"He's taken the bait."

Conan was delighted and asked:

"By the way, Brother Akikawa, did you notice any special features on the murderer's hands? For example, tattoos, nail polish, scars, etc., any special features?"

Before entering the ward, Conan had asked detective Takagi Wataru alone.

That is, if he heard himself flicking the microphone, he should come in and report that a fingerprint was detected.

And when reporting, he should first report a true piece of information.

The purpose is to increase the credibility of the subsequent report.

"Because no fingerprints were detected on the dagger, and Akikawa Sosuke didn't have gloves."

"If he was the murderer, then he could only have wiped off the fingerprints on the dagger with the absorbent cotton clothes on the deceased, and then covered the grease and dandruff left on the clothes with blood."

"Unlike the trap set by Miss Sera, the 'secret police information' known only to the police."

"This is the 'unique criminal information' known only to the murderer and the police."

"Only the criminal who wiped off the fingerprints would think that the police could not detect fingerprints on the dagger."

Cyanoacrylate fumigation method, also known as super glue fumigation method, is a method commonly used by modern forensics to reveal fingerprints by heating and volatilizing to form white polymers.

Although this method cannot 100% reveal fingerprints wiped with blood.

But as long as there is this possibility, it is enough.

"As long as Akikawa Sosuke is not aware of the results of the identification department, he cannot be 100% sure that his fingerprints have been completely processed."

Conan seemed to be asking Akikawa Sosuke about the hand characteristics of the murderer.

But what he actually wanted to know was whether the criminal had touched the dagger directly with his hands.

"Since he heard Officer Takagi say that fingerprints of people other than Akikawa Ryoko were detected on the dagger, if he was the criminal, he would definitely think that his fingerprints were not handled cleanly."

"In this case, he has no way to use the excuse of 'a third person wearing gloves to commit the crime' to evade the police."

"Because in the face of 'real' evidence, rebuttal seems suspicious."

"From the perspective of the 'criminal' Akikawa Sosuke, the Metropolitan Police Department has determined that someone has touched the handle of the dagger with bare hands."

"So, Akikawa Sosuke can only make up a hand feature that is completely different from his own."

"But no matter what he answers, he must be the murderer!"

"Because, under the circumstances yesterday, only he could have touched the dagger with his bare hands!"

The various investigation results of the Metropolitan Police Department show that Akikawa Sosuke is the only person with a motive in this case, and the only person who can benefit from the death of Akikawa Ryoko.

As long as we consider that Akikawa Sosuke is the murderer, combined with the clues at the scene, we can deduce his method of committing the crime.

This is Conan's absolute confidence in his reasoning ability.

As long as Akikawa Sosuke does not deny that the criminal has touched the dagger with his bare hands, it is equivalent to him admitting that he is the criminal.

But because of the existence of Takagi Wataru, Akikawa Sosuke has no way to deny that the criminal has touched the dagger with his bare hands.

In the case of information asymmetry, it is obvious that he has the advantage.

Akikawa Sosuke looked at the confident expression on Conan's face, and his heart was pounding.


After hearing the detective who came in from behind say that the Metropolitan Police Department detected the fingerprints of others through the cyanoacrylate fumigation method, he couldn't help but doubt his own handling.

But then when he heard Conan asking about the characteristics of the criminal's hands, Akikawa Sosuke keenly noticed something.

That is——

"Sure enough, Nakajima didn't hand over the recording in the ward this morning!"

If Conan knew that he had learned the results of the identification department, he would never ask himself this.

Then it can only be that Nakajima Takuto didn't tell them about this.

Through the contact with Nakajima Takuto this morning.

Akikawa Sorasuke is sure that although Nakajima Takuto has the sense of justice and responsibility of a criminal policeman.

But in the end, he must be a person who puts his own interests in the most important position in his heart.

So, for such a person.

As long as his own practical interests are threatened, the balance between his sense of responsibility and his own interests in his heart will definitely tilt towards the latter.

In order to achieve this goal, two points need to be done.

The first is to accumulate his anger value and reduce his patience.

In the end, Nakajima Takuto loses his mind and forces himself to confess and is discovered.

The second is to make another move to reduce his psychological tolerance.

Rely on overeating to damage his body to increase the mistakes made by Nakajima Takuto.

In this case, the recording of his huge mistake would become an unstable bomb that threatens his career as a criminal police officer.

Without knowing when the bomb would explode and affect him, it was obviously the safest way to completely dismantle it.

As expected, Nakajima Takuto did not dare to hand over the recording.

At least, everyone present did not know that they had already known the results of the forensic department.

Conan smiled confidently, staring sharply at Akikawa Sosuke, who was shocked, and saw him open his mouth.

"No, how could this be..."

Conan heard Akikawa Sosuke's words that reflected his inner turmoil.

"Could it be that he couldn't even make up a hand feature? He was completely panicked just knowing that his fingerprints were exposed?"

Conan thought to himself.

Then he heard Akikawa Sosuke continue to say:

"I clearly saw that the person who stabbed my mother was wearing gloves."

Akikawa Sosuke's words made Conan's eyes widen suddenly, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

The confident smile on his face froze in an instant.

Obviously, he had blocked Akikawa Sosuke's retreat, leaving only a route that would eventually fall into a trap no matter which way he went.

But he never expected that Akikawa Sosuke would still walk towards the blocked road.

Conan had been observing Akikawa Sosuke's reaction.

His eyes suddenly widened in shock.

Then his eyebrows frowned in confusion.

Before speaking, his eyes glanced up, which was a manifestation of recollection.

Finally, he gave a firm answer.

All these reactions were too natural.

It really was like the performance of a person who heard for the first time that the result was different from what he remembered.


As for the description of the criminal's hand features, no matter what Akikawa Sosuke answered, he would be the criminal.

But Akikawa Sosuke directly stated that the criminal was wearing gloves, which was a different matter.

"Could it be that he is really not the criminal?!"

"Is there really a person who rode a motorcycle, caused a car accident, killed Akikawa Ryoko and ran away?"

Sera Masumi noticed that Conan was temporarily shocked because the development of the matter deviated from expectations.

So she hurriedly guided Sato Miwako to continue asking Akikawa Sosuke.

"The interrogation is not over yet."

"As long as Akikawa says anything that is inconsistent with the facts, he will still not be able to get rid of suspicion."

However, until the questioning was over.

Akikawa Sosuke did not say anything that made them realize that it was inconsistent with the facts or that there was a problem with the logic.

Sera Masumi looked at the detailed record that Takagi Shigeru had taken without missing a word and nodded.

Then she looked at Akikawa Sosuke and said with a smile:

"Sorry, Mr. Akikawa, could you please repeat what you just said in reverse order?"

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