Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and seventy-seven frightened 1 trembling

"The situation is not good for us... the Germans are more street-fighting than we are," an officer reported to Budyonny in the basement.

During the two consecutive days of street fighting, the Germans were stronger than the Soviets imagined. They were very familiar with street fighting and their tactics were very effective.

For example, the German shelling was much more accurate than the previous shelling. The artillery often visited the area where the Soviet troops were preparing to counterattack, resulting in the loss of many Soviet troops.

What makes Budyonny even more desperate is that there are about 200,000 troops near Smolensk, and almost 10,000 have now been consumed.

Countless people are killed every hour, and countless civilians are killed. In this case, his resistance is really very passive, and he can't bear the loss at all.

According to the plan, he was going to stay in Smolensk for 3 months or even half a year.

But now, at this rate of loss, he can't even support this week and is about to be defeated.

This time, he had no way out, and could only follow the city of Smolensk to its demise.

He even thought of Timoshenge who was destroyed along with Brest, so he was in a very irritable mood now.

"They have some people who are specially responsible for guiding the artillery... and they are not using radios or ordinary communication equipment... This makes their reaction speed much faster." Another officer said helplessly.

The improvement of the German army is obvious to all. They are not static in the battle, but are making rapid progress.

Not to mention the composition of German tanks, they are gradually moving closer to the Panther tanks. The No. 3 and No. 4 tanks are already on the verge of being eliminated. They are just infantry weapons, and the German troops are already being updated.

Not to mention the STG-44 assault rifle that made Soviet soldiers coveted, the recently appeared G43 rifle is also a good thing to increase the firepower of infantry.

Not to mention the heavy firepower of the bazooka and the world-famous MG-42 machine gun in the hands of Germany.

On the artillery that originally made the Soviets proud, the organ rocket launcher launched by Germany also gave the Soviets a real experience of what the rain of steel is.

Although correspondingly, the Soviets are also making their own various new weapons, but when facing the Germans, they always have a sense of powerlessness that is one step behind the other.

"Boom! Boom!" The sound of German artillery shells exploding came from outside the basement. Smolensk was already crumbling, and everyone in the encirclement was desperate to the brink of collapse.

"Comrade Stalin has ordered us to hold on to the last person..." Budyonny looked at his subordinates and commanded: "This order must be carried out and fight for the motherland to the last moment!"

Anyone who fights to the last moment will shout this slogan, but how many people dare or can fight to the last moment in the face of the extreme advantage of the German army?

With his rifle on his back, Chris walked cautiously up a flight of stairs in the ruins. It looks like it's going to collapse, but it's an excellent viewing position.

Only half of the second floor of the building remains, mottled with bullet holes. From above, you can see many places around, and the field of vision is still very wide.

Although the three of them walked very carefully, there was still a little noise. The sound of gunfire nearby was sparse, and the sound echoed in his heart, making Chris shudder.

"There are no Russians nearby... Keep up!" Father Buck walked at the forefront, holding his sniper rifle, and reminded softly with his head turned sideways.

Even so, he deliberately lowered his voice. The three walked to the second floor step by step, and stopped at a window with only half of the window frame left.

Papa Buck pointed to a hidden window in the distance and motioned for Chris to go there to carry out the security mission.

When Chris got into action, he looked back at Cyric, who was adjusting the radio's antenna.

Cyric skillfully adjusted the antenna of his walkie-talkie, plugged in the battery, put his hand on the device switch, and nodded to his father.

Dad Buck took another look at Chris and found that the latter was ready to snipe, so he picked up the telescope, showing only a little bit of his body, leaning on the edge of the window sill to observe the movement of the enemy in the distance.

There is a square dominated by the Soviets, and it is full of ruins. There are also wrecked and abandoned cars, and corpses scattered everywhere.

Through the binoculars, Papa Buck saw that the Soviet soldiers were deploying their defensive positions around the square.

Some are stacking sandbags, others are distributing weapons to civilians. The personnel are not dense, and it is obvious that the precise artillery bombardment of the German army has also made the Soviets cautious.

"Coordinates scattered...covered shooting...marking Square 2!" Daddy Buck whispered to Cyric behind him after putting down the telescope.

"Covered shooting... 15 rounds of barrage... Square 2." Turning on the switch, Cyric reported a familiar number to the microphone of the communicator.

"Shh!" In the corner, Chris suddenly gave a slight reminder, and the two people who were checking the coordinates immediately stopped and closed their mouths.

"Чтоможнопоестьночью?" Suddenly, a voice came from below, causing the three people upstairs to hold their breath.

The enemy was so close to the three of them, that it was one floor away from where the three of them were.

"Нет, всеготово." It was still a series of Soviet dialogues, which few people could not understand, but they could hear them very clearly.

Then came the more coherent dialogue and the sound of sorting weapons. Dad Buck didn't speak, he reached out his hand slowly, and turned off the walkie-talkie switch on Cyric's hand with a click.

The conversation downstairs still hasn't stopped, and the other party doesn't seem to plan to leave immediately.

The three people upstairs could only wait, making eye contact with each other, wondering where these Soviet soldiers came from.

Cyric picked up his STG-44 assault rifle and slowly pulled the bolt to load the bullet.

They didn't have much ammo in their hands, Cyric had four magazines and only two grenades each.

At this time, I don't know how many people are downstairs. If there are more than a dozen people, then they may not be able to solve it.

After all, two of them are snipers, and firing at close range will inevitably cause damage. Once the gunshots were heard by the larger enemy forces around, the problem was obviously serious.

"Boom!" On the square in the distance, the first German artillery shell fell, terrifying the three hiding people upstairs...

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