In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 5: Out of the dragon's den, into the tiger's den

When Akikawa Kongsuke woke up again, he found that he was already in the ward.

The feeling of headache and dizziness still lingered in my mind. Although my body was still weak, it was better than before.

Akikawa Kyousuke sat up with difficulty, leaned against the head of the bed, and sorted out the last memories in his mind.

Eyes as blue as the sky, short black hair, and messy bangs on his forehead.

He wears a dark blue suit and light blue shorts, large black round glasses that take up nearly half of his face, and a red bow tie at the collar.

——This is an appearance that anyone who lived in the era of Akikawa Kongsuke's previous life would be unfamiliar with.

"Remember, I met a Shinigami elementary school student."

Akikawa Kyusuke couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead.

Originally, he thought that he had just traveled to Japan, but he did not expect that he would travel to Japan where a Shinigami elementary school student existed.

Akikawa Kyousuke has not watched "Detective Conan", and his understanding of this animation is only superficial.

But even so.

Akikawa Kusuke had heard of Edogawa Conan's knowledge reserve and reasoning ability that were comparable to those of a computer.

Akikawa Kongsuke is convinced,

As long as he has a relationship with this elementary school student, the peaceful and stable life he hopes for will be nothing but a mirror.

It may even be life-threatening!

Presumably everyone who has heard the name of the Death God student would avoid him.

But at this moment, after covering up the traces of the crime, I appeared in front of the Shinigami elementary school student as the number one suspect!

The reason why Conan followed him into the ambulance was self-evident.

He must be doubting himself.

But the terrible thing is that I didn't stay awake the whole time, so I don't know how much I exposed.

"How much was I exposed, and how much was he aware of?"

Akikawa Kongsuke, who had always been quite confident in his actions, couldn't help but have doubts in his mind at this moment.

"It's true that you have emerged from the dragon's pond and entered the tiger's den again."

Of course Akikawa Kousuke knew that leaving the scene of the crime was only the first step, and it was far from the point where he could feel at ease.

As the primary suspect, regardless of whether Conan exists in this world or not, he must be interrogated and investigated by the police.

Without the memory of the original owner, it is not easy to survive the police's serial interrogations and investigations.

Now he told himself that there would be a reasoning genius who was a son of the plane next to him, examining his every word and deed.

In fact, if Akikawa Kongsuke wants to escape smoothly, he must build on a foundation.

That is the presumption of innocence.

Only if the police can't produce concrete evidence that he is the murderer can he escape unscathed.

But as far as Akikawa Kongsuke knows, the police in Japan in the last century handled cases based on suspicion.

Although on the surface, the Metropolitan Police Department and National Police Agency officials are speaking out loud about the need to rely on evidence to handle the case.

But in fact, whether it's crazy, stealing, robbing, or killing.

In the vast majority of cases, the police directly arrest people and convict them without concrete evidence.

Although Akikawa Kongsuke didn't know the year he was in.

But just by seeing the surrounding environment and facilities, Akikawa Kongsuke guessed that the era he was in now was not much different from his previous life.

In this way, as long as there is no conclusive evidence that proves that he is the murderer, the police will have no way to convict him.

Akikawa Kyousuke had also thought about pretending to have amnesia through his head injury before.

But in modern medicine,

With the help of neuroimaging tools such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and functional magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to determine whether a patient's brain areas related to memory formation and storage are damaged.

So even if Akikawa Kyusuke really has no memory of the original owner, it is still difficult for him to get away with pretending to have amnesia.

"The biggest problem now is that I have too little information. Not only do I know very little about the case, I even know nothing about my current situation."

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his mind, turned around and pressed the button to call the nurse.

After a while, a nurse lady wearing a white nurse uniform walked in.

"Mr. Akikawa, you are awake."

The nurse already knew Akikawa Kongsuke's identity, but she still gave him a kind and gentle smile.

"It turns out that the original owner's surname is Akichuan"

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart and said:

"Sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Is there a bathroom? Okay, I'll find someone to take you there."

The little nurse said, turned and walked out the door.

After a while, he walked in with a man also wearing a white nurse uniform.

"Hello Mr. Akikawa, let me help you go to the bathroom."


Akikawa Kyusuke thanked the other party softly, and with the help of the nurse, he removed the electrodes connected to his body. With the support of the male nurse, he pushed the infusion pole and walked towards the bathroom.

"I heard that the car Mr. Akikawa was riding in was involved in a car accident and he was poisoned due to a carbon monoxide leak. It's really scary."

On the way to the bathroom, Akikawa Kyousuke heard the male nurse talking to him.

The other person's tone was full of sympathy, and he sounded very concerned about himself.


Akikawa Kyusuke calmly responded to the other party's concern in a calm tone.

"As expected, I am being monitored by the criminal police."

"My professionalism is very high, and there is nothing wrong with pretending to be a nurse."

"But it's a pity that the decisive temperament gap between a criminal police officer and ordinary citizens still exposed your identity."

Akikawa Kyusuke cursed in his heart.

Criminal police officers always have a temperament in them that they will never notice.

Criminals, or people like Akikawa Kyusuke, can basically detect the identity of the other party at a glance.

The other party's purpose of getting close to him is obvious.

Akikawa Kyousuke will naturally not show any flaws.

"But it's better that Mr. Akikawa is safe than anything else. You must take good care of your body from now on."

Akikawa Kyusuke's cold response did not seem to reduce the other party's enthusiasm for continuing to talk to him.

But this simple sentence from the detective pretending to be a nurse made Akikawa Kyousuke realize that something was wrong.

"Take care of your body? Do people usually say that to injured people in accidents?"

Akikawa Kousuke moved his right hand without leaving any trace, and a heartbreaking pain immediately came from his right hand.

"Obviously my right hand has begun to swell, but they did not allow me to receive treatment. This means that there is a high probability that they did not notice that my right hand was fractured."

"So it's even more impossible to know that I broke my right hand on my own initiative."

Akikawa Kosuke ruled out that the police were alluding to the fracture in his right hand.

"And after a car accident, the engine is damaged and carbon monoxide leaks, which is also something that is difficult to do artificially."

"What's more, I almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning. I am not a driver. The police should not suspect that I actively caused the carbon monoxide leak."

The possibility that the detective was alluding to carbon monoxide poisoning was also ruled out.

"That is to say."

Akikawa Kyousuke lowered his head slightly and narrowed his narrow eyes.

"The police have determined that the original owner committed suicide."

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