Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and ninety-seven Soviet anti-aircraft guns

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If you don't want to be embarrassed, you have to hurry up, but the casualties of soldiers can't be controlled if you get up quickly. So it was a tangled choice, a painful choice for the German commanders.

The German soldiers who attacked the Spark Stadium encountered a more difficult problem: the Soviet army had several anti-aircraft guns here.

Using anti-aircraft guns to hit tanks was the first tactic invented by the Germans during the Spanish Civil War. It was also forced to experiment when the Soviet tanks were forced to do so.

At that time, the German tanks that participated in the Spanish Civil War were the No. 1 and No. 2 tanks, which were not very good in performance compared to the Soviet T-26 tanks.

So in order to solve the troubles that could not be solved by themselves, the German army used anti-aircraft guns to shoot Soviet tanks in an emergency, and developed this new tactic.

Then, this tactic was invented during the French campaign and the North African campaign, and later became the standard anti-tank tactic of the German air defense forces.

Of course, the German 88mm caliber anti-aircraft gun is indeed a flat-firing weapon, which is very suitable for Soviet tanks.

Subsequently, because the German army's 75mm caliber anti-tank guns began mass production, the Stalker tank destroyers and the Panther tanks were put into the battlefield successively under the insistence of the head of the state, and the anti-tank opportunities for the anti-aircraft gun troops became less and less.

On the contrary, the Soviet Union, the opponent of the German army, began to use anti-aircraft weapons to temporarily guest anti-tank artillery in the case of a serious shortage of anti-tank weapons.

With the passage of time in the war, this situation has become more and more, for example, now, behind the ruins of the Spark Stadium, there are three 94-KM double-barreled anti-aircraft artillery.

This anti-aircraft artillery has a car-mounted version, but here the Soviets installed them in anti-aircraft positions surrounded by sandbags.

Moreover, in order to ensure that German tanks can be shot here, they were also surrounded by thick sandbags, forming a structure similar to barricades.

The Germans who had just approached were caught off guard and experienced the power of the Soviet anti-aircraft guns. A **storm-like blow made the German army quite embarrassed.

"Yes! There is a group of anti-aircraft guns firing! I don't know if there are similar fortresses nearby, but they did fire!" Leaning on a section of ruins, a member of a German sniper team used a walkie-talkie to contact the artillery positions behind .

"The orientation is the coordinates I said just now! A double-mounted anti-aircraft gun! The firepower is quite fierce! Fire quickly!" Several German soldiers were strafed and fell on the charging road, and an armored vehicle covering the German charge burst into flames.

In just a few seconds, the Germans were killed about 10 people. Looking at the burning wreckage of the armored vehicle in the middle of the ruins, everyone was silent.

"Hu! Hu!" After a few minutes, the sound of the shells roaring made everyone shrink their necks involuntarily.

The sound of large-caliber artillery shells piercing the air flew over the Germans and landed on the Soviet positions with a devastating momentum.

"Boom! Boom!" Several explosions sounded in a row, and the dust raised obscured the sky. The power of the 150mm caliber howitzer must not be underestimated, and the Soviet army's position that was arrogant just now disappeared instantly.

"Long live the Third Reich! Charge!" A German commander got up from the hiding crater and loudly encouraged his soldiers to move on.

"Long live the Führer!" About a few dozen German soldiers stood up in the dead empty space just now.

Holding their weapons, they shouted and ran forward, trying to take advantage of the chance that the enemy was dazed by the shells and rush into the opponent's position.

"Tutu! Tutu!" Suddenly, the second Soviet anti-aircraft gun opened fire. It was still a 25mm caliber double-barreled gun, and it still had such fierce firepower.

"Lie down!" Someone shouted loudly, reminding their companions to take cover. Several German soldiers didn't have time to dodge and were torn apart by shells.

That's a 25mm caliber rapid-fire gun. It's not a joke to hit a person. If a cannon hits a person's torso, it will really break the person in two, or shatter them directly.

Those who were directly hit by the shells on their limbs, one arm flew out directly. However, compared to those who were directly beaten into minced meat, they were luckier.

"There's a second gun! Damn it! There's a second gun!" The German company commander, who was lying in the crater, dug his fingers into the soil and roared with hatred.

His soldiers were dying, and his troops were almost wiped out. More than 30 people were killed in one attack, and for the rest of the time it is estimated that his company would have to withdraw from Moscow to rest and wait for new replenishments.

"The coordinates are horizontally shifted by 3...4! There is also a Soviet anti-aircraft gun! There is also an anti-aircraft gun! Fire immediately! Our people are being beaten!" The German sniper team who just reported the coordinates was still busy.

The Soviet army apparently used the anti-aircraft guns in its own hands in a planned way, and was gradually causing trouble for the attacking German army.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" This time the German artillery shells seemed to be filled with resentment, and the number of shells that fell was almost double the previous time.

The Soviet positions seemed to have been plowed by a huge rake, and there was smoke and falling dust everywhere.

The German infantry did not get up to charge this time, because the second round of shells fell again. The retaliation shells were densely packed, and the Soviet positions were devastated.

After the 15th shell fell, everything returned to silence. The Germans charged again, and this time there was no more flak from the Soviet positions.

The Soviet anti-aircraft gun, which had never fired, was simultaneously covered and killed by the artillery fire.

The Soviet defenders here were also vulnerable because their heavy weapons were destroyed by artillery fire. The Germans quickly took control of a ruined vantage point and poured ammunition on the rout Soviet army.

"Report to General Manstein that the advance force has captured the Spark Stadium, and the battle is going well." A division commander said to his chief of staff in the division headquarters near the front line.

"We are not far from Rublev Street. If we can reach there first, we can deploy 150-caliber artillery near Kuntsevo Church." The chief of staff was a little excited when he spoke.

Although the center of Moscow has been shelled countless times, the feeling of shelling with a 150mm caliber gun is definitely different from the feeling of shelling with a 280mm caliber train gun.

Once the Germans started shelling Red Square with 150mm artillery, it meant that they were no more than 19 kilometers away from there.

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