Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-six hard choices

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Elizabeth can be said to be one of the more powerful queens in the UK. Even if she has no contribution, she is also the most famous "extremely long standby queen" in history.

The queen still persisted in this world until 2017, and she died of Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, and even Khrushchev... In the end, even the undead Castro died, and she is still there.

Her Majesty is now sitting behind a table, staring at the crude food in front of her in a daze.

He was in India and got the news that Singapore was occupied by the Japanese... This is not good news for her.

The Japanese army has almost occupied all the British strongholds in Asia, including Hong Kong, including Singapore, including Myanmar...

These places were all loyal to her before, but now they have become enemy-occupied areas!

The worst thing is that it was not Germany that occupied them, but another country, Japan! A country that the British Empire has always supported and even condoned!

In order to cause trouble for the United States in the Pacific and to destabilize Asia, Britain has been secretly supporting Japan.

It provided a loan to Japan before the Sino-Japanese War, so that Japan could persist until the decisive battle with the Qing Dynasty. Without the British loan, Japan would have no money to fight a Sino-Japanese naval battle.

Of course, Germany lent money to Japan to win the Russo-Japanese War, and the blame for it was the idiot Wilhelm II, the bearer, at that time, he broke the foreign policy that Besmarck left him, basically playing the same way hooliganism.

As a result, Germany's good cards before the First World War turned into a bad ending like the First World War.

If the United States hadn't let Germany go at a critical moment, Germany wouldn't even have a chance to fight World War II.

The United Kingdom, before the Sino-Japanese War, not only helped Japan, but also sided with Japan in the Russo-Japanese War.

Before the Sino-Japanese War, China's plan to raise funds to buy cruisers from South American countries was also sabotaged because of Japan and the United Kingdom's interference.

It is such a small Japanese servant who has been developing under the wings of the British Empire, and he has turned over so brazenly to become the hegemon of Great East Asia...

The most terrible thing is that now this new overlord not only covets the big cake of China, but also punches the kindergartens in the United States and kicks the nursing homes in the United Kingdom!

"Our situation is very passive now. Although 400,000 Indian soldiers are armed, they are becoming more and more uncontrollable now." Mountbatten looked at Her Royal Highness, who was worried, and said with difficulty.

Because they are far away from the mainland, their control over India is gradually weakening. This can be clearly felt from the fact that more and more soldiers are recruited locally in India, and the armed forces are getting better and better.

Today India has at least 700,000 troops scattered in Iraq and Iran, as well as in India and Myanmar.

So many soldiers, relying on less than 100,000 British soldiers to govern and control, are already very powerless.

Not to mention, asking them to fight and persevere on increasingly brutal battlefields.

The current status of the Australian Expeditionary Force is also very embarrassing. After all, the Japanese army is also threatening the mainland of Australia. These Australian troops transported to India are half-hearted. It is a matter of course.

"General Montgomery's defense line in the northwest can no longer be deployed. If the Germans attack, they will collapse soon." Mountbatten was even reluctant to mention the northwest battlefield.

Although there are about 300,000 British troops in Iraq and Iran, these troops have low combat effectiveness and cannot stop the German attack at all.

Once Rommel has the supplies to cross the desert, he will see a British and Indian garrison that has almost no combat effectiveness.

Most of these troops have only light weapons, with very little artillery and limited ammunition. They can only abandon Iraq and retreat to India...

However, Iraq is a place that the British government in exile cannot give up! There are oil resources there, which is the fundamental reason why India can barely support it now.

In other words, as soon as the German army attacks, the government-in-exile on the Indian side will have to figure out how to run away.

Not to mention struggling, they don't even have basic defensive capabilities. The only advantage is that the advantage of the terrain makes it difficult for the Germans to organize an attack for a while.

Moreover, not only was Rommel ill, but the main direction of the German army's attack was also placed in Moscow. The upper echelons were very interested in developing Saudi Arabia, but they were cautious about attacking Iraq.

"The good news is, whether in the direction of Iraq or in the direction of Myanmar, we can hold out until August." Mountbatten gave a very reliable timetable.

On the one hand, the German war in Moscow will not end abruptly before September, so Iraq is absolutely safe until On the other hand, the Japanese did not dare to attack Burma in the rain, so The defense lines near Myanmar are also very secure.

Now, all the British government in exile can do is to wait and see what happens, and wait for a day to make a choice.

"Can we just wait? General Mountbatten." Queen Elizabeth asked without eating the food in front of her.

After several months of study and observation, she has figured out some ways of the current situation. She is not a political novice. She has been immersed in her eyes and ears for more than ten years, and she is very sensitive to politics.

"Yes, Your Highness! We can only wait and wait for the result to come out." Mountbatten admired the princess, nodded and replied.

Of course, he knew that it was not easy for the little girl in front of him to be able to use his young shoulders to provoke the government-in-exile.

"If Germany takes the lead in capturing Moscow, then we should negotiate with Germany to end the current confrontation." Elizabeth looked at Mountbatten and said equally sternly.

The generals who ran away included Montgomery and Auchinleck, Phillips and Mountbatten, plus her, the Queen Elizabeth, who would have to give up power by then.

It is already the best destination for them to return to the UK safely and become a wealthy family, which is also equivalent to putting an end to their political careers.

But they don't have any better options. If they don't surrender to Germany, they can only consider surrendering to Japan...

But instead of surrendering to Japan and then serving as cannon fodder between Japan and Germany, it seemed wiser for the British government in exile to return to the motherland.

"The United States is very afraid that we will fall to Germany, so the support has increased recently. Unfortunately, they are a little far away, so the supplies are not so timely..." Mountbatten said depressedly. (Imperial Overlord)

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