Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-seven watch the changes

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"This is really an unpleasant day." Elizabeth complained gloomily, and then looked at the food in front of her, she lost her appetite at all.

She was not a fussy princess and was even willing to serve in the war. But her mood has been very depressed recently, which affects her appetite.

"How is the situation in Saudi Arabia? Can we take some... Forget it, maybe it's a good choice not to provoke the Germans at this time." She wanted to ask if she could take some action.

After the news broke that Germany had discovered Saudi oil, the British government in exile was thinking about whether to cause some trouble for the Germans.

The most direct way is to send navies to attack coastal areas when the Germans are building oil fields in the Persian Gulf.

To be honest, although the oil fields in the Middle East are rich, their defense against threats from the sea is almost zero.

Saudi Arabia's oil-producing areas are just off the coast of the Persian Gulf, and ordinary naval guns can cover almost everything.

The British government in exile has two battleships. As long as they drive over to open fire in the dark, and leave quickly when it is almost dawn, it will cause incalculable losses.

General Phillips, now the commander-in-chief of the British government in exile, has drawn up a detailed attack plan that will destroy all existing Axis investments in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, this formulated battle plan was rejected by Mountbatten from the very beginning.

"Your concern is necessary. Now we'd better not provoke Germany." Mountbatten nodded and explained, "I'm afraid that the Germans will make wrong judgments."

If the Germans were distracted by attacks in the Middle East, their good days would come to an end if the British government-in-exile made any deal with Japan.

At that time, once Germany made some compromises and Japan got what it wanted, the British government in exile had no way out.

Even if Germany may be defeated by the Soviet Union in the future, and even if Japan may be counter-killed by the United States in the future, there is no such thing as the British government in exile.

Because long before the day of the defeat of Germany and Japan, India will be divided between the two countries and completely conquered...

Montgomery called again and again, hoping that the Navy and Air Force would not stimulate Rommel's army and do not carry out any harassment work.

In fact, the Air Force, the British government in exile has no decent harassment plan at all. After all, they had too few planes to fight on two fronts.

Just the increasing number of Japanese aircraft in Myanmar has already caused a headache for India, not to mention the difficult Luftwaffe.

The navy still has a bit of a family that has defected, and the aircraft carrier Athletics God, which was originally in India.

But the Air Force really doesn't have many planes. India can't produce planes. It can only receive p-40s and some other junk from the United States.

Relying on such an air force, it is already difficult to maintain one's own air supremacy. Who would go to the trouble of finding another powerful enemy?

"The domestic news is also very bad. This guy Attlee has begun to move the team left by Prime Minister Churchill... This is not a good phenomenon." Although Mountbatten was a general, he had a political vision as a governor.

A series of recent changes in the UK have been sent to India intentionally or unintentionally, which gives him a basis for judging the situation.

"It seems that the pressure from the Germans has played a role, and there are already many voices of capitulationists in the country." Mountbatten vaguely put forward his own views.

Elizabeth nodded and said, "His Majesty the King can't do anything at this time. In order to ensure the country, he will choose to compromise... Things are a bit difficult."

Before, they had known that Britain was producing shells for Germany. If the cooperation between the two sides is further deepened, the strength of Germany will be strengthened like never before.

If the British local industry is used by Germany, and the accumulation of a hundred years of sailing experience also becomes the experience of the Germans, then the sea is no longer a barrier, but a smooth road for the Germans.

"What I care about most is to help the Germans train the navy..." Mountbatten said his concerns after a slight pause.

"Once the Germans have more sailors, they can use the warships that our country handed over to them to fight ... hundreds of warships, at least a third of them will be transferred to the Indian Ocean to fight with us," Mountbatten said. The worst result.

The legacy of the British navy has not yet been inherited by Germany. If Germany completes the handover, the weakness of the German navy will be a thing of the past.

"Germany, which has control of the Mediterranean Sea, will immediately enter the Indian Ocean, and we will be completely Elizabeth understands at one point and says.

"It now seems that maybe we shouldn't bet on both sides at the time... The Germans obviously have a better chance of winning. If we don't make trouble, maybe the UK can keep the second place in the world in the future." She felt aggrieved and felt that her efforts were all over the place. became a bubble.

Mountbatten is not in a good mood either, which is why he has been low in the past month: he is increasingly losing hope of victory, and his future is nothing more than choosing a subject to surrender between Japan and Germany.

"Send a secret cable to the country and ask your father... Activate 'Avalon'. Attlee's side is no longer trustworthy." Elizabeth had an idea and seemed to think of a way to crack it.

Avalon was a separate communication channel for the royal family when she ran away, a radio station that no one knew about.

The role of leaving this station is to deal with this situation of not knowing who to trust. The use of Avalon at this moment also proves that Elizabeth has no good way.

"Send a secret telegram to His Majesty the King. If I have to, I decide to take a risk and not surrender to Germany, but to the British Empire!" Elizabeth planned to use a diplomatic detour to push the problem back to Germany.

Instead of negotiating terms with Germany, she went to negotiate terms with the British Empire! Unless Germany does not recognize this peace and obstructs the unification of the British Empire, they can only offer some amendments in a side-by-side manner.

In this way, India, a British colony, is still a British colony, not a "German-occupied area"! As far as the results go, it doesn't seem to be bad.

"Yeah! Kick the ball to Germany! This is a great way!" An admiring glance at Elizabeth, Mountbatten nodded and sighed: "In this way, we can be more calm and wait until September. !" (Imperial Overlord)

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