Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and thirty-five is much scarier

"Isn't it better?" Wittmann used the commander's periscope to observe the Soviet tanks in the distance. This was the first time he felt the bravery of the Soviet tank troops.

Although the tactical garbage is a mess, but they are brave, and the number of them is a headache.

This is really a heart-pounding battle, with soldiers killed in every moment⊥ It seems like the battle of Kursk that was staged in advance, where the Germans and the Soviets fought each other.

Panther tanks were trapped in Soviet trenches and besieged by numerous anti-tank weapons. The German grenadiers rushed forward desperately, but were blocked by the intense Soviet fire.

The Stukas swooped down one after another in the sky, with a fierce howl, destroying the eardrums and hearts of every Soviet soldier.

Shot from heavy artillery, the whistling shells exploded around, tearing at the bodies of those who were dead or still alive.

Wittmann participated in the battle on the Eastern Front for the first time, and what was presented to him was an unprecedented positional breakthrough operation.

And the sequence they attacked, called Krupki, was almost a little-known place before the battle.

But now, it is no longer unknown, and it has become the site of the first **** battle on the Soviet-German battlefield.

Wittmann saw his tank in the periscope, and used a powerful armor-piercing projectile to kill a KV-1 tank that was speeding up.

The Soviet tank exploded so violently that even the turret blew out far away, and the entire body was distorted.

In Britain, he was not at all worried that the enemy tanks would pose a threat to him, and even if the enemy had more tanks, they would retreat after losing a few.

But the Soviet troops on the Eastern Front were different at all. They charged without fear of death, desperately approached the German tanks, and fired at a terrifying distance.

Hundreds of meters away, a Soviet T-26 tank fired at Wittmann's car. The shell hit the turret of the Wittmann tank, making a loud noise like muffled thunder.

"My God! We were hit!" Feeling the vibration of the car body and the sound that could be heard clearly even with headphones, Ehoff, the mechanician, screamed loudly.

"The caliber of the shell is not big!" Wittmann comforted his subordinate, the feeling of being hit made his face not very good-looking.

At this time, the artillery commander Karl Wegener had no intention of caring about his tank, whether it was hit by the enemy's artillery shells.

He's really busy right now, busy, busy - there are too many targets in his sights.

The Soviet tanks were densely packed one by one, desperately approaching the firing German tanks.

"Damn it {there are too many people *reverse the car after the fire!" Pressing the intercom, Wittman rationally gave the order to reverse the car.

Keeping a relatively safe distance from those opponents with large artillery caliber is what he most wants to do now.

After all, at a distance of about 800 meters, the 88mm caliber cannon equipped on his Leopard tank can also eliminate most targets.

"Boom!" Wittmann's car opened fire again, and the shells spewed out and flew to the distant target.

In just an instant, the shell hit an advancing Soviet tank and stopped the tank from moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, the hit Soviet tank emitted a cloud of blue smoke, and then the whole exploded, turning into a pile of scrap metal.

"Boom...boom..." Wittmann's tank moved in the next second, the tracks rolled back, and the entire body began to move backwards.

At this moment, a cannonball hit Wittmann's tank turret with great force, making a louder sound than before.

"Bang!" It was as if a giant was hitting the hull of the Panther tank with a hammer, and the loud noise made everyone in the car nervous.

"Damn it's not a 37mm gun, it's a bigger shell!" Wittmann's car was beaten by a 37mm anti-tank gun when he was in the UK, so William remembers that feeling of pain and itch.

But this time was different. The percussion and vibration of the opponent's shells clearly made people feel dangerous.

Wittmann knew that the gun just now was definitely not a 45mm caliber tank gun, but a larger caliber weapon equipped by the Soviet Army.

For example, the KV-1 and the 76.2mm tank gun on the T-34 tank!

Able to overcome obstacles on the battlefield, Wittmann does not rely only on mindless recklessness. He sensed danger, which meant they were really in danger.

"Accelerating and reversing are locking us!" Wittmann realized that his radio had been silent for a long time, and he might have really lost contact.

And the loss of contact means that he may have missed many important orders. Exactly where the friendly tanks are located is very important to him.

In fact, his guess was right. The surrounding Panther tanks had already started to retreat because of the Soviet charge.

But Wittmann's tank stayed in place, bombarding the opposite Soviet tanks one by one...

In the process, the other side will of course discover such a "tenacious" German tank. Naturally, most of the Soviet tanks aimed their artillery at this fierce enemy.

In fact, there is no reason, but the tank is closer to them.

The long and reliable communication antenna on the Panther tank was discounted by artillery shells by accident in the fierce battle...

Moreover, it was interrupted from the root into two parts at once, which seriously affected the communication quality.

"Ehoff! Adjust the communication! I can't hear the order and friendly information!" Wittmann, who realized that something was wrong, ordered his companions loudly.

His Panther tank was also using the fastest speed to back up and try to distance itself from the Soviet tank.

In the process, another 45mm shell hit Wittmann's tank again.

In the hail of bullets, this Panther tank is like an ancient knight with heavy armor and heavy armor, and there seems to be nothing to stop it from moving.

"Cover him and protect him!" The comrades who found the problem were also trying to save Wittmann. The German tanks started to stop and fire, suppressing the Soviet tanks.

"This is much more scary than the British war!" Wittman's mind suddenly filled with such an emotion. As he sighed, more bullets and shells flew towards the tank where he was.

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