"That's right, little brother Conan, you are so awesome."

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Conan in front of her in surprise.

"In traffic accidents, it often happens that the car's engine is damaged and carbon monoxide leaks from the car, so we always carry carbon monoxide detectors."

"When Miaozi and I discovered that the man in the passenger seat was unconscious and the carbon monoxide concentration in the car was abnormally high, we quickly turned off the engine and lifted the man out."

"It was indeed a very professional response."

Conan frowned and nodded slightly.

He looked at the unconscious man lying on the ground, with a complicated look in his eyes.

When the man in the co-pilot was unconscious due to high carbon monoxide concentration, it would indeed be life-threatening for him to stay in the car for one more second.

No matter what the reason is, Conan hates the criminals equally.

But he would never just leave it alone.

Even if the other person is the murderer who just committed a murder.

"The car was already stalled when we came here. This cheap K-Car does not have the function of automatic engine start and stop at all. I should have thought of this earlier."

After checking the situation inside the car, Sera Masumi came to Conan's side, also looked down at Akikawa Kyusuke who was lying on the ground, and said softly.

"So what if he was discovered early? Officer Miyamoto and the others had already moved him to the open space nearby." Conan was puzzled.

"In that case, I won't directly question Officer Miyamoto."

There was a little bit of disappointment in Sera's pure tone.

Originally, she wanted to have a good relationship with her second brother's fiancée, but she accidentally made a discourteous statement that questioned her professionalism.

Immediately, Sera Masumi changed the topic and continued:

"Speaking of which, the death of the deceased this time was more tragic than the victims of serial murders during this period."

"Of course, serial murders are just disguised through exchange killings. In fact, the murderers have no hatred for their targets, so they just want to end the other person's life as soon as possible, so naturally they will not do very cruel acts."

The so-called exchange killing is a method where people who each have a target they want to kill exchange murder targets to conceal each other's murder motives and create alibi.

"Yes, I just observed the wounds of the deceased. Basically every wound can feel the murderer's overflowing hatred for the victim."

While speaking, Sera Masumi kept staring at Akikawa Kyousuke lying on the ground.

Unlike Conan who found it difficult to understand the murderers' motives even after listening to their confessions, Sera Masumi was actually curious.

What happened to make the man in front of him have such a huge hatred for that woman.

As soon as Sera Masumi finished speaking, she heard the sound of police sirens approaching from far away.

Then Conan and the others saw,

Wataru Takagi, the inspection chief of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section 1, led the police from the Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Section to the scene of the car accident.

Takagi Wataru acted very neatly. After briefly understanding the situation with Miyamoto Yumi, he started on-site investigation and fingerprint identification with the police from the Forensic Division.

"Although the victim's death was tragic, the circumstances of the case were much simpler."

Looking at the busy forensics section police officers and the detectives from the First Search Section, Sera Masumi couldn't help but say.

The serial murder cases during this period had made her a little exhausted. Being able to encounter a relatively simple case was a blessing among misfortunes.

"Yes, as long as the second person's fingerprints are identified on the murder weapon and then compared with the co-pilot's, the conclusion can basically be made."

"As for the prisoner's motive for killing, I still can't understand it even if I hear it. I'll leave the rest to the police."

There was also a sense of relief in Conan's tone.

He didn't feel sorry for not being able to help this time. Instead, he felt lucky because the case was relatively simple this time.

At this time, the sound of the ambulance became clearer and clearer.

After the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident, the medical staff above, led by traffic section police officer Miike Naeko, came to Akikawa Kousuke who was lying on the ground and prepared to lift Akikawa Kousuke onto a stretcher.

Everything seemed to be going in an orderly manner.


The relaxed atmosphere between the two detectives did not last long.

Because they clearly saw the increasingly confused expressions on the faces of the forensics department police officers and Takagi Wataru.

A bad premonition began to arise in the hearts of Conan and Sera Masumi.

The next moment, the hesitant voice from Detective Takagi Wataru instantly made the uneasiness in the hearts of the two detectives turn into reality——

"Officer Sato, no fingerprints of anyone other than the deceased were collected on the dagger or the deceased's clothes."



Sera Masumi and Conan exclaimed at the same time, and then turned to look at Akikawa Kyusuke who was lying on the ground.


The two tender and slightly neutral exclamations made Akikawa Kousuke, who had been in a coma, finally relax his tense spirit.

Akikawa Kyusuke woke up about a few minutes ago.

But he hasn't done anything. Apart from wanting to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of them under the pretense of being comatose to learn about the progress of the case, it's also because Akikawa Kousuke simply can't move at the moment.

This situation of regaining consciousness but being completely unable to move his body is not unfamiliar to Akikawa Kyousuke.

Because this is one of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning——

Locked-in syndrome.

Unlike the two detectives who discovered that things were different from what they originally expected.

So far, the development of things is still in line with Akikawa Kongsuke's expectations before he fell into coma.

"Although I don't know the specific time when the car accident occurred, from the color of the deceased's blood that I just observed, I can judge that the time when the car accident occurred was only more than an hour at most."

"In such a short period of time, I already had signs of coma. The carbon monoxide concentration in the car at that time was at least 1."

"At this concentration, life may be in danger within two hours. Opening windows for ventilation alone will not relieve the symptoms at all, so the police will definitely move me outside the car."

"As long as they move my position before surveying the scene, the crime scene will be damaged."

It was because he realized this that Akikawa Kyousuke felt lucky before he fell into coma.

The lack of memory of the original owner is the biggest shortcoming of Akikawa Kongsuke at the moment, so it is difficult to deal with the aftermath thoroughly.

It is definitely the most reliable and safe way for the police to take the initiative to remove themselves from the scene of the crime.

And after he was far away from the crime scene and went to the hospital to receive treatment and let his body recover,

You will be able to have more physical strength and clearer thinking to think and deal with the next thing.

"But speaking of it, the feeling of carbon monoxide poisoning is really uncomfortable."

"Although as long as the concentration is high enough, carbon monoxide can pose a fatal threat in just one or two hours."

"But the pain endured during this period is immeasurable."

Many people thought it would be easy to end their own lives through carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, they do not know that during carbon monoxide poisoning, they still have to endure the strong dizziness, heart palpitations and vomiting that linger in their minds.

And even if you regret it midway, there is nothing you can do about it, because after carbon monoxide damages the brain stem, the body loses control of the brain.

If you are lucky enough not to die in the end, your brain will most likely be severely damaged, leaving you with lifelong disabilities.

"I hope it won't hurt my head."

Akikawa Kyousuke prayed secretly in his heart.

He knew that he was not a smart enough person,

But now after traveling through time, his brain is one of the few weapons he can rely on.

"As long as we can survive this crisis first, we should have a stable life in the future."

Akikawa Kyusuke thought in his heart, and at the same time, he was carried to the ambulance by the medical staff.

Since Akikawa Kyusuke is highly suspected of murder, in addition to the medical staff, he is also accompanied by Chiba Kazunobu, the inspection director of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section.

Just when the medical staff sent from the fire department were about to close the door of the ambulance, a childish voice interrupted their actions.

"Oh! Wait a minute, wait a minute!!"

Conan shouted loudly and ran towards the ambulance.

"Hey, Conan-kun, what's wrong?"

Detective Chiba Kazunobu looked at Conan running over and asked doubtfully.

"Officer Chiba, I want to go to the hospital with you!"

As Conan spoke, he saw a somewhat embarrassed look on Chiba and Nobu's face, so he quickly added:

"Miss Sera asked me to come with her. She said there were some things she wanted me to help confirm!"

"Miss Sera, then come up."

Chiba Kazunobu has great trust in the detective Sera Masumi who just helped the Metropolitan Police Department solve a serial murder case.

In addition, he also knew that the Metropolitan Police Department's forensic work on the crime scene was not progressing smoothly.

With the help of this keenly observant little guy, perhaps new discoveries will be made.

So he opened the door and let Conan get in the car.

"How could the Metropolitan Police so casually let a child get into a car carrying a suspected murderer?"

This scene made Akikawa Kongsuke confused.

He had just heard the conversation between the kid who claimed to have solved the serial murder case and another person who was suspected of being a detective.

At that time, did the child personally say that he would leave the rest of the matter to the police?

This means that the two of them are not from the Metropolitan Police Department, but they can participate in the detective work of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"In this case, either they have a background or their personal abilities are really outstanding. Are they the latter?"

"Speaking of which, it's strange that a child can participate in the investigation of a murder case. It's almost like the Death Elementary School..."

Akikawa Kyousuke couldn't help complaining in his heart, but his thoughts stopped abruptly in the middle.

"Wait a minute, what did the detective named Chiba just call the kid?"

Akikawa Kyusuke's heart started to rise again soon after it fell back into his chest.

And when he saw clearly the face of the child who walked beside him, he suddenly felt a deafening thunder "boom" in his mind.

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