When it is impossible to judge whether the suspect's confession is true or not,

asking the suspect to repeat his confession backwards can often help to make a judgment.

Many criminals will make up a set of stories to deal with the interrogation when they are interrogated by the criminal police.

When the police ask normally, he can answer fluently.

But if he is asked to repeat what he just said backwards, the fabricated content will usually reveal its flaws at this time.

Since Sato Miwako and Sera Masumi and others already know that Akikawa Sosuke already had a set of stories when he was questioned by Nakajima Takuto.

So Sera Masumi asked Sato Miwako to ask as many details as possible when questioning Akikawa Sosuke.

If Akikawa Sosuke's story is a fake content that he had thought of in advance to deal with the police.

Then when Sato Miwako asked him about the details, he could only make up on the spot.

If Akikawa Sosuke thought too long when he was asked about the details, it would appear unnatural.

However, the content fabricated in a short time is difficult to make reasonable and logical.

After Akikawa Sosuke finished his story,

he suddenly asked him to repeat it backwards.

At this time, Akikawa Sosuke's original story had already added a lot of new content due to Sato Miwako's constant questioning.

If the confession was inconsistent with the facts, Akikawa Sosuke would definitely not be able to completely say everything he said backwards.

At the beginning, the detective Takagi Wataru was asked to take notes outside the door in order to let Akikawa Sosuke relax his vigilance.

If he knew in advance that everything he said would be recorded, he would definitely be more vigilant.

Sera Masumi was sure.

If Akikawa Sosuke was fabricating facts, he would definitely be exposed here.

"What does it mean to say it backwards?"

Akikawa Sosuke didn't seem to understand what Sera Masumi meant, and his pale face revealed confusion.

"Just repeat what just happened from the moment Mr. Akikawa was knocked unconscious, from the end to the beginning."

"What's the point of this?"

"Just to be on the safe side, to confirm whether Mr. Akikawa is lying."

Sera Masumi had no intention of hiding her purpose, so she said it directly.

After she finished speaking, she gave Sato Miwako a look.

Sato Miwako nodded slightly in understanding.


Akikawa Sosuke opened his mouth slightly, with an expression of disbelief.

It seemed that he couldn't believe that the police didn't believe his confession.

After a moment, he slowly spoke.

"Well... after the man on the motorcycle confirmed that my mother was no longer moving, he opened my mouth, forced me to drink a lot of sleeping pills, and then knocked me unconscious..."

"How did Mr. Akikawa know that it was sleeping pills?"

"It was Officer Nakajima who said that he thought I was going to take sleeping pills to commit suicide after killing my mother... So I guess that man fed me sleeping pills."

"That guy Nakajima..."

Sato Miwako's eyes twitched, and she suppressed her anger again.

"Excuse me, please describe where he took the pills from? And the shape of the pills."

"It seems to be a white round pill in a black bottle."

"How much did you take?"

"A lot."


That's it.

Under Sato Miwako's constant questioning and Sera Masumi's confirmation.

Akikawa Sosuke repeated what he said from the back to the front.

When Akikawa Sosuke just started to repeat, Sera Masumi was still full of confidence.

However, as Akikawa Sosuke repeated more and more, her confident heart began to waver.

"Something is wrong. He remembered it too clearly... Although there are slight differences in the content, the details and the general process are basically the same."

"If these are false, how could he remember them so clearly?"

It is difficult for ordinary people to repeat a lie backwards.

This Akikawa Sosuke actually repeated the content with a lot of details added in it exactly.

"Unless Akikawa has an incredibly good brain, how could he remember so many details?"

"What's more, his brain was just affected by carbon monoxide poisoning, and he was injured twice in the head yesterday..."

"It seems that what he said is really the fact that he witnessed it with his own eyes?!"

Sera Masumi was quite shocked, and also gradually began to believe that the murderer was someone else.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Akikawa."

After finishing the story, Sato Miwako thanked Akikawa Sosuke softly.

"Now you can be sure that I am not the criminal, right?" Akikawa Sosuke asked.

"No... I can only say that the possibility that Mr. Akikawa is the criminal is decreasing."

"But we still cannot deny that Mr. Akikawa is suspected of killing Ms. Ryoko."

"Because of the existence of three insurance policies, Ms. Ryoko's accidental death will allow Mr. Akikawa to directly receive more than 100 million yen in compensation."

"Insurance? What do you mean?"

Akikawa Sosuke showed a very confused expression.

"In addition to the self-liability insurance for the car, Ms. Ryoko also bought two life insurance policies."

"Your family is not rich, and Ms. Ryoko does not have a formal job. It is already very tight to rely on the income from part-time jobs to cover living expenses. It is unreasonable for her to buy so many insurances."


Sato Miwako's words once again made Akikawa Kyousuke open his mouth and froze.

After a while, he seemed to have just come to his senses. His face turned red and he raised his voice slightly.

"You...you think I killed my mother for the insurance money?"

Sato Miwako said nothing, obviously acquiescing to Akikawa Kyusuke's statement.

"That's ridiculous! Then if I wanted the insurance money, why would I take sleeping pills and commit suicide?"

Anyone can hear the suppressed anger in Akikawa Kyousuke's tone.

"It's possible that Brother Akikawa doesn't know about insurance." Conan said.

"But didn't you detect fingerprints from the dagger? Although I don't know what happened, wouldn't you know if you compare it with my fingerprints?"

Hearing this, Sato Miwako looked at Takagi Wataru.

"What Mr. Akikawa said makes sense. Since the fingerprints were detected in the forensics class, wouldn't it be enough to compare them with Mr. Akikawa's fingerprints?"

Hearing this, Gao Mushe became embarrassed for a moment.


Sato Miwako is very familiar with Takagi Wataru.

She also reacted when she saw Takagi Shita's hesitant and evasive look.

"Takagi-kun, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"No, it's not what Officer Sato thinks. Please listen to my explanation!"

As Takagi Wataru spoke, he wanted to lean over Miwako Sato's ear and tell her the truth.

However, he was directly blocked by Sato Miwako with her hand, and then he saw the anger emerging from the depths of Sato Miwako's beautiful eyes.

"Okay, no need to explain, I can probably guess what's going on."

Miwako Sato's tone gradually became colder, while beads of sweat began to appear on Takagi Wataru's forehead.

"So...are you lying to me again?"

A few moments.

Akikawa Kosuke, who was "behind the times", made a voice full of disbelief.

The word "and" in his words was particularly harsh to the ears of Sato Miwako and others.

Because they all know it.

The Akikawa Kyousuke in front of him had just been deceived by another detective this morning.

"You didn't detect fingerprints! Then why do you still doubt me? I don't have any gloves or anything like that!"

Akikawa Kyusuke looked at Sato Miwako and others and asked loudly.

"The absence of fingerprints does not mean that you are not suspicious. After all, there are many ways to remove fingerprints."

Conan whispered.

"At first you said I was going to kill my mother and then commit suicide, but later you said I killed my mother for the insurance money."

"I asked you why I committed suicide in that case, and you said it was not for the insurance money."

"Now you can't detect the fingerprints, and you say I removed them."

"Then let me ask you again, if I planned to kill my mother and then commit suicide from the beginning, then why did I go out of my way to remove my fingerprints?!"

"Or are you, like Officer Nakajima this morning, trying to pin a charge on me and force me to plead guilty?"

Akikawa Kyusuke's angry words caused everyone in the room to shrink their pupils instantly.

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