Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and seventy-eighth battle of the small building

The sudden drop of a cannonball startled the German trio who had forgotten to call for artillery fire. . fastest update

The shells fell one by one, causing dust to rise up in the entire square in the distance.

With the explosion of the shells in the distance, the three people upstairs finally had their own movements.

Chris quickly got up from the hidden place and came to the stairs with his rifle.

And Father Buck also helped Chris block the stairs with his own weapon, and got ready for battle.

With his walkie-talkie on his back, Antenna Cyric picked up his weapon again, took a grenade from his tactical vest, and got ready to throw it.

If they didn't take advantage of this round of shelling to clean up the Soviet troops downstairs, they probably wouldn't have a second chance to struggle.

The three looked at each other, then nodded, and formed a tactical formation at the entrance of the stairs, blocking the way up.

Cyric, who was at the front of the stairs, pulled out the fuse on the grenade and threw the grenade down the stairs to the first floor as soon as he let go.

The grenade rolled down the stairs because of the delayed fuse. They all knew in their hearts that after the explosion, it is very likely that the entire staircase would collapse.

After all, this is a dangerous building that has been destroyed in half, and any explosion may destroy the load-bearing structure here, resulting in a series of collapses.

But if you don't use grenades, it's definitely not an easy task to kill those Soviet soldiers downstairs.

Therefore, at the risk of their lives, they also need grenades to open the situation, betting on a staircase and the result of the building structure not collapsing.

"Boom!" Amidst the sound of explosions in the distance, the building on this side was also blown away by the grenade.

The shock wave swayed in the building, and the shrapnel flew to destroy the sky and the earth. The three German soldiers squinted their eyes and rushed down the stairs with their weapons in hand.

Chris with a g43 rifle took the lead. He was the first to rush down the stairs, followed by Daddy Buck, while Cyric, with an stg-44 assault rifle, walked last.

"!" Seeing a figure in the rolling dust, Chris pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullet shuttled into the smoke and dust, and then there was a scream. The Soviets obviously haven't come to their senses, they think a shell hit where they are.

The chaos continued, and as another Soviet soldier struggled to his feet, Chris had a gun to his forehead.

"!" Before the other party could shout, the bullet pierced through the other party's head. The other party opened his eyes and fell down slowly unwillingly.

"Don't shoot!" The Soviets over there thought they were in chaos and shot randomly, and someone shouted loudly.

But apparently the shooter didn't intend to stop, so Dad pulled his trigger to the screaming voice.

"!" Two shots were fired at the same time, and Chris and Buck opened fire together, hitting the Soviet soldiers in the distance at the same time.

There were more people in the room than they thought, about seventeen or eighteen. Although a lot of people were killed by the grenade, there were also a lot of people alive.

If it was before, Chris was holding a bolt-action Mauser 98k sniper rifle, he may only be able to fire one bullet by now.

But he was holding a semi-automatic g43 rifle in his hand, so the shooting speed was obviously higher.

With a higher rate of fire, naturally there is the capital to deal with more enemies. Before the more powerful stg-44 assault rifles behind them could fire, they were almost in control.

This is good news for Chris and Buck who are walking in the front, because they are more likely to be suppressed by the other side.

"Wow!" The two of them walked in front, but there was a loud noise from behind. More dust surged up all at once, forcing everyone to cover their eyes.

The staircase still collapsed. After being baptized by various disasters, it finally collapsed overwhelmed, and collapsed together with poor Cyric.

"Damn it!" Dad Buck covered his eyes. He could hear that the stairs had collapsed. He also knew that Cyric was still up there, so he complained loudly.

More dust made it difficult to aim and continue to fire. The Soviet side didn't seem to understand what was going on, and it didn't mean to shoot indiscriminately.

Because there are more people in the room, indiscriminate firing will largely hit and injure their comrades.

However, Father Buck's complaint still made several Soviet soldiers in the room hear the genuine German words, and they realized that it was not the attack of artillery shells or the random firing of their own people.

"Germans! Germans!" the Soviet soldiers shouted frantically, reminding their companions that a group of uninvited guests appeared in the house.

Dad also realized that his curse just now reminded the Soviets, and it was too late to be annoyed.

"!" Facing the shouting voice, Chris and Buck each fired another shot. I don't know if it hit or not, because of the dust rolling, no one can really aim.

Without any hesitation, Chris relied on his weapon to have more firepower and fired consistently.

He shot after shot, pouring the remaining bullets in the magazine in one breath in the direction of the call just now, then narrowed his eyes and touched the magazine bag on his waist.

He is not very proficient in the structure of the g43 rifle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com so he could only fumble to change his own magazine.

But fortunately there was plenty of time, and the other party still didn't shoot.

However, it was not difficult for these Soviet soldiers to take advantage of the lack of sight and fumble into a corner to wait for the sight to be restored.

Now they should have been leaning against the wall, carefully observing the smoke-filled place, ready to fire at the enemy they saw.

As for how many enemies were left, and what happened to Cyric lying in the collapsed staircase, neither Chris nor Buck knew yet.

The situation seemed to be getting worse for them, and if they couldn't clean up the room as soon as possible, death would await them.

The sound of the cannon in the distance is coming to an end, and the cover of the sound is about to disappear completely. If the Soviet troops around the square heard the sound of fighting here, they would come like a tide.

Chris stuffed a new magazine into the rifle, and in the dim fog and dust, touched a position near the wall.

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