In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 189 Do you think I am the same as you? (12)

"Belmod, do you think 'him' looks familiar to you?"

Chianti heard Belmode's words and said quickly.

Belmode heard this and glanced at Chianti beside him.

"It seems you have the same idea, Chianti."

"Then this can't be a coincidence."

"Speaking of which, among the people you and I know, there was once a person who knew Jeet Kune Do—"

Belmod said, and then slowly spit out a name.

"Akai Shuichi."

Even Sera Masumi knew that the members of the two organizations in front of him probably knew his eldest brother.

But after she heard Belmode linking herself with her eldest brother so quickly, her heart suddenly sank.

Although Chianti kept her face covered.

But Sera Masumi could still clearly feel that after hearing her eldest brother's name, her eyes began to reveal a strong look of disgust.

"Belmod, if 'he' is really related to Akai Shuichi, then 'he' cannot be allowed to live."

"After all, Shuichi Akai knew many secrets of the organization."

Chianti picked up his dagger from the ground, held it in front of him, and said to Belmod on the side.

"Whether this Sera Masumi is related to that dead man, all we need to do is arrest him and ask him."

"Anyway, the organization has plenty of ways to get people talking."

Belmode said.

"You have a point."

Sera Masumi looked gloomily at Belmode and Chianti, who were discussing the sinister plan in front of them as if there was no one around, and the anger in his heart almost reached its peak.

If the two of them only had murderous intentions towards themselves, Sera Masaki wouldn't be so angry.

But after involving her eldest brother, Sera Masumi felt that the anger in her heart was simply uncontrollable.

You must not be caught, otherwise you will implicate many people.

—— Sera Masumi made a judgment in her heart in just a moment.

Although Sera Masumi was currently at a disadvantage, she still chose to strike preemptively.

Masumi Sera is very confident in her skills.

In addition to her mother Akai Mari, her brother Akai Shuichi, and a karate master named Kyogoku who had briefly fought against each other before,

Basically it is difficult for someone to suppress themselves in melee combat.

Masumi Sera, who was carrying a backpack, rushed to Chianti in two steps, and then hit Chianti's right shoulder with a high kick.

Although in the brief confrontation just now, Sera Masumi had already judged that Chianti's melee combat skills were far inferior to his own.

But she didn't want to be attacked by this woman with a tattoo of a swallowtail butterfly on her eyes later while fighting Belmode.

In a single-move attack, Jeet Kune Do has a huge advantage in speed.

When Chianti noticed Sera Masumi rushing in front of him, it was already a little too late.

Before Chianti could retreat, she felt a violent impact on her right shoulder, as if she had been struck by a hammer.

Chianti was kicked out all at once.

The body hit the ground with a dull sound.

The intense pain made Chianti feel dizzy.

She fell to the ground, a hoarse moan coming from her throat.

Sera Masumi knew that after he attacked Chianti, Belmod's attack would definitely follow.

So after kicking Chianti down, she hurriedly hid away from Belmode.

However, Belmod's attack came much faster than Sera Masumi expected.

Before Sera Masumi could distance herself from Belmod, she was kicked on the left side by a swift kick from Belmod.

With a muffled "bang" sound, Sera Masumi also flew out and hit the wall.

Severe pain suddenly hit my mind,

Masumi Sera, whose diaphragm was impacted, felt that she began to have difficulty breathing in an instant.

Just when Sera Masumi was desperately trying to endure the vomiting sensation rising from his stomach, he saw Belmode coming to her side with leisurely steps.

"With your flexibility, it should have been easy to kick Chianti in the head just now."

"Why go out of your way to kick her in the shoulder instead of aiming for the head?"

Belmod looked down at Sera Masumi who was struggling to get up, and asked.

"Do you think I'm the same as you?"

Sera Masumi said to Belmode.

"It's really stupid."

Belmode commented softly, then raised his foot and kicked Sera Masumi in the head again.

Sera Masumi quickly grabbed her backpack and put it in front of her head.

Seeing this, Belmode quickly put away his strength, and finally stopped with his feet less than 10 centimeters away from Sera Masumi's backpack.

'She didn't dare destroy the computer, she didn't know what the software didn't do! ’

Sera Masumi made a quick judgment based on Belmod's reaction.

At the same time, she grabbed the gap when Belmode's kicking movement stopped, slammed her right hand on the ground, and kicked Belmode's abdomen from bottom to top in an almost inverted posture.

Sera Masumi's strong flexibility and coordination were fully demonstrated at this moment.

Her unexpected barb kick accurately hit Belmod's abdomen.


Vermouth groaned, covered her abdomen and took two steps back involuntarily.

After the kick, Sera Masumi used her palms to support the ground again, and her body completed a gorgeous 180-degree vertical rotation in the air, and her feet landed steadily on the ground.

Although she successfully attacked Vermouth.

But Sera Masumi also understood the difference in strength between herself and Vermouth.

The side of her abdomen that was kicked by Vermouth just now still felt a strong pain, and with every movement of Sera Masumi, she would feel some unbearable pain.

However, Sera Masumi did not reach out to cover her abdomen again.

She tried her best to make a calm and peaceful posture, staring at Vermouth in front of her, whose face was gradually gloomy, and her brain was also working rapidly.

‘There is no chance of winning if we continue to fight like this. ’

‘We have two advantages now. ’

‘One is that they dare not destroy the computer, so we must make good use of this to get out. ’

‘The other is that they don’t know that the boy is hiding outside.’

Sera Masumi thought to herself, and reached out to touch the inside of her collar.

There was the badge communicator of the Junior Detective Team that Conan gave her.

She wanted to pass the situation here to Conan outside.

However, after Sera Masumi’s hand touched the inside of her collar, she found that the badge communicator that was originally placed there was missing.

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