Today was a very big day for the whole Royal Capital. Today is the Royal celebrations for the First Birthday of First Princess. The whole capital was decorated and many people could be seen doing parties or enjoying.

The king threw 2 different parties.One for the citizens living in the Capital. And the other ones for nobles or very rich merchants and this party to be more specific was a ball.

Today's whether was very nice with a cool breeze,blue and a clear sky. We could see that in the villa of Von Vesteria's every butler or maid were busy preparing the Master,Lady,Young Master for the coming ball.

After getting ready Sylvian got downstairs to check whether everyone were ready and found no one except a few servants. So he asked them, "Where are Hisui and James? "

"Hisui-sama went outside to buy something to attach to her dress with Young Master James. " Said the servant.

" Did they tell till when they will come?"Sylvian asked.

" They should be here by n... " Servant was interrupted by the entry of both Hisui and James.

" Darling what are you doing here, shouldn't you be checking the presents right now? " Hisui said with an angered look.

" I was just going to do that and what were both of you doing outside ?" Sylvian asked curiously

" We went to buy this" Hisui said while pulling out a clothing decorative piece. ," I bought this crystal flower for myself whereas you got a decorative chain matching with the flower matching with James's"

After that she took the chain and put it through left shoulder to the breast pocket making his clothing more noble.

After that they took a bit of time for finishing before going to the Royal castle for the ball.

Once they reached the Castle they stopped at the entrance before getting out of their carriages as they went to the Royal Hall which is mostly used for big celebrations.

" James listen carefully, both me and your mother would be busy with greeting other nobles and even you will have to do the same.

Just remember this is the first time for you to meet all the nobles of our country so don't forget to make a good impression.

And if you made a good impression to his Royal highness maybe you will be getting a fiancée." Sylvian said.

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James blushed when he heard his father teasings and then his Mother came for rescue.

" stop teasing him Darling we need to go inside and don't you dare say something that I wouldn't like or comment anything -ve about me." She said while her expression got darker.

" Y-yes honey. " Sylvian could only nod at that.

After that they went through the Royal harder. where James saw many kinds of new species of Flowers or Flora at least for him and after that they reached the Hall.

The gate was very huge and many guards were posted near this entrance. After entering the Hall he felt he went into another world.

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