Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and ninety-six gymnasium

Inside the ruins of Moscow, the German offensive began again. Inside the ruins, the German soldiers held their own weapons and launched a fierce competition with the Soviet soldiers.

Manstein did not let go of a not-so-gigantic protrusion shot by the Soviet army. He ordered his elite troops to start a counterattack, outflanking from both flanks and encircling about 1,000 Soviet soldiers.

The battle lasted all day and night, and it was not until the next morning that the sound of gunfire ceased.

More than 1,000 Soviet soldiers were encircled and wiped out, and the Soviets gave up their plan to continue attacking this area.

In the eyes of the Germans, at the cost of more than 200 soldiers, it was not a loss to regain some positions and annihilate 1,000 Soviet troops.

But in the eyes of the Soviet Union, they had already defeated the Belarusian troops before, so it was not a failure.

Both sides feel that the loss of this battle is within their tolerance, so they have no desire to continue to entangle.

Now, the Germans have launched a new offensive, with the aim of capturing all of Moscow's urban districts west of the Moskva River before the fall.

The attacking German soldiers were attacking along a river, and they had the cover of No. 3 assault guns on the beach, so the speed of advance was quite fast.

The Xietong River is a tributary of the Moscow River. Near this tributary, there is a large area of ​​residential areas. It has become an important battlefield, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.

Kuntsevo Church is a key area of ​​competition between the two sides. This church has been turned into ruins in the competition between the two sides.

However, the ruins are ruins, but this is a commanding height nearby, and the foundation of the ruins is still there, so the soldiers can still set up defenses in the ruins.

So the battle is still going on, and the two sides have invested a lot of troops here to compete for the area near the church.

To the south of Kuntsevo Church is Kuntsevo Cemetery. This cemetery is quite huge, where many Russian celebrities are buried, as well as many civilians in the city of Moscow.

Now, this has become the main battlefield of the war between the two sides. Every tombstone has mottled bullet holes, and every cemetery is filled with new dead people.

The Soviet army killed almost 3,000 people here. In order to prevent the German army from occupying this cemetery, and using this cemetery, they attacked the Moscow No. 1 Hospital.

On the north side of the Mozaisko road is the famous Sparks Stadium, where the two sides fought fiercely.

The stadium has long since lost its original appearance, and now there are only ruins left, and there are German tanks parked next to the ruins.

Although the German armored forces were reluctant to go deep into the city of Moscow, the task of supporting the infantry had to be done by someone.

In order to provide the necessary fire support for the street fighting infantry, Germany also equipped Manstein's troops with some tanks and assault guns.

With these weapons and equipment, in places where the terrain is slightly open, the German attacking troops can use tanks to effectively reduce their casualties.

"Let the tank troops and the soldiers of the 1st Battalion advance along the Mozaisko road! I need to divide the two ends of the enemy! Cut off the enemy's reinforcement of the Spark Stadium!" A German commander with a steel helmet leaned against the sandbag Behind, carrying a radio, shouting into the microphone.

Beside him, his adjutant was using the artillery mirror to watch the attacking German soldiers in the distance, who crossed the line of fire and ran quickly through the rubble.

"What are the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion doing? They should take that building and threaten the enemy from the side! What are they waiting for? Hell!" The officer complained loudly, glancing at the soldiers struggling under enemy fire road.

Even the most elite troops will not do everything in an orderly manner when faced with a hail of bullets.

Everyone is still confused, but the degree of confusion is relatively smaller. Just when the German officer questioned his subordinates, a loud noise came from the direction of the 2nd Battalion's attack.

A building seemed to have been blasted, and the entire outer wall collapsed. The dust rose and filled the streets, making it impossible to see what was ahead like a smoke bomb.

"The demolition of the 2nd Battalion was successful! They are still advancing! It's just 7 minutes later than expected!" The adjutant shouted loudly to his commander, taking his eyes off the goggles of the battery mirror.

"Arriving 7 minutes late is already a very serious problem! Give the 2nd Battalion a new order and let them speed up the attack!"

The explosion just now made everyone's ears ring at the same time. If you don't shout loudly now, the other party may not be able to hear what you are shouting.

"Where is the location of the 3rd Battalion? Haven't they arrived at the designated location yet?" After finally reducing the dust in front of him, the officer asked into the radio's microphone.

"I don't know! Sir! Radio communication is interrupted! I can't contact the 3rd Battalion! Judging from the time, they should have arrived at the designated location!" The adjutant squinted his eyes and continued to shout.

"Send someone to find it! Find the 3rd Battalion, and report their location! Our regiment's mission is to encircle the Spark Stadium! This mission must be completed!" After the officer shouted, he ignored the adjutant beside him.

Then he released the radio microphone that he had been covering, and said loudly to the microphone: "Hey, hey! I'm the commander of the 1st regiment, our troops are attacking! Yes! Attacking! Overall 7 minutes late! 7 Minutes! Did you hear what I said? Yes! It's 7 minutes!"

Next to the sandbags the officer was leaning On the flat road, a No. 4 H-type long-barreled artillery tank with steel plates attached to its outer armor was slowly moving forward.

Behind this tank, there is a single-barreled 40mm Bofors self-propelled anti-aircraft gun modified on the No. 3 tank chassis.

On the body of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun sat soldiers holding weapons, followed by hundreds of German soldiers carrying various weapons.

They were the 1st Battalion that launched the attack, and the 1st Battalion soldiers supported by armored troops. The No. 4 tank took the lead, and the team passed the German commander's position in a mighty manner.

"The division headquarters said that the 2nd regiment has taken down two buildings north of the railway, and they are trying to cross the railway line to reinforce us." Putting down the radio, the regiment leader of the 1st regiment said to the adjutant.

"We don't need their support! It's a shame!" The adjutant complained in a depressed voice.

"Yeah! If you don't want to be embarrassed, we have to hurry up... and win the Spark Stadium!" The head of the team nodded and said a little depressed.

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