Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and thirty-four they are so many

Compared with Karius' tank, Wittmann's newly acquired Panther tank on the Eastern Front has many details improved.

For example, when he sticks his head out to command his tank, he is much safer than Karjus.

His rear was covered by an open hatch, while his front was shielded by the commander's machine gun, providing the necessary protection.

Although this shield somewhat blocked the view, Wittmann could make up for the lack of vision by adjusting the orientation of the machine gun.

And in the face of enemy infantry approaching, it is obvious that the machine gun in Wittmann's hand responds faster than retracting the tank to find the grenade.

Through the gap in the shield, Wittmann saw the real Soviet soldiers for the first time-he saw too many Soviet prisoners on the road before, but they were really not soldiers anymore.

The captives were crowded together in ragged clothes and without fighting spirit. If those can be called soldiers, then the German grenadiers can be called gods of war.

In the gap, the Soviet soldier in the trench was pointing in his direction, and soon countless bullets flew over and hit every corner of the tank.

Getting close to a tank is very dangerous in a war environment, as the enemy will use a variety of weapons to fire on the tank from all directions.

Even with a single rifle in hand, the soldiers poured their ammunition into enemy tanks in the distance out of fear.

The bullet hits the armor of the tank, but it will not be embedded in it. It sputters away, bounces and refracts at an angle to the perimeter.

In the process, anything that is not so hard that stops the bullet from flying can be pierced - such as the head or the chest.

Therefore, being inexperienced on the sides of a tank is actually a suicide-like act of courting death.

Wittmann once again felt the hail of bullets, and the firepower on the opposite side was quite powerful. Countless bullets hit the steel plate in front of him, leaving various shallow pits on it.

Obviously, the thickness of the steel plate in front of him was not enough to deflect all incoming bullets without injury.

"Crash!" Weitman pulled the bolt, then began to control the machine gun in front of him, shooting at the opposite target.

"Tutu; Tutu!" The firepower of the MG-42 machine gun lived up to its reputation, and Wittmann realized the horror of this weapon in actual combat.

Tracer rounds are standard equipment for vehicle-mounted weapons, which can help the shooter find a good trajectory, and can also guide the direction of progress or fire.

As the tracer extended forward, a white smoke immediately rose from a machine gun position opposite.

It was baptized by bullets and dust was flying everywhere. Wittmann began to adjust the angle of his weapon slightly, and the bullets from the machine gun swept out in a fan-shaped plane.

One tank was firing, two tanks were firing... When more than a dozen tanks were firing at the front together, the Soviet positions were completely silent.

After all, the suppressing power of machine gun firepower is unbelievable, and there are not many weapons that the Soviet army can shoot against tank firepower.

As the Germans took the initiative, the shells shot by the heavy artillery also fell at this time. There was a continuous explosion of explosions on the Soviet positions, and black smoke rose everywhere.

"Our artillery is late!" Wittmann shouted loudly to his comrades, pressing the communicator on his throat.

"They weren't on time!" Another commander complained: "I always thought that the artillery and the enemy were the same group!"

The battle has just started for ten minutes, and the battle punishment is already chaotic to the extreme. The German soldiers slowly advanced behind the tanks, and there were dead bodies in front of the Soviet positions.

"Go on! I've told them to stop shelling!" The battalion commander's voice came from the earphones, giving everyone a reassurance.

It's not a good thing to be killed by one's own artillery shells. You don't want to wander around the enemy's position when the artillery is exhausted.

"The enemy's anti-tank weapons are about 700 meters away from the enemy's position" Intentional observation! "After a simple distance measurement, Wittmann announced the distance between himself and the enemy.

"Bang!" Sure enough, at this time, an anti-tank artillery opened fire on the Soviet position.

Although many later generations slandered the Soviet Army for relying on human sea tactics in the Great Patriotic War, in fact, the Soviet Army's high-tech weapons and equipment are not small.

Compared with the poor Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War, the Soviet troops were several levels higher in terms of equipment quality and quantity.

It is a pity that the anti-tank guns equipped by the Soviet army at this time are similar to the weapons equipped by Germany in history.

If it weren't for the obstinate opposition of the fake head of state Li Le, 80% of the anti-tank guns that the German army is currently equipped with are the famous 37mm caliber wall door.

The Soviet army is equipped with the M1937 type, 45mm caliber anti-tank gun - the power of this thing is not much better, basically unable to penetrate the German Panther tank.

So, when the opponent fired the first shot, Wittmann saw the cannonball flying to his side.

The shell hit the front armor of a Panther tank on Wittmann's left at once, then bent at an angle and flew into the sky.

At a distance of 700 meters, firing on inclined armor with a thickness of 100 mm, even a larger caliber and more powerful 85 mm caliber artillery may not be able to ensure penetration, let alone a less powerful 45 mm caliber anti-tank gun.

The Soviet anti-tank artillery positions that opened fire exposed themselves at a long distance due to their inexperience, which also reflected the shortcomings of the Soviet army's lack of combat experience at this stage.

Wittmann saw the opponent's position clearly, so he held down his throat communicator and shouted to his gunner: "About 4 degrees in front of Wegener! The enemy's anti-tank gun!"

A second after he gave the order, the heavy turret of the Panther tank began to turn slowly.

Carl Wegner adjusted the angle of his gun, then shouted to Duke in the headset: "Duke! I'm on target!"

As soon as the shouting ended, Wittmann's Panther tank stopped. After the tank stopped shaking, it fired a grenade that had been prepared for a long time.

"Boom!" A white smoke spewed out of the muzzle, and the shells left the muzzle and flew forward. Soon, the grenade hit the target accurately.

In cooperation, the members of the Wittmann crew have long been honed by actual combat. Each of their movements is swift and unusual, as precise as a German-made machine.

"Boom!" The second explosion was a huge explosion from the Soviet anti-tank position, which set off dust, including a part of an anti-tank gun.

"The target is destroyed!" Wittman said to his comrades by pressing the drunken intercom when he saw the artillery parts flying around.

The other Panther tanks were still advancing at a constant speed, and more German soldiers carried their weapons and walked towards the Soviet positions.

They were less than 400 meters away from the enemy trench, and the situation looked quite favorable for them.

"Soviet tank!" In the earphone, a shout suddenly sounded. Wittmann looked at both sides subconsciously, and found that a Soviet tank rushed out of the farmer's field.

"The enemy tank fires!" Wittmann subconsciously gave his order, and then he picked up the binoculars and looked at the approaching Soviet tank.

"Ding!" A bullet hit the machine gun shield in front of him, splashing a dazzling spark.

Wittman shrank his neck subconsciously, it seemed that someone was aiming at his head, but the accuracy was a little off.

Unlike the sniper weapons of the 21st century today, during World War II, the scopes of sniper rifles were all three to five times magnification, and the effective sniper distance was mostly only 300 meters.

To rely on this weapon, through the slender machine gun shield, to kill the German tank commander behind, actually requires great luck.

But in this case, even if Wittmann had the guts, he wouldn't dare to show his head outside to direct the battle.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the eventuality. If someone makes a headshot in a confused, it will really become a joke.

Retracting back into the turret, Wittmann stretched out his arms to close the tank hatch, and shouted to his gunner, Karl Wegener, "fire when you're ready."

"Boom!" Wegner fired a cannonball before his voice landed. The rear end of the artillery recoiled for a while, and then spit out the shell of a shell, which tinkled and fell to his feet.

A strong smell of burning gunpowder filled the air, making Wittman almost cough.

This unpleasant smell may also be another reason why the World War II tank commander is willing to lean out and command the battle.

"Hit the target? The target destroyed is a T-26 tank, not the threatening T-34!" After destroying the target, the gunner Wegner said loudly.

The distance between the two sides was at least 500 meters, and the position of the Soviet tank was before and after the second Soviet line of defense.

At this distance, the hit rate of German tanks is quite high. Moreover, with the power of the 88mm caliber cannon, at this distance, it can be said that there is no pressure to penetrate the T-26 tank.

"Soviet tank army tank!" More shouts echoed in the earphones, and the Soviet army seemed ready to defend the line desperately, because they seemed to put all their forces into it.

With the shouting, the Soviet tanks appeared one after another in the sights of the German tanks.

Most of the Soviet tanks were fast tanks like the T-26, and soon a KV-1 tank appeared in front.

Just in front of such a battle, it has surpassed the British tank troops encountered by the 501st Battalion when they were fighting in the UK.

"Oh my God, there are so many!" Karl Wegener shouted loudly while aiming at a Soviet tank.

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