In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 8 The missing smoking gun

Nakajima Takuto returned to the room lent to them by the hospital for the offices of the Metropolitan Police detectives.

Here, in addition to Conan and Chiba Kazunobu who were already there, there was another one.

It is the high school detective who has been in the limelight recently - Masumi Sera.

"Hello, Officer Nakajima."

"It's Miss Sera. Thank you for your help this time."

Nakajima Takuto had heard of Sera Masumi's name a long time ago, but after seeing him face to face this time, he couldn't help but marvel at Sera Masumi's appearance.

With a pair of unreasonably delicate cheeks and unique dark green eyes, paired with a light gray peaked cap and a very smart and refreshing short-sleeved and shirt outfit, he is simply extremely handsome.

Sera Masumi's personal temperament is far more outstanding than what is published in newspapers and on the Internet.

Nakajima Takuto now finally understands why Masumi Sera, as a JK detective, has a huge number of female fans.

"With such an appearance and temperament, I'm afraid he can attract a large number of girls wherever he goes. But the one with such a top-notch handsome temperament is a female high school student."

Nakajima Takuto complained in his heart.

Sera Masumi, who finished greeting Nakajima Takuto, once again returned his gaze to the table.

What is placed on the table is information collected by the Metropolitan Police Department about Akikawa Kyusuke and his mother Akikawa Ryoko.

As well as the documents and information about this case that are allowed to be released to the detectives.

"Nakajima-kun, how is the situation?"

At this time, Chiba Kazu opened his mouth and asked Takuto Nakajima.

"It's not bad. He was quite wary of me at first, but now he has basically gained his trust."

"As Police Chief Toda said, Akikawa actually has a strong desire to communicate with other people."

"I think when I go back later and give him a good warning, he should be willing to surrender."

Hearing this, Sera Masumi suddenly raised his head and looked at Nakajima Takuto.

"I would like to ask, Officer Nakajima, are you planning to induce a confession?"

"No, how could we possibly do such a thing?!"

Nakajima Takuto was startled by Sera Masumi's sudden sharp gaze and quickly replied.

"Then I'm really sorry."

When Sera Masumi heard what he said, she slowly withdrew her gaze and turned her gaze back to the table.

Just now, Takuto Nakajima was completely overwhelmed by Sera Masumi's momentum. Looking back now, Takuto Nakajima also feels a little embarrassed.

Perhaps he felt guilty because he guessed the correct answer, so Nakajima Takuto did not care about Sera Masumi's rude behavior just now.

Nakajima Takuto couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, "You are worthy of being a detective, so sharp."

If outsiders really find out what he and others have done, I'm afraid the Metropolitan Police Department will be pushed to the forefront of the public's attention again.

Nakajima Takuto was still confused about some of the things Conan said last night. Now Sera Masumi happened to be here, so he asked:

"Ms. Sera, I would like to ask, how did you determine that Akikawa Kousuke's murder with a dagger occurred after the car accident?"

"By strangulation."

Masumi Sera said as she took out a photo of the deceased Akikawa Ryoko taken by the detective from the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday.

"It can be seen that from the position of the trapezius muscle on the right side of the deceased, there is a thick mark of about 5 centimeters diagonally downward. This is obviously from the car's seat belt."

The driver's seat of most cars in Japan is on the right side, so the seat belt is fastened from the right shoulder to the lower left position, which matches the position of the strangulation mark.

"Then shouldn't this strangulation mark be left during a car accident? Because the car was violently out of balance, the seat belt left a strangulation mark on the deceased?"

"If that's the case, Akikawa Kyousuke, who was even lighter than his mother, and who was sitting in the passenger seat, should have a strangulation mark in the opposite direction on his body."

"Yesterday, the boy (Conan) helped me check the body of the suspect Qiuchuan, and found no such traces."

Nakajima Takuto nodded lightly, "Indeed, he does look much weaker than his mother. It stands to reason that the impact that was enough to leave seat belt marks on his mother should also be on him." It’s only right to leave traces.”

"Of course, I also checked the victim's body yesterday and confirmed that the victim was not prone to scars. It can be seen that the seat belt scars were not left in the car accident."

"Then it can only be left behind when the victim struggled violently after the assassination."

"Knowing this, we can determine that the stabbing with the dagger occurred after the car accident. Then, I heard that the content of triazolam was found in the body of the suspect Akikawa, right?"

"That's right."

"Then the process of the entire case is now clear." Sera Masaki said with a slight smile.

"That is to say." Nakajima Takuto suddenly became excited, "Have you obtained conclusive evidence?"


The smile on Sera Masumi's face suddenly turned into embarrassment.

"No Akikawa Kūsuke's fingerprints were found on the dagger or on the deceased, and Officer Miyamoto found the car not in a locked state. The car was old and did not have an automatic locking function. Regarding the rear-end collision, the car was not locked. The eyewitness testimonies are also somewhat ambiguous.”

"In other words, there is still a slim possibility of a third party committing the crime."


Takuto Nakajima was speechless.

Akikawa Sosuke's motive, crime process, and murder weapon have all been determined.

And there are no other suspects at the scene.

That basically confirms that the detective's judgment yesterday was not wrong. It was indeed Akikawa Sosuke who killed someone.

The only thing missing is the evidence that Akikawa Sosuke is the murderer.

This situation is not uncommon. The Metropolitan Police Department has always either interrogated or asked the suspect to confess voluntarily.

The former requires a lot of visits and investigations.

Although the detectives have obtained the search warrant, it will take some time.

If he can get Akikawa Sosuke to confess voluntarily before that, it would be the best thing.

It can save manpower and time, and also gain a credit.

"It's almost time, I should go get him food."

Takuto Nakajima stood up and left the room.

"Although it's a bit inappropriate to use this word on a murderer, I still think that Akikawa is not a bad person by nature."

"After all, it was his mother who made the first mistake. He was locked up at home every day and he probably didn't have the basic legal literacy, so he impulsively did such a thing."

"If I go back this time and have a good talk with him, he should admit it on his own initiative."

Takuto Nakajima thought to himself, and then walked towards the direction of the hospital where the meal was prepared.

"Indeed, as Inspector Toda said, this is much easier than wasting manpower and time on investigations."

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