Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and eighteenth discovery target

The skies of Europe in 1941, anything that flies, shudders under the wings of a Messerschmitt fighter jet.

The strength of German fighter jets is unquestionable. The dividends brought by the surrender of the United Kingdom have not even nourished the German aviation industry. The quality of German fighter jets has already crushed almost all opponents.

First of all, the reborn changes occurred on the airborne weapons. The previous German fighters were equipped with several weapon calibers, namely 7.92mm caliber machine guns, 13mm machine guns and 20mm and 30mm caliber machine guns.

The actual performance of these weapons is not very good. The power of the machine gun is generally small, and the ammunition carried by the machine gun is very limited.

After the British surrendered, the technology of the 12.7mm heavy machine gun was no secret.

The Luftwaffe ordered a batch of 13mm caliber machine guns improved with 12.7mm caliber machine gun technology in Belgium as new air force armament.

The Navy felt that the performance of this weapon was good, so it also used it, which was directly unified with the Air Force in terms of weapons.

Then, seeing the prospect of this weapon in air defense and long-range suppression, the Army also joined the 13mm club.

The new 13mm caliber heavy machine gun has changed the shortcomings of the small charge of the German 13mm caliber ammunition, increased its power and optimized the ballistic performance. It can be said to be an excellent work of large-caliber machine guns.

It is precisely because of this that the caliber of the German heavy machine gun was determined in just one month, and some troops began to change gears, but they have not yet spread to the front line on a large scale.

American fighter jets seem to have some advantages over air-cooled models, and several well-known air-cooled engines have already or will soon enter service.

However, the German fighter jets are not far behind, because after mastering the British engine data, the research and development of German engines began to become more powerful.

Engines in the 1,800-horsepower class are already being tested, and engines in the 2,000-horsepower class are off the drawing board.

If these powerful engines are replaced, the speed of German fighter jets is expected to break through the 700-kilometer mark in a short period of time.

At this time, more than 90% of the aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force were still flying at a speed between 300 and 500 kilometers.

Just by virtue of the absolute advantage in speed, the Luftwaffe can use the dive-attack-breakaway tactics to kill the vast majority of Soviet fighters.

Against this background, German fighter units are increasingly being assigned ground-attack missions on the battlefield.

During the British Air War, more than 90% of their cruises were air escorts and escorts.

Now, most of the FW-190 fighter units that can hit the ground have already switched to ground attack missions.

Only a small number of ME-109E fighters were ordered to conduct battlefield patrol operations to maintain air supremacy.

At this time, two ME-109E fighter jets were soaring in the sky. They were like eagles, patrolling their territory.

In the cockpit, the pilot of the lead plane is using his own record board to record his patrol route.

"No. 16, No. 16, pay attention to your feet! The flying altitude of Soviet fighter jets is not as high as ours!" While signing his name on the recording board, the pilot of the lead plane said to his wingman.

For German pilots in this intensity of war, routine patrols were more of a duty patrol.

Signing in and patrolling each section of your route is your daily job. They hadn't seen a Soviet fighter jet for two or three days, let alone a decent air battle.

Most of the I-16 fighter pilots are rookies with little flying experience. In the face of such a rookie, German fighter pilots can often succeed in one hit.

Stuka and JU-88 bombers have destroyed most of the Soviet airfields close to the front line, and only some of the remaining field airfields have been hidden and dare not show up.

Under such circumstances, the routine patrolling is monotonous and lacking in passion.

"I understand on the 16th! Captain, we are about to start turning back, do you want to fly sideways and check below us?" Wingman pilots are generally newbies with less combat experience, so they are more meticulous in their work. .

This is also a matching method to avoid some old pilots slack off relying on their own records, which affects the efficiency of battlefield patrols.

In the cabin of ME-109 fighter jet number 15, the lead pilot stuffed the recording board into his file bag, then pushed the joystick of the plane and said to his wingman: "Okay, I'll start to fly sideways, pay attention to the right side! "

The fuselage of this ME-109 fighter was lightly turned sideways and hovered deftly in the sky. At the same time, the wingman who followed him also came over, with a graceful and agile posture.

The two planes flew softly in the sky one after the other, like circling leaves, flying lightly.

"Report the captain, I didn't find anything!" The pilot of the wingman said loudly while pulling his fighter.

"I didn't find it either." The lead pilot kept his eyes on the ground as he circled.

In the era of no radar, the search for enemy aircraft could only rely on the eyes of the pilot. Like an eagle, relying on God-given power to inspect every piece of land.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I seem to have found something!" Just a second before I looked back, something seemed to pass by in the direction close to the I heard the lead plane! I heard the captain! "The wingman pilot did not find the target, he could only fly the plane and continue to circle in the sky with the leader.

The field of view of the ME-109 fighter jet is very limited, and all fighter jets seem to have very limited field of view.

To get a very wide field of view, you can only rely on hovering to get more viewing angles.

In the narrow window, the two pilots searched little by little for the suspicious target they had just seen through the frame of the metal frame used to fix the glass plate on the fighter plane.

"I saw it! Two enemy planes! That's two enemy planes!" As expected of the experienced pilot, the leader quickly found two green planes flying fast forward near the suspicious area.

Of course these planes were enemy planes, because they didn't have the bright yellow on the nose of the German fighter jets, the characteristic identification color.

"I saw it too! The leader!" The wingman pilot also saw the target in the distance and said to his leader, "It's time to attack! I'll cover you!"

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