After seeing the man battle against thousands then James again found himself in void. Nothing could be seen or heard. Till he saw a bit of light like going outside from a tunnel.

He ran towards the light and when he reached it the place was flooded with light. So much that he had to close his eyes and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a clear ground.

Nothing else just a plain field, blue sky with bits of clouds. Then he saw the same man he saw before training with the sword.

James was mesmerized watching him train and he even didn't knew that he too started training following his action. Then a sword started to appear in his hands as he continued the training.

After unknown amount of time he got aware of his surroundings once again and saw the sword that appeared. previously now had a sheath on it.

Then he saw many stances of the man and trained them to the best he could handle at his age.

Again he found himself in the same void.

This time James thought, 'the hell with this I want to go back now.' After that he again saw the same light and he thought he should try his luck but this time when he reached it.It bombarded making him cough( Soul Damage) and losing consciousness.

When he came to. he found himself in front of a middle aged man with black hair. black suit and an overcoat of the same colour. He had red eyes which made a contrast with his hair.

" How are you feeling now James. " The man asked.

" I am fine for now at least. " James said as he was confused at where he was and who was this man.

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" This is your mind scape and I am Muramasa.

You are my current wielder and the second master I accepted." Muramasa said while looking emphatic.

"What was that shock before and who was that man. " James asked as he wanted to know how was he injured.

" You went into my memories of being wielded by my first Master and you could not reach as your body or rather soul can't handle seeing that level of fights. You are currently too weak to even wield me properly. Right now you can't even use the basic powers of this sword, of me.

That person that you saw was the first wielder I chose to help after thousands of years of sleep while still on this dimension. He was also called the Hero. But he didn't had the qualities to be my Master though he was very strong according to your standards." Muramasa said.

" Then he must be the hero from 1000 years ago,I was right about that but what is me not able to use mean? " James asked as he thought he could wield the sword because now he is the Master.

" You are too weak. Your body,soul,energy, nothing can handle the stress of using me thus,for now you can only use me as a normal sword." Muramasa confirmed his doubts.

" I would have liked to ask about your first master but it looks like I am not ready enough. " James said.

" Yes master you are too weak to even know about that man" Muramasa said while looking afar.

" You should go back and wake up cause nights gone,morn'in 'ere and your Mama's call wait'in there" Muramasa tried to say in a rap form from an octopus he saw in James previous life memories( A/N: BET IF YOU KNOW A VERY HUGE OCTO POPS WITH RAP PROBLEMS)

After that James found himself covered in darkness once again as he felt something pulling him. he screamed, " Waaaaahhh"

" James get up it's morning and the breakfast is ready" Hisui called for James as she shook him.

" Hmmm" James got up while rubbing his eyes as he thought, ' Huh. wasn't I ???? in the void and I remember that I had Muramasa in my hand before going in my mind scape.' but soon put it in the back of his mind as he greeted his mother got ready and went to eat breakfast with his family.

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