Hearing the scream of the woman behind him, Sera Masumi's heart sank and he looked back suddenly.

I saw the staff member behind me looking in the direction of the hot spring hotel door with a horrified expression.

But before Sera Masumi looked towards the door, she suddenly noticed the movement of Chianti's left hand, whose right hand was locked by hers.

Chianti pulled out the dagger inserted in the scabbard on her left leg, then reached out and stabbed Sera Masumi behind her.

Masumi Sera noticed Chianti's movement the moment it happened.

Her left hand, which was holding the key card, also quickly caught Chianti's left hand that was thrust towards the back.

Just when Masumi Sera was about to exert force on the radial styloid process of Chianti's left wrist again to force the opponent to drop the dagger,

Suddenly, he noticed a figure approaching from behind him, and then there was a sound of breaking wind coming from his left side.

A strong sense of crisis once again arose in Sera's pure heart.

However, this time, Masumi Sera was unable to react in time because she grabbed Chianti with both hands, and was immediately kicked firmly in the left arm.

Sera Masumi and Chianti both fell out because of the powerful force.

Due to the sudden change just now, Chianti, whose arms were locked by Sera Masumi, also successfully broke away from Sera Masumi's restraints.

The dagger in her hand fell to the ground, making a crisp "ding-dong" sound.

Sera Masumi raised her head and looked at her attacker.

Then he saw the staff member who looked panicked just now, but now his eyes looked down at him like a queen, condescendingly.

Only then did Sera Masumi react.

This person is not a staff member at all, he is simply an accomplice of the woman with the butterfly tattoo in front of him.

'No wonder this guy didn't arouse the suspicion of the hotel front desk when he entered the hotel. Did it turn out that his accomplice had disguised himself as a staff member? ’

‘What about the original hotel front desk staff? Is he already dead, or just unconscious? ’

Sera Masumi reached out and grabbed Tadashi's left arm, which was constantly feeling intense pain, and at the same time slightly distanced himself from the two people in front of him.

She began to feel regretful in her heart.

She didn't regret it because she was accidentally attacked by the other party because of her carelessness.

It's because I didn't consider the possibility that the staff would be attacked, which led to the innocent hotel staff being implicated, and I felt endless regret.

"You really deserve to die, Belmod."

"Why didn't you help just now? Just keep watching the show!"

Chianti, whose left and right arms were injured, turned to look at the woman wearing the uniform of a staff member of the Kosen Temple. Her eyes and tone did not hide her disgust and hatred for the other person.

She originally hated Belmode because he did not save Calvados.

In addition, Chianti noticed that when Belmode kicked out just now, he was obviously attacking him and Sera Masumi indiscriminately, as if he didn't care about his own safety at all.

So Chianti also hated the woman in front of him even more who relied on the art of disguise to reap the benefits.

The woman whom Chianti called Belmode slowly turned her gaze to Chianti, and then said coldly:

"Who would have thought, Chianti, that you are so incompetent that you can't even defeat an amateur in a sneak attack?"

"Asshole! I'm not that good at close combat to begin with."

Chianti immediately retorted.

"Shut up and stop revealing your pitiful details in front of outsiders."

After Belmod's reminder, Chianti quickly shut up.

But she still felt furious because of Belmode's condescending tone.

'this bitch'

Chianti cursed Belmod in his heart.

Seeing Chianti's mouth closed, Bermod turned his head to look at Sera Masumi who was staring at him warily.

"Since the detective is here, it means that Kunio Furuzumi has leaked the matter of developing software."

"I'm a little surprised that he would disregard the safety of his family and ask the detective for help."

"Or is it just that you want to meddle in other people's business?"

Sera Masumi did not answer Belmode's question.

Just watching the interaction between Belmod and Chianti, she knew that the woman in front of her, codenamed Belmod,

She must be stronger than the woman codenamed Chianti in terms of strength and level.

‘It turns out that the woman who had been talking to Koizumi Kunio on the phone was this Belmode, not the Chianti next to her. ’

‘This woman’s acting skills are very good. Just now I didn’t see any flaws at all. ’

‘And her skills should be pretty good, but that Chianti is far behind. ’

‘In addition, her right wrist should not be able to move in a short period of time, so the only threat now is this Belmode! ’

Sera Masumi quickly made a judgment on the current situation in his mind.

Then she quickly dodged in front of Belmod, swung a heavy punch and hit Belmod on the cheek.

Belmode didn't move at all. She just tilted her head slightly to avoid the fist that shot towards her cheek like a bullet.

The strong punch from Masumi Sera made the hair around Vermouth's ears flutter as if swept by a strong wind.

Vermouth stretched out her hand and punched Masumi Sera, who leaned towards her because of the punch, in the cheek.

Masumi Sera's reaction was also very fast, and she stretched out her left hand to catch Vermouth's punch.

The fist hit Masumi Sera's palm with a dull sound, and Masumi Sera felt a tingling in her left hand.

Vermouth saw that her attack did not work, and immediately prepared to raise her leg to kick forward.

However, she had just raised her leg, but Masumi Sera, who had anticipated her move first, stepped on her knee and forcibly suppressed the forward kick.

Masumi Sera seized the opportunity when Vermouth's figure was exposed, and her body turned around directly, and kicked out a kick at the right side of Vermouth's body at a high speed.

However, her powerful and fast kick, which had kicked Toda Kyouji away, was dodged by Vermouth by leaning forward.

Sera Masumi's foot almost brushed against Vermouth's hair as she swept over her body.

Sera Masumi, whose attack failed again, quickly jumped back, and then her body began to sway slightly in place, looking at Vermouth in front of her with a serious expression.

'This woman's skills are no worse than mine. '

Unlike Sera Masumi, who had a very serious expression, Vermouth's face showed almost no panic.

She looked at the posture of Sera Masumi in front of her, and the corner of her mouth suddenly raised an arc of interest:

"Jeet Kune Do, interesting."

"Speaking of which, I suddenly found that you seem to look a little familiar."

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