Will, right after arriving in his base, which was still hidden underneath a hill made of stone, he took a quick shower and slept on his comfy bed. He woke up feeling refreshed the next day.

He went straight to making a functioning gold golem. The encounter with the cyclops showed him how much he was lacking. He needed to improve in every way possible, and help Adaline if she is ever in danger, and also be able to protect those he holds dear.

A few hours went by, his gold golem creation was somehow looking worse and worse. Like a large pile of gold turd. He was working solely on creating the hands first, but he had failed many times already.

"Gah, I am never going to get this right!" Will was annoyed. Who would have known that creating something by hand would be so difficult!

He seriously hopes that this golem is worth it.

Adaline was just sleeping by the corner.


A blue screen appeared in front of him with 10 darker, smaller boxes on it. There were only two items on the darker boxes, his enchanted pickaxe, and a golem core.

He took a good look at the golem core that was on his inventory, feeling that it was mocking him for his inability to make proper golem.

"Wait, can't I use the bodies of other creatures?" Will got an idea.

He ran outside of his base, and took out a dragon. He carved a hole on the dragon's head using his gold knife and inserted the golem core.

"I hope this works." Will took many steps back. He didn't know what to expect, but he was hoping for some good results.

If this method worked, it would save him so much time, and it would be overpowered. But, nothing happened.

Waiting patiently, there were no obvious signs of the dragon rising from the dead.

"I… I don't understand. It should work. It technically isn't a living thing anymore." Will re-read the part about the golem core in the brown book.

There was a part about the description of the golem that he read carefully. Last time he skimmed through it and didn't pay much attention to it.

{Bring to life a golem by inserting this golem core in it. It will be great in battle, but also stupid, like very dumb, but also slow. Depends on the size and type of golem you create}

"Hmmm… I think I see the problem." Will reached inside the dragon head and pulled out the golem core.

"A golem means a clay figure, or something like that, that doesn't include already dead things like this dragon's body. So it probably only works if it's made out of some sort of ore material. It doesn't have to be stone, it worked when I brought that gold golem to life." Will gripped the golem core in his hand before putting it back in his inventory.

"And also, the main reason I think it doesn't work, is because in the book it says 'depends on the size and type of golem YOU create' so I probably cannot use other pre-existing golems, or statues, or other related objects that weren't made by me. I need to test that one out later. Welp, back to the drawing board."

Will continued making his gold golem hand. No matter how long it takes, he is going to complete this golem. When he does he won't have to mine ever again! It's not like he has anything better to do at the moment.

If there's one thing most minecraft players like Will have in common is their love for grinding, and patience. Honestly, there is no greater feeling in the world than seeing yourself progress in anything you do..

Then he paused as he remembered something but couldn't remember exactly. Like that one feeling you get when you think you forgot something but aren't too sure what it is.

"Hmm… it feels like I am forgetting something. Eh, it's probably nothing."


In a village, two people were waiting impatiently for Will. They were in a hurry to leave, and yet Will was taking his sweet time.

"You don't think that he forgot?" Harmony asked.

"I don't know." Clement responded.

They were waiting by the entrance, while also hidden and fully covered as to not be recognized by anyone. They did their best to not attract any attention to themselves. Clement only wanted his gun back from Will.

"We'll wait for another hour. If he doesn't come we'll go to him. I have a rough idea of where he might be."

"Okay." Harmony said with a smile.

There was an awkward silence between them. They stood in the same spot. Harmony was secretly stealing glances of Clement, she had a worried look on her face, as if she wanted to ask him something but couldn't.

"Spill it." Clement noticed Harmony's gaze and knew what she was thinking.

"Are you… planning to kill my father, when you get your gun?" She asked. This is what she was afraid to ask him.

The reason he kidnapped her, it was all to get back at her father. If he wanted to make him suffer, he'd have done something awful to her long ago, because he knew how much he adored Harmony.

Clement took a long look at her before he responded, "No."

"You promise?" Harmony asked to be sure.

"Trust me, I have no plans on killing your father, or mother."

"Thank you." Harmony hugged Clement tightly but was blocked when Clement pushed her away.

'Instead I will make him wish he was dead!' Clement thought angrily.

"Hm?" Clement immediately sensed something behind him, and he drew his gun and aimed it. But, there was nothing there. It was more like he sensed someone behind him, but no one was there.

"What's wrong?" Asked Harmony.

"I thought I heard or felt something. I have a bad feeling. We should leave."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Asked a random voice from behind them.

Clement turned around, but he felt his entire arm being restrained by a literal living, metal ball. The metal ball quickly rolled by itself and jumped towards Clement and bound him by his limbs as if it had fused with his arm. Not being able to handle the weight, Clement couldn't lift the metal ball with his hand, it was like being bound by a heavy shackle.

The metal was like a bowling ball, fairly big, dark, shiny, and very heavy.

It was a magical item that served to bind criminals down, especially fallen heroes and nobles. It was practically impossible to break out of it.

"Everybody! I found Clement and the Princess!" The man called out to his buddies.

Clement immediately recognized the figure. He was floating in mid-air.

The figure was a tall man, he looked to be somewhere in his late 30's to early 40's. His hair was mostly grey and white, with a small bald spot on the center of his head. Instead of stripes, there was a crown on the area of his ċhėst.

"Out of all the king's guards, I met the most troublesome one, Damian!" Clement was shocked to see one of the king's guards standing in front of him. He couldn't shoot him because the metal ball fused with his gun along with his entire arm. He couldn't feel nor move his hand at all.

There are a total of 5 king's guards. 3 of which were tasked to search for Clement and rescue Harmony. The king's guards are considered the best of the best amongst the sorcerers. All of which are chosen personally by the king himself.

And the one in front of Clement, is the strongest of the king's guards, Damian.

Several dozens of sorcerers surrounded them. They were all shocked that they actually found Clement like that.

Clement quickly reached his back pocket to grab a magical knife, he had to use it to escape.

The magical knife extended out of his hand, like an extremely large blade and zig-zagged around Clement at an abnormal speed. The tip of the knife aimed for Damian's face, but Damian easily blocked it with a metal enchanted staff. He blocked it so easily as if he had seen it a mile away, but it was actually pretty slow in his eyes.

Upon making contact with Damian's knife, the knife broke into several pieces and fell on the ground. Magical tools are indeed powerful, but their durability isn't good most of the time. It's durability was no different than that of an ordinary knife.

Harmony quickly ran to Clement's side. She had been a step too late to stop him. Right now all she could think to was stand close to him so the other sorcerers won't fire a single shot. If they do they'll risk hurting her, the princess. And none of them wanted to take that chance.

"Princess!" Several sorcerers shouted. They had almost shot her because she ran beside Clement.

"Don't do anything else. Trust me." Harmony softly whispered in his ear ignoring the other sorcerers. She had a plan to save him.

"???" Clement was very confused. He couldn't do anything if he wanted to. That knife was all he could think of, and escaping would be difficult with that heavy metal ball bound to his hand. He couldn't even run if he wanted to;

A group of 5-stripped sorceres quickly flew down and completely restrained Clement using any means necessary. Next Clement found his head being pushed down the floor against his will. His weapons were being stripped from him including any of his clothings that could be a magical item.

It's clear that before some criminals sneaked in magical items by disguising them as plain clothing. Stripping them was the only way to be sure that they carried no dangerous weapons, unless they carried a magical item that can identify other magicals items, but they don't. This act was merely a precaution.

Esmeralda, the horse was kicking at the air upon seeing that multiple people were binding down Clement. It didn't take long for other sorcerers to calm her down using forceful means.

Harmony didn't want them to hurt Clement or his horse, but thinking about it, it would seem weird if she were to attempt to help him, her kidnapper, and the enemy of the kingdom. It already seemed suspicious that she got in front of Clement right when they were about to kill him.

"Princess, you're alive! And well." Damian carefully inspected the princess's state. Surprisingly for him, it looked like she was in perfect health. He'd expected her to be in a terrible state by now.

"It's about time you saved me. Do you know how long I have been waiting for someone to save me from the hands of this… beast!" Harmony pointed at Clement. She was hurting inside when she said this.

"We apologize. We will execute him on the spot!" Damian aimed his staff at Clement with the tip glowing brightly. The sorceres that were detaining Clement quickly moved out of the way..

"Stop! Don't!" Harmony got in between Damian and Clement. She wouldn't let them kill him.

"Princess?" Damian didn't expect Harmony to do that. In fact, it was weird how she acted. She used to be a bit shy and reserved.

"I mean… we can't kill him yet. He first needs to suffer and pay for his crimes. Otherwise it'd be too easy of a death to just kill him." Harmony said that but was she actually nervous.

But this is the only way to be sure Clement won't be executed any time soon. After all on Clement's bounty poster it read 'dead or alive' meaning that they don't have to take him alive, but bringing back evidence to the King would be enough, and also obviously make sure that they bring back the Princess alive and well.

Unfortunately for her, the king is the only one who can decide Clement's fate. As the kingdom's only princess, she can only stall for time. Knowing her father, he'd most likely put him on death sentence the next day or so.

Just like the corrupted noble, he got executed in no time.

"If those are your orders I will heed them. You lot, make sure that he doesn't carry any sort of weapons on him! Full cavity search! We won't have another criminal pull that same crap on us a fifth time! And someone bring princess Harmony… actually, I'll do it myself. Princes, if you don't mind."


Damian swooped his hands down and carried the princess princess style. Harmony was clearly uncomfortable being carried by someone else that isn't Clement.

"All of you proceed as planned. Except for the 5 of you, aid those villagers. Ryan, you're in charge while I am gone. And you 5 bring Clement back to the kingdom in chains. If he escapes, you'll all soon find out the consequences." Damian didn't trust anyone else besides himself to bring back the princess to the kingdom in one piece.

"Wouldn't it be better if you... Nevermind." Harmony quickly thought of being brought back to her home along with Clement to be sure he'd be okay, but if Clement was alone with those 5 sorcerers he might have a chance to escape.

And also, the sooner she arrives at her father, the more likely she can convince her father not to execute Clement. She'll come up with anything to help him.

Obviously this king's guard is very strong, but isn't the best at making smart choices.


"Wait, I remember now!" Will said. "Grace promised me that she would bring me that magical item that can identify other magical items!" Will needed that magical item to find the other magical item that can control the weather.

He had absolutely no idea what he'd do with such a weapon, but it can't hurt to have it.

And by now he had completely forgotten about Clement.

"Ah she'll be back soon. Arbor can't survive without knowing if Adaline is okay or not."

Will looked at Adaline who was lazily stretching her limbs. He noticed that the ground was growing some fresh grass once again. After seeing that no more people were looking for him as much, he'd thought that it was a good time for Adaline to grow grass once more.

"Welp, that's the first hand." Will wiped the sweat off his forehead. Looking at what he carried in his own hands, was his very own creation, a hand that didn't really look like a human hand but more like a rip-off of Frankenstein's hand, and that would already be complimenting it a lot.

It was made out of pure gold. The gold hand was so big that it could fit an ȧduŀt size head in it. However the fingers were the right size. However the tip of the fingers were crooked, 2 of which were pointy like sharp knives, the others were dull and square shaped.

"At least I got the fingers right… ish. Dunno. Hm…" Will put the hand beside the gold head. He continued making every body part individually.

He didn't even need to worry about wasting gold. Thanks to his overpowered enchanted pickaxe, he had a lot to spare. It was unreal how overpowered his pickaxe is.

Yeah sure if he were to convert all of his gold and silver into coins and put it in the economy, he'd most likely ruin it. He won't because he has other more important uses for it. And if he were to ruin the economy, he wouldn't care at all. This world dragged him here against his will, he's gonna do whatever he wants.


Jasmine woke up after having a rough night sleeping on the hard ground. She was a mess, dirty, covered in blood, her clothes tattered from the dragon fight. All she wanted to do was take a bath and rest. But she waited for the sorcerers to appear to collect her reward of protecting the villagers from a dragon attack.

After not getting a proper reward from the king after helping bring down the corrupted noble, she was pissed but couldn't really do anything about it. She was only a mere sorceress.

Beside her, were the two heroes she had recently met, Sandra and Bruce. Bruce was sleeping soundly, whereas Sandra was sitting with her eyes bloodshot. She couldn't sleep at all.

"Hey, wake up." Jasmine said. Bruce was supposed to keep guard all night and he's asleep.

"Who? I was keeping guard…" Bruce woke up in a panic and couldn't speak properly. He promised to keep a lookout while they rested, because in his view that is what a gentleman would do. But he fell asleep right after Jasmine fell asleep.

"It's fine Bruce. I couldn't sleep. So I was on the lookout this whole time." Sandra couldn't even sleep if she wanted to. She was still spooked by the cyclops, and the enormous dragon corpse that was not too far away from them.

Her eyes were red as she had been up all night. She was afraid what would happen if another monster attacked them while they slept.

"How could you sleep?" Sandra asked Jasmine. She's been in this world her whole life, so she should know the dangers of this world more than the both of them.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jasmine.

"I mean how can you sleep when we almost died? You even fought a dragon yesterday!"

"Oh. I just got used to it. Not having enough energy is dangerous. It hinders your movement, and quick thinking. But yeah it is risky to sleep in the open like this. But this is a dangerous world. I mean look at the remains of what was once a well fortified village. There's nothing left but rubble." Jasmine lazily stretched her limbs like a cat.

This is a cruel world. Unless if you live in the kingdom or close to, you're likely to die from a monster raiding the village or some other looming threat.

Jasmine understood Sandra perfectly. When she first saw a dragon, she was scared for a week straight. She couldn't even sleep in her room. Then again this was when she was a kid. Even now she isn't used to it. She doesn't believe anyone can be so used to it that they can just shrug it off like it was nothing.

Jasmine would be lying if she said she didn't fear for her own life right now. It's just that she had adapted to death a little better than the two heroes before her.

"Hm?" Jasmine noticed a white stone glowing from her pocket. It was neither from Jack or her family, it was a special stone decorated with a little mage robe on it. It was a message from the black tower.

Jasmine carried multiple communication stones at once and decorated them all differently to identify which one is which. One stone that was the only one not decorated is used to message Jack and Will. Another stone that has a small red heart shape on top of it was to communicate with her family, more specifically her mother. And the last stone has a mage robe on it, this is from the black tower, it's a stone that is given to all sorcerers.

These communication stone decorations were not made by her, but rather she bought them at a store that sells exclusive communication stone decorations.

"Um, excuse me, I need to take this." Jasmine walked a fair distance away from the heroes. She didn't like it when others read her messages.

Sandra checked her own communication stone and saw that Will hadn't messaged her yet. She sighed. She noticed she was starving so she went to get some food from the ċhėst Will had left for them. She was tired so her movements were slow and lazy.

"You hungry, Bruce?"

"I am!"

Jasmine read her message carefully.

{Sorceress Jasmine, a hero, has requested your help with some 'vital' information.}

{A hero? Who?} Jasmine felt very popular right now. Will, Sandra, Bruce, and now even some other hero knows her. She's not a huge hero fanatic like Jack is, but she respected the heroes, especially the Great Sage.

{Hero Josh Jones. He asked if you know the person who paid him when he completed his mission, the Dragon Quest.}

Dragon missions are rare for many good reasons. They're tough to kill, you're most likely to die when fighting one, but the rewards are generous but not worth it. What's the point of even attempting to complete a dragon quest if you die in doing so?

{Oh, yeah, him. What does he want from him?} Jasmine knew who they were talking about, Will.

{They only want to meet him again. And since you were the one who created the mission in his place, they knew that you can relay their message to him. I am not too sure on the precise details but that is all they want, to meet him. And also they told me to tell you to tell him that he needs to bring a lot of money, even more than last time.}

"To tell me… to tell you… to tell Will… gah my brain!" Jasmine was momentarily confused but she understood what they meant.

{I will tell him that. I will respond back when I receive a response from him.} Jasmine felt that they were too suspicious when they asked her to ask Will to bring a lot of money. You just can't get more suspicious than that.

{Thank you. I will relay your reply to the hero. He expects to have an answer soon.}

Jasmine put away her communication stone and took out another white stone to write to Will. But, it didn't feel correct in doing so. She owed him a lot to keep asking him favors, especially when it's a very suspicious favor.

"Whatever. I'll keep it short and simple." Jasmine wrote on her communication stone.

Will, on the corner of his eye, saw a white stone glowing brightly. He picked it up and read it.

{Will, some hero needs you, bring money now.}

"..." Will. He recognized the handwriting, Jasmine.

{Were you having a stroke while writing this message?} Asked Will.

{Yeah, you're right I kept it too simple. Will, Josh Jones, a hero as I am sure you know by now, asked me to tell you to meet him again but bring a lot of money. Those are his exact words}

"???" Will has never been more confused in his life. What kind of request is that?


{Yeah, I know how it sounds.}

{What if I said 'no'?} Asked Will.

{Um… I don't know.}

{Tell them I said 'no' that's hella sus.}

{Sus?} Jasmine has never heard that before.

{It's something we say where I am from.}

Jasmine wrote what Will told her to the black tower.

{Oh… I don't think Josh Jones would be happy to hear that. Regardless, I will relay my message to them.} The other side was shocked to see someone reject meeting a hero, but she kept it professional and didn't voice out her personal opinion.

Jasmine put the stone away and sighed. She just wanted to get paid badly.

"Jasmine, you done? Have some food." Sandra called out to the sorceress. The ċhėst contained water, cooked camel meat which was still surprisingly warm, and some fruits.

"Thank you." Jasmine sat down and ate to her heart's content.

They started having a chat with each other as if they were good friends.

Meanwhile, Josh was still slaying monsters left and right. The area around them was a mess and scorched entirely. There weren't many trees as they were in a rocky area.

"Phew. How much money can I make from that?" Josh asked his lovely harem. He had them carry the corpses of the monsters he killed and sell them at a profit.

Most of the monster caracesses were badly damaged from burns, explosives, or missing body parts. The reason he's in a rocky area is because some monsters ran all the way here to escape from him. Naturally he wouldn't let them escape from his grasp as they were gonna earn him a ton of money.

"I am not an expert in this, but I don't think it'll be enough to buy an elf, or afford another magical item for that matter." Felicia answered honestly.

"Dammit!" Josh needed money badly, and he only had 7 days to make enough money to buy an elf. Otherwise he'd have to wait another 3 months, and he isn't the patient type.

He could catch one on his own, but after what happened to him in that death forest, he wanted to not incur the wrath of the goddess a second time.

"Um, hero, we got a message from the black tower." Naveah looked shocked as she read the message.

"What'd they say?" Josh relied on scamming this rich guy to earn a huge profit. He wouldn't result in stealing from him because that's not what a hero does. But scamming and stealing are basically the same thing. Like two sides of the same coin.

"They said… no."

"Nice. We'll meet him right away." Josh got up looking happy.

"Hero, they said that they won't meet you." Naveah said it a bit more clearly.

"What time do they say we should meet? Not too early I hope. How about close to midnight?" Josh is the type who likes to sleep in the day and work in the night.

He couldn't hear Naveah because he thinks that she's just joking. After all, he's the MC, who wouldn't want to meet him?

"Hero, he said he won't come. He isn't going to meet you."

"You're… not kidding." Josh asked to be sure.

"I am afraid not."

"Oh… did they say why?"

"No. They just said 'no' without giving us any details."

"Hmm… welp I can't possibly look for him then, time is of the essence. Guess there is only one thing left to do."

"What's that?" Felicia asked.

"Ask rich people for money. Know anyone who has a lot of money?" Josh asked. If his first plan didn't work, he'd have to look somewhere else. He just came up with it because he thought that Will would be eager to meet him.

"The king, the Great Sage, the Fat Empress, but she's too far away." Naveah said.

"Fat Empress?" Josh asked in a confused manner. He had no idea who that was.

"You don't know her?" Naveah was sure that they would get informed of the Empress when they were summoned, she's a well known figure in this world.

"Nope." Josh did hear of her when he came to this world, but he had already forgotten. At that time all he wanted to do was fulfill his goal, gaining fame, power, and a harem.

"Guess we should ask the king for some money. About 5000 coins should be enough." Josh said, 5000 coins is the maximum he needed to guarantee an elf for himself.

"But, I heard that the kingdom is currently lacking money. If you take the money, it'd put the kingdom in an even bigger peril." Felicia said. The problem about money has been going on for years now.

"Yeah, but it's for a noble cause, to save a slave elf from her chains of torment. If that's not a noble cause, I don't know what is." Josh made it seem like he's doing them a favor, but it's more like releasing someone else from their chains and binding them down to another chain.

Like the saying goes 'I wouldn't say free, more like under new management.'

"I guess that's a noble cause." Felicia agreed with Josh's way of thinking. It's spreading like a disease.


Silvas, was in deep thought, sitting in his room while drinking some fine wine that was made by the elves. He rarely drinks, mostly on happy occasions, but sometimes on dreadful occasions as well.

He thought back to yesterday, when he met an old friend, at least he thought it was his friend.

At the stroke of midnight, Silvas sneaked out of the elven village to meet someone in an abandoned shack.

Outside the shack, was a familiar old man levitating there, the Great Sage.

"Morgan." Silvas smiled upon seeing his old friend.

"Silvas. It's been a while since we've talked." Morgan, the Great Sage, responded in his mind.

"It's only been 20 years. Not that long." Silvas said, to elves 20 years is more like a couple of months.

"Right, yeah I was there when your granddaughter, Grace, was born. I had to watch from a distance as to not be caught by the other elves, but still. How's the family by the way?"

"Same old same old really. How's your doing?"

"Alright for now. My descendant is planning on retiring from his job. So, why did you call for me here? By the way, your aim is just as good as it was 300 years ago." The Great Sage pulled out a silver arrow with a note attached to it.

Yesterday, while he was atop of the black tower enjoying some alone time, a silver arrow came out of nowhere and landed directly in front of him. He saw it coming but he noticed it wasn't aiming for him, but in front of him. The arrow carried a note in it.

He only knows one person in this world who likes to shoot arrows at him to send him a message, Silvas. It's been like that for many years now.

On the note it read 'Meet me at usual place. Important!' was all it said, but the handwriting was beautiful and in the elven language. It was a very vague message.

Silvas shot the arrow from such a far distance and so precisely.

"Can't you read my mind to figure it out?" Asked Silvas.

"I don't like to read the mind of my only friend. It's much better if we talk it out like normal people do."

"Fair enough.. I called you because I want to talk about… the Witch, Bell Dyer, I believe she's back."

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