Adaline ran through the thick fog. This did not affect her vision at all since she relies on her hearing, and also the force of nature guides her.

As the cyclops were waving around the trees like giant fans, Adaline came up behind one of them and used her entire body to knock it out, like a battering ram.

Using the trees to kill cyclops, or even vines isn't good enough. Cyclops have terrifying physical strength that can even bend steel with ease. She might have control over nature, but it was limited, she cannot bring out the true power of nature like the Goddess Lea could. If she could, the cyclops would've been dead long ago.

The cyclop's that was knocked down by Adaline immediately stood up. It had a strong body that couldn't be injured easily.

Adaline saw this and knew that her strength wasn't enough. So, her body glowed a bright blue color, it was her exotic form.

The bright blue color could be faintly seen through the thick fog. The cyclops could see Adaline now.

"ROAR!!" The cyclops charged at Adaline, their shouting and footsteps could be heard, causing the land to shake.

Adaline used her speed and body to ram into one of the cyclops. The same cyclops fell, was heavily injured now, but could still get up. They charged at Adaline, but with the smoke all around them, it was difficult to see her properly.

"Wait, I see a blue light." Jasmine said.


Will saw it too and recognized the blue light. And he immediately ran towards the light. But stopped. The blue light immediately disappeared in a flash. Soon followed by loud fighting noises.

"No, there must be something else I can do." Will tried to think, think what he could use, what he could do with his system powers, but nothing came to mind.

'Wait, I have this!' Will took out the golem core from his storage. But without a golem statue, it's completely useless.

"Dammit!" Will was angry at himself at how useless he was. Had he prepared a golem beforehand, he could take care of the ogres. Had he enchanted his mask with some sort of special vision enchantment that could see through the fog and he could help Adaline. Had he crafted an even more powerful weapon, he could kill the monsters in the beginning.

"Want me to get rid of the fog?" Sandra could see how worried Will was for Adaline.

"Don't! Those cyclops will kill us all if they see us. Impeding their vision was the right thing to do, and we need to keep it that way!" Jasmine added. She's the one with the most experience in dealing with monsters, so she knows what she is saying.

"Wait, I have an idea." Will took a look at his ring that carried all the dragon corpses. A bright idea immediately surfaced in his mind.

"Jasmine, I need you to carry me as you fly. Think you can do that?" Will looked at Jasmine.

"What?" Jasmine didn't understand what he was planning.

"Can you?!" Will raised his voice a bit, he didn't want to waste too much time.

"Yes, I can!"

"Sandra, I need you to make the fog disappear."

"But, Will!" Jasmine said.

"Trust me. It has to work."

Jasmine didn't know what to think. It was madness in her mind.

Sandra, looked at Will, and nodded.

"Okay, I trust you."


"I… if Jack trusts you then fine."

"Adaline!" Will shouted at the fog.

Adaline heard him but did not stop even for a second.

"Round up the cyclops in one spot as best as you can and as long as possible. Use any means necessary. And when I tell you to, be sure to get away from them as fast as possible!"

Adaline didn't know why Will wanted to do that, but she did so anyway.

Using the trees and roots from the ground, she began pulling, pushing, stabbing their eyes, and stalling the cyclops. They might have strength to fight back, but their stamina isn't infinite.

The cyclops started getting desperate and started shooting their laser eyes randomly. Some of them even injured each of them in the process.


Adaline quickly ran away as Will had told her to.

Looking up, they saw not just one dragon, but multiple dragons falling down from the sky, even one dragon that was clearly on the second layer.

Not having enough time to react, and being binded down by Adaline, the cyclops could only wait for their impending doom to come. One of them tried to use his laser to cut through the dragon, but dragons have scales that can resist cyclops lasers. They were all crushed and killed in a second. A puddle of blood sprayed everywhere.

"I… I… I… I." Jasmine, who was carrying Will, was at a clear loss for words.

Above the pile of bodies was Will and Jasmine flying.

"Cannot believe that it worked." Will was smiling behind his mask. This went better than he expected.

'So glad I read the art of war. It has really helped me in many situations. I should write down what I remember from that book before I completely forget.' Will thought.

Will knew that he couldn't win against cyclops using his meager weapons and armor. There was no way, even with Adaline's help, and Jasmine's and Sandra's. At best one of them would die, and he couldn't afford that risk.

But, there was a quote he remembered from the art of war. "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."

For example, he could have just aimlessly charged at the cyclops in the mist to fight them, but didn't Instead he found a way to kill the cyclops without the need of fighting them directly.

It's one of the main reasons he likes Dream's manhunt videos, he relies on his wits and knowledge to win. Unfortunately for Will he died before he could see any more of Dream's manhunts.

Sandra too was at a loss for words. Those frightening monsters were simply crushed by dragon corpses. It was a horrifying and disgusting sight.

Jasmine flew down with Will and dropped him on the ground.

"I never thought that we could use our flying ability, and our magical items in such a way." Jasmine said, very impressed. Most heroes don't use their head to win fights, instead they rely on their god given powers.

But thinking about it, this can't work for every situation. It only worked because Adaline could keep them in one spot, and because Sandra could impede their vision with her smoke ability, and Will could do it because he carried those dragons in his ring, and Jasmine helped him by carrying him above the monsters.

It was only possible due to luck, and perfect coordination.

"Oh god, that smells terrible. Adaline! Great job."

Adaline ran up to Will and he hugged her and patted her so much for a job well done. She returned to her original form.

Will proceeded to collect the bodies of his dragons. The cyclops were entirely crushed, like flies stained on walls.

"Shame, I wanted their eyes to make some more cursed power stations, but those were crushed all well. Oh well." Will bȧrėly managed to salvage anything from the cyclops. Even if he could, he'd probably lack the space to carry it with him.

Will was amazed that his own plan worked. And he didn't need to rely on the system for it.

"How'd you know this would work?" Asked Jasmine.

"I didn't. If it didn't work I thought of running away and killing them one by one somehow."

"Most heroes, from what I've heard, rely on their abilities to overpower monsters. Why didn't you use your ability when you had the chance?"

Will flinched at the question. He had an ability, the crafting system, but it's not an offensive type of ability like Josh's. And he doesn't have the body of a hero, who is blessed with overpowered abilities, from regeneration, speed, strength, heightened reflexes.

Thanks to Sandra, now he knows that he is by far the only hero to have a system, as none of the other heroes even had systems. Although he doesn't know if it was appropriate to call him a hero at this point.

His current armor that he was wearing gave him a set bonus of speed, strength, and defence only. But, according to what he heard from the elves before, his strength is only 10% of that of a hero. It's something, but taking on even a single cyclops will still prove to be difficult alone.

"I am not like the other heroes. Besides, not all heroes are born with powerful abilities." Will responded casually. He isn't going to give her too many details.

Jasmine kind of agreed. She still can't believe that she was talking to a hero, much less is already friends with a hero.

"What do we do now?" Asked Sandra.

"I'm going to check on the villagers." Jasmine ran off to the bunker where the villagers hid.

"Then I'm going home. Want to come?" Will wanted to go back to his base, and just rest for today. He was already tired before he arrived.

"Um…" Sandra didn't know what to say. It's more like she's still in shock, and the fact that Will could act so casually, as if this happens once every week.

"I understand if you don't." Will almost forgot, but he was pretty used to this now, fighting for one's life that is.

If he was in Sandra's shoes, he'd be freaked out by the cyclops, the dragon, fighting, all the deaths. Now he seemed like he was used to it. It could be because he knew he didn't need to fear death since he can respawn. But, losing Adaline, Sandra, is something he doesn't want to happen.

"No I want to, but… I can't leave her here, along with those villagers. And there might be more monsters coming here. And Bruce could arrive any minute." Sandra felt she should be responsible for the people, who had suffered a lot.

"But… no, nevermind." Will wanted to convince her that those people have nothing to do with her, but decided not to say anything.

Before, he would have done the same thing, like helping people, especially those in need. He tried that twice but was always greeted or rewarded with hostile intentions. Because of those experiences he learned that just because people ask for help, doesn't mean that they deserve his help.

Instead of convincing Sandra, it would be much more eye-opening if she were to also see how cruel this world is. She might not experience it today, nor tomorrow, but someday.

"You're not gonna stay then?" Asked Sandra.


"But,,, no, I can't convince you to stay. I have no right." Sandra felt like no matter what she would say Will wouldn't want to lend the people a hand. He had changed so much that she didn't know if this was the same Will that she used to know.

", for you." Will placed a ċhėst in front of her. It carried water and food.

"For you and Jasmine. If you feel like sharing it with others, I don't care, do what you want with it. But, if you encounter monsters like those again, run like hell."

"Thank you."

Will still felt terrible for what he did to Sandra before they were dragged into this world. She suffered as much as she has, and he chased her away instead of being there for her, or being there for each other.

It's something he regrets dearly. But not once has she ever gotten angry with him, cursed him, or anything despite being hurt by him. It was one of the reasons why he decided to hide his identity, because he was too ashamed to face her. And it's why he doesn't attempt to be together with her again, because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be with her.

He doesn't want to stay any longer than he should. He has many important jobs to take care of, his golem, mining, expanding his territory, figuring out all the functions and secrets of his system.

Jasmine came back, looking dejected.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sandra.

"The villagers are still in the bunker. They decided to stay there until more help arrives."

"That's rather smart of them." Will commented.

"I know. But when I asked if we could all stay there for the night, since it was better to stay in the bunkers than outside, their specific words were 'we'll stay inside. As a hero and a sorceress, you should make sure that no other monster comes near here' so, we're stuck out here."

"...what?" Sandra couldn't believe it. They helped them so much, and they cannot even do a simple thing for them?

"Oh wow!" Will was surprised. This happened rather faster than he expected. He thought that Sandra would see this side of people weeks or even months later, it hasn't even been an hour and this happens.

"It happens. They have a family they want to protect, so I guess I understand them. And also I'll get paid a hefty sum for helping the villagers and my family needs it. Sooooo… I'll just… lie down there. Too tired." Jasmine decided to lie on a patch of grass where she couldn't smell the rotten corpses of monsters, or burning material that was caused by a dragon.

The whole field was a bloody battleground. It was also getting darker as the sun was setting.

Will was rather hesitant to leave them alone. He thought they could stay in the bunker, but that wasn't going to happen.

"Will, just go. We'll be fine." Even with the mask on, Sandra could tell how Will was hesitant to leave them.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay then. Let's go Adaline. You know where I live, and we have a way to communicate with each other now."

"Text me!" Sandra said.

"I will!"

Adaline ran off with Will back to their base.

"Wow, he actually left." Jasmine thought that Will was gonna stay.

"It's fine." Sandra just smiled it off and sat down beside Jasmine. Beside them was a ċhėst full of food and water that could last a single person for months. It was mostly made out of fruits, and a bit of cooked meat wrapped around in some lettuce.

"I don't think we've introduced ourselves. I'm Jasmine."

"Sandra Park." Sandra gave her last name because according to this world, heroes are supposed to give out their full name so people can know that they are heroes, since heroes are the only ones allowed in this world to have a last name.

Although Jasmine already knew she was a hero, she had a feeling Jasmine would ask her for her last name.

"I did not think I would meet a newly summoned hero, much less two."

"Make that three." Sandra turned her head around as she heard someone.

Bruce, who has been running non-stop, finally made it to the village. He was all tired and sweaty from running.

"That elf said it'd take me 8 hours to get here, I only took like 3." Bruce could finally catch his breath. By no means is he out of shape, but anybody would be tired if they ran at full speed for 3 hours long.

"Um. Hello?" Jasmine had no idea who that was, but she guessed it was a hero.

"Um… hey. Oh, Sandra. I saw Will and his… creature run away. Is everything okay? What happened to that dragon? Are the villagers okay?"

"Everything is all good. Have a sip of water." Sandra tossed him a water bottle.

"Thanks." Bruce drank the entire bottle in seconds.


Inside the kingdom of Reyes, the king was discussing several important matters with some nobles. It was mostly about their financial crises.

It's common for the kingdom to be poor before the 100 heroes are summoned. They spend so much money on their weapons, and armor. After all, the more heavily geared and protected the heroes are, the more likely they'll live, and the more likely they'll protect the kingdom and its people.

"So, I propose we raise the taxes on these villages." The king was pointing at a huge map on the wall. He took his large sword and circled it all around the map.

"Um, you mean raise the taxes on all the villages?" A noble asked.

"Yes. I do. So far we have only produced 6 magical items in 3 months. This is by far the worst. Back then at least 20 heroes would have gotten magical items, but we only made 6."

"To be fair, my king, we have lost many talented potion makers and blacksmiths on the day of the black sun."

"Unfortunately. But no use in crying over spilled milk. We need new ideas, ideas that will help us make more money." The king said, raising taxes on the villagers wasn't going to be enough.

"We could always add new taxes." A young noble said.

"Hank, you fuċkɨnġ genius!" The king praised the noble for an excellent idea. Instead of just raising already pre-existing taxes, why not add new ones?

"Will this work? Didn't a hero 200 years ago tell the story of how his people, the French I think he said, revolted against their monarchy because they did something like this?" A noble said. He was referring to the French Revolution.

"Yes, but how can they revolt when we're doing this in the name of the heroes."

"Yeah, seems fair. Does that mean we should cut down on our expensive way of living? Like not wasting so much on food or clothes?"

"No! Keep those!" The majority of the nobles immediately shouted in unison.

"Also, king, didn't you say you rewarded the sorceress for finding out that corrupted noble who was helping Taker?"

"I did reward her, I rewarded her the best reward anyone could think of." The king smiled as he was proud of the reward he gave to Jasmine.

"Was it gold? A magical item? A promotion to 5-stripes?"

"No, a letter that expresses the sincerest gratitude for taking down Taker's backer." The king was not kidding, he did only give Jasmine a letter. The Great Sage was the one who gave Jasmine a promotion, and took down Will and Grace's wanted poster.

"I guess… that's good."

"My king! Trouble!" A young maid barged in the door. She was a cute girl, with long brown twintails, and freckles across her cheeks and nose.

"We're having an important meeting, Gissel. This better be good. Wait, you're not pregnant are you?" The king asked, very nervous and scared.

"No. The blacksmith village has been attacked by a dragon!"

"Damn these creatures! Why are they always so bloodthirsty and violent?!"

Not long ago Josh killed 10 dragons who were minding their own business. And also not to mention countless dragons that fell into the past heroes hands.

"Wait, why did you ask if she was pregnant?" A noble asked.

"Un… no reason, no reason at all. Just worried for my employees, that's all. Anyways about those taxes, how about road taxes? We charge taxes to people who use our roads for any reason. And if they don't use those roads, we tax them with a travelling tax."

"That's a very wise move my king, very wise."


Josh was just murdering monsters left and right, also killing some innocent animals who got in his way. Behind him were his companions, just minding their own business and watching him by the side.

"Man, killing those dragons was easy. I wonder if I go further south, I can find more." Josh said confident about taking down dragons.

"Josh, shouldn't we head back to the kingdom? You need the money in order to purchase an elf in a few days' time." Naveah said calmly.

"Yeah, I know. But it wouldn't feel right asking some stranger for money. At least this way, I'll give him some monster parts, and not feel too bad about scamming him." Josh said with a smile.

According to him, main characters should scam others, especially side characters in order to purchase an elf, who could be a potential member in his harem.

Naveah was waiting for a response from the black tower. She asked them to find out who was the one who issued that dragon job, the one that made them rich for a while. It'd take some time, but not too long since this was a request from a hero.


3 heroes were walking around the forest.

"I hate you, I hate you so much." Pete was complaining to his friend, Henry.

"Well, look at the bright side." Henry said.

"What bright side?"

"I dunno."

"All I wanted was a damn snickers." Pete was sad.

Before he was summoned, he was going to the nearest store to buy his favorite snack, a snickers bar.. Before he could buy one, he was summoned and therefore forever lost the chance to eat a snickers bar.

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