to the German navy and created unlimited troubles.

In the somewhat chaotic naval conference room, everyone was talking in a low voice. After all, when the head of state arrives, they can no longer talk freely like this.

"The Naval Academy can no longer recruit teachers and students. If this continues, we will lose the ability to train. This is a very dangerous state." A general from the Naval Academy said to the people around him with a frown.

It is a pity that his companion obviously did not intend to buy it. The other party sneered and retorted: "What are you kidding? Do you know how many warships are lying in the port now?"

"We have already seconded 200 people from Italy to serve on our warships. But such a small addition is obviously a drop in the bucket." Another person took the opportunity to interject.

The navy still has dozens of destroyers paralyzed in the port. In the naval port of Liverpool, the port of Portsmouth, and the port of the Netherlands, destroyers sent by the British can be seen everywhere.

All the destroyers are still marked in English, and craftsmen are trying to add German nameplates to the machines of these warships.

At the same time, Germany has also discovered a very fatal problem: many warships are outdated American goods, they can only be used for **** and patrol, and have almost no other use.

"For the Northern Destroyer Fleet planned to be established in Norway, 20 destroyers have been put in place, but there are only less than 200 naval forces left." A naval officer in charge of Norwegian security complained dissatisfiedly.

"What's this enough for?" he asked, "Only 2 of the 20 destroyers can go out, and the patrols are not enough!"

For the Baltic Fleet stationed in Kiel, the situation is not optimistic. They had so many commanders and sailors taken away that most of their ships were kept in mothballed condition.

When the German general in charge of commanding the Baltic Destroyer Fleet mentioned this, he was equally helpless: "We still have an important **** mission, and the pressure is also very great."

Germany, which has acquired hundreds of destroyers and cruisers, can now recruit too few naval professionals.

"The submarine force suddenly became idle. I heard that there are already 30 submarine sailors who have been transferred to the surface force." When an officer in the distance mentioned this, he had the urge to laugh.

There are only twenty officers and soldiers on a submarine, so the navy has not let it go. They recruited two relatively good supplementary arms among these people, and then promoted the recruited veterans and arranged them to surface ships.

"The lack of damage control is quite serious. If the warship is in danger, it will directly cause the warship to sink." Another technical general stressed to his colleagues worriedly.

This question made almost everyone frown: if their warships are not properly damaged, they will sink.

Especially the captain-level commanders, if the battleship sinks, the most decent way to die is to sink into the sea with their battleship.

The sinking caused by the failure of damage control, and I have to be buried with me, and the death is called a grievance! Hearing the news of the lack of damage control, the frustrated generals became more frustrated.

The navy is a technical branch of the military, and the lack of skilled soldiers in any position will have a huge impact on its combat capability.

Radio manipulation, radar judgment, sonar monitoring, artillery targeting...even command flags and Morse code all require specialized training and learning.

"Stand at attention!" Dönitz walked into the conference room, stood at the door with his chin raised, and announced, "The Führer is here!"

Li Le walked into the conference room with his hands behind his back. After the head of state arrived, it changed from noise to silence.

This job of signing up was not originally done by Dönitz, but he was recently promoted to the position of Admiral of the German Navy.

It's just that he bumped into the head of state at the door, and he could only temporarily play the role of the waiter to remind everyone to pay attention.

All the admirals in the room stood up and raised their arms in the direction of the door: "Victory! Hitler!"

Although there were not many people, the shouts were like a rainbow. Just like when the minister saw the emperor, long live the mountain.

Li Le liked this situation for a long time. He stretched out his hand and pressed twice on the generals to let everyone finish the ceremony, and then walked to his seat.

After sitting down, he pressed his hand twice, indicating that everyone can find a place to sit.

Dönitz sat beside the Führer. After all, at this meeting, he was the highest-ranking general present.

As for the navy's new talents and veterans, many of them are so busy now that they have no spare time to come here to preside over the meeting.

The situation was just the opposite. For most of 1939, Dönitz was too busy to come to the meeting, so Li Le and the famous German naval submarine force met very rarely.

Well now, Raidl and the others have started to get busy, while Dönitz has now become the more leisurely one.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Ryder is now in Kiel, overseeing the construction and maintenance of the warships while addressing the training of naval personnel.

The rising star, Admiral of Naval Aviation, General Hines, was inseparable from training naval aviation in France.

The Atlantic Fleet has just been formed, and Lütjens has so much to do now that he can't wait to sleep.

The young general Lindeman was just getting ready, and he hurried to Gibraltar with the secretary and guards he had just assigned.

Everyone has too many things to do, so that Dönitz is very leisurely.

The United Kingdom collapsed, and the prosperous routes of the Atlantic Ocean collapsed overnight. Hundreds of German submarines lost their targets and could only roam the ocean like wandering spirits.

For these outstanding German submarines, losing their target is a very painful thing.

"Yesterday, the submarine force established the Indian Ocean sub-command and the Arctic Ocean sub-command. Many officers and soldiers are applying to be transferred to these two directions and continue to fight." Soon after the meeting started, Dönitz changed the attack target for the submarine force. , started his own lobbying.

In the Atlantic now, unless the Führer orders an attack on the American fleet, there is hardly any fighting at all.

The ships that were still crossing the Atlantic at this time were either transporting supplies to Germany or its allies, or were fishing boats from neutral countries or friendly forces.

In this case, it would be a better choice to make a contribution to the Middle East and India, which did not surrender to Germany, or to attack the Soviet fleet near the Arctic Ocean.

"I support going to the Indian I just need to find a way to establish a suitable supply base in North Africa." Li Le agreed to Dönitz's request, and he also had to pay for hundreds of German ships. Submarine, find a new enemy.

What's more, this new enemy is arrogant recently. If the submarine force can be used to attack this arrogant arrogance, it will also be beneficial to Germany's international public opinion.

"You may not know that Elizabeth, the Queen of the British Royal Family, who George VI said was missing, has appeared in India." Li Le seemed to mention a trivial matter, which made the atmosphere in the conference room low.

"She just made a statement and started flirting with Canada and Australia." Li Le said after glancing at the somewhat surprised Dönitz.

"Rommel lacks supplies and can only stabilize his defense line on the edge of the Middle East." Li Le stretched out his hand and patted Dönitz on the shoulder: "Send your wolves to the Indian Ocean, tear open the throat of the enemy, and bring victory to victory. Bring it back to the motherland!"

"Yes! My head of state!" Dönitz stood up and answered with his chin raised--

The second offer

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