Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and nineteenth air chase

Finding the target, of course, means starting to attack the target. The wingman's words were like a sounding battle horn, and the lead plane immediately entered a dive state.

The ME-109 fighter roared down, like an eagle that found its prey, rushing towards the distant target.

As the distance got closer, the figures of those targets on the sights of the ME-109 nose also became larger and larger.

As time passed quickly, the shining five-pointed stars on the two Soviet planes could already be seen.

There is no doubt that these planes were indeed Soviet aircraft, and a peculiar type of aircraft that had never been seen before.

Compared to the stout body of the I-16 fighter, the fuselage of this new Soviet aircraft is much slender.

And just looking at the speed, this new type of aircraft is indeed faster than the I-16 aircraft.

Exactly how much faster, the German pilot who can only measure the speed with his eyes does not know, he just feels that the other party is faster.

Of course, it may also be because the other party's plane is a lot slimmer, and he has some illusions about him...

In any case, he has entered the track of attack, and from a very safe angle, he is quickly approaching the opponent.

The upper part of the rear is the blind spot of the fighter. Any attack launched from this angle will not be detected by the opposing pilot.

Moreover, the high-speed diving attack from a high place is the forte of the ME-109 fighter, and most of them will not miss.

The German fighter pilot, who had already aimed at the opponent with his own sight, had already pressed his hand on the fire switch, ready to use a series of powerful attacks, and suddenly greeted the opponent's pilot.

He wanted to surprise the other party with a stormy fire to tell the other party that he was coming.

The moment he was about to fire, the German pilot instinctively sensed danger. He quickly made an evasive action, and gave his wingman a prompt: "Roll {these fire!"

The wingman pilot was frightened by this sudden shout, and he also rolled his plane subconsciously and left the original route.

At this moment, in the air in front of him, a tracer bullet suddenly flew face to face, accompanied by the roar of the machine gun.

At the same time as the plane rolled, the wingman was shocked by the oncoming bullet, which made him almost forget the evasive action to recover from the roll.

"My God {we fired at me {we fired at me!" The wingman shouted for help to his leader while doing the maneuvers to avoid strafing.

The other party's tracer bullets followed his plane and drove him out of range until it finally stopped.

The lead pilot was also in a bad situation. The German lead pilot was tumbling while judging in his mind how the other party discovered him.

"That's not a fighter jet, it's an enemy attack aircraft!" After getting rid of the enemy's strafing, the lead pilot also realized his sloppiness.

The opponent can fire in the rear, obviously an attack aircraft similar to the Stuka that the Luftwaffe itself has equipped.

Only two pilots, and one dedicated to manipulating the rearward machine guns, would have been able to detect an attack that was diving directly above.

"The opponent's rear has a machine gun for cover, and do evasive action! Approach from the side and cover me!" Dodging the opponent's sudden attack, the initiative seems to have returned to the German pilot.

After simply arranging tactics, the German pilots resumed the attack. This time they avoided a dangerous tail attack, approaching from the safer side.

The two Soviet planes also seemed to realize the danger and began to accelerate slightly, twisting their flight paths to avoid the German fighters following.

"They are going to have our supply base in Minsk!" While firing at the right angle, the leader of the German fighter jets judged the opponent's purpose.

Obviously, the two Soviet fighter jets that were not fighter jets flying towards Minsk must have important attack missions.

And the only thing worth attacking with the latest Soviet aircraft is the temporary train station that has just been built.

"How did they know the location of our train station?" The wingman asked suspiciously as he followed behind the lead plane.

"When we shoot them down, you can go down and ask...shut up!" After the captain replied with dissatisfaction, he closed his mouth.

He didn't want to be shot down by an enemy plane that wasn't a fighter just because he was distracted - that would be a shame, and the entire aviation division might remember the name.

Two German fighter jets were chasing two Soviet attack planes one after the other. The Soviet planes were constantly changing their flight trajectories, and the two German planes at the side and rear were The planes on both sides were not stopping The purpose of the Soviet aircraft was to avoid flying in a straight line with the German fighter jets, but the purpose of the German fighter jets was just the opposite.

Occasionally, the self-defense machine guns on Soviet attack planes would fire tongues of fire, and bullets would fly head-on at the German fighters, forcing them to evade.

The feeling of the bullets coming in the face made the wingman pilot complain: he was almost scared to death by those shining tracer bullets...

"Tud tuk; tug!" The German captain pressed his weapon switch the next time the routes of the two sides crossed.

With the vibration of the machine gun, the plane also trembled slightly. He knew his weapon was firing, because in the scope, tracer bullets streaked white light and flew towards the enemy's aircraft.

"I hit him! I hit him!" the lead pilot shouted loudly over the radio, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

He saw with his own eyes that the bullet clearly flew towards the Soviet plane and disappeared in the fuselage of the other plane.

For a long time, he hadn't found a decent air battle on the Eastern Front, and now it's really enjoyable for him to have such a hearty battle.

The other side's plane did not emit thick smoke, and the parts hit by the 7.92mm caliber machine gun did not seem to be affected at all.

Seeing this result, the lead pilot closed his mouth depressed. He knew that his attack just now didn't work, and the structure of the enemy plane was not damaged.

This is definitely a solid aircraft...the German pilot thought to himself. As he thought, he reminded his wingman: "Machine guns don't work against them; machine guns attack!"

"The wingman understands!" The wingman pilot answered loudly when he heard the prompt of his captain.

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