In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 9 Qiuchuan-kun, do you have insomnia?

Nakajima Takuto carried a tray with breakfast and came to the door of Akikawa Kusuke's ward.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time.

Nearly 50 minutes have passed since I left just now.

This time has obviously exceeded the point of simply picking up breakfast.

If nothing else, Akikawa Kongsuke, who had been looking forward to his return to continue chatting with him, must have felt extremely uneasy during this period.

You may wonder if you have been deceived.

After knocking gently, Nakajima Takuto opened the door and walked in.

Then he saw the girl who was leaning against the head of the bed, with her head hanging down.

Akikawa Kyousuke, who exuded a strong aura of despair, suddenly raised his head.

After seeing himself, Akikawa Kyousuke's original dark eyes suddenly brightened up, and a very happy expression appeared on his face.

This scene gave Takuto Nakajima a strong impact.

It always feels like working overtime until late at night, and finally coming home and meeting the puppy who has been trapped in the house all day.

When Kyusuke Akikawa saw him now, he looked very similar to the puppy he was looking forward to taking him out to play with.

When I think of what I have done to Akikawa Kyusuke and what I am about to do,

Nakajima Takuto felt complicated again.

" are here."

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I was just called over by the head nurse. I finished attending to another patient before coming over."

Nakajima Takuto always felt that there was some sincerity in his apology. It was clear that he had decided to come back late on purpose from the beginning.

"I forgot to tell you my name, Akikawa-kun. My last name is Nakajima."

"Hello Mr. Nakajima."

Nakajima Takuto could have made up any surname he wanted and told Akikawa Kūsuke, but he told him his real surname.

He didn't understand why he did this either.

Maybe he wanted to alleviate the guilt in his heart, or maybe he didn't want to continue to deceive the simple-minded young man in front of him.

"Akikawa-kun, your injury is not healed yet, so I have prepared food for you that is less burdensome on the gastrointestinal tract."

Nakajima Takuto opened the small table beside the bed and moved it in front of Akikawa Kyousuke.

Then put the tray on.

The trays are filled with relatively simple foods.

A bowl of steaming rice porridge, a bowl of stewed vegetables that looked very soft, a piece of silken tofu as smooth and delicate as pudding, and a small plate of fruit.


Akikawa Kosuke thanked him softly, then picked up the spoon with his left hand tremblingly, gently scooped up a little rice porridge, put it to his mouth, blew on it twice, and then drank it into his mouth.

"It's... delicious."

Nakajima Takuto saw Akikawa Kyousuke showing him a very forced and stiff smile.

"He's really not very good at lying..."

Nakajima Takuto muttered something in his heart, and then asked:

"Isn't it to your liking?"


Akikawa Kyusuke suddenly raised his voice, but then he seemed to realize that his reaction was a little too loud, so he quickly lowered his voice.

"Hug...Sorry, no, it's delicious...but, a little bit too hot..."

"Then wait a moment before drinking, and eat some vegetables or tofu first."


Akikawa Kyousuke agreed, holding a small spoon specially designed for eating silk tofu, and stretched out his hand towards the tofu.

Nakajima Takuto felt indescribably awkward looking at Akikawa Kosuke eating with a spoon.

But I just don't understand what's wrong with it.

He recalled Akikawa Kyusuke's reaction after he revealed his feelings just now, and he thought about it again:

"It's just rice porridge, but I can barely eat it."

"Even if you are a picky eater, you don't even hate rice porridge, right?"

"And after I pointed out that it didn't suit my taste, I reacted so violently..."

"It seems that he is afraid that I will misunderstand that he does not like the breakfast I brought... A child who was abused when he was a child can be so humble and sensitive..."

After a brief contact, Nakajima Takuto also had a new judgment about Akikawa Kongsuke.

"Maybe it's because I haven't had much contact with outsiders. My lying skills are really bad."

"Also, he seems to be afraid that I will have unpleasant emotions."

After making these two judgments, Nakajima Takuto felt that he could get to the point.

So he teased Akikawa Kusuke, who was struggling to swallow a piece of broccoli:

"Speaking of which, looking at Akikawa-kun, I always feel like a child."

"Obviously my sister is about the same age, but there seems to be a ten-year age difference between the two of us."


Akikawa Kousuke raised his head and looked at Nakajima Takuto curiously.

"Mr. Nakajima turns out to have a younger sister. Is she in school now?"

"Yeah, it's the summer vacation of my sophomore year. I'm basically either working here or there, or having fun with my friends."

"That's great..."

Akikawa Kyousuke immediately showed an envious look.

"It's nothing good. She often plays with her friends until midnight and doesn't go home. She doesn't think about how dangerous it is!"

"Before, she and her classmates sang karaoke until midnight in Shinjuku, but when they came out, they were pestered by a few gangsters. In the end, if I hadn't happened to be nearby, I don't know what would have happened."

"Mr. Nakajima, aren't you afraid of gangsters?"

"Heh, a thug? I'm a police officer... cough, I'm a 2nd degree kendo master, how can I be afraid of a thug?"

(The first sound of the Japanese word "Metropolitan Police Department" and "Kendo" is similar, both are "ke")

Nakajima Takuto, who almost let the cat out of the bag, quickly changed his words, and Akikawa Sousuke did not show any doubt.

After chatting with Akikawa Sousuke for a while, and deepening Akikawa Sousuke's impression that he had a sister who was about the same age as him,

Nakajima Takuto smiled at Akikawa Sousuke:

"Don't just listen, eat more, or it will get cold."

"Akikawa-kun, you are very weak now. If you don't take in more nutrients, you won't be able to recover."


Akikawa Sousuke picked up the spoon again and put the small piece of vegetables into his mouth with difficulty.

Originally, he was going to put down the spoon after eating a bite.

However, after he found that Nakajima Takuto was still staring at him, he had to take the spoon again and put a lot of food into his mouth.

The more Nakajima Takuto watched, the more he felt that Akikawa Sosuke's eating movements were very awkward.

Fortunately, Akikawa Sosuke didn't seem to dare to resist his instructions, so Nakajima Takuto didn't care.

After watching Akikawa Sosuke swallow a whole bowl of vegetables and a small half bowl of rice porridge with difficulty, Nakajima Takuto nodded with satisfaction.

He felt that the time was almost right, so he said inconspicuously:

"Speaking of which, my sister has been suffering from insomnia recently."

"And from what she said, young people of her age seem to be troubled by insomnia. I wonder if Akikawa-kun has this trouble?"

After Nakajima Takuto finished speaking, he immediately stared at Akikawa Sosuke's reaction.

Last night, the hospital tested the main ingredient of sleeping pills, triazolam, from Akikawa Sosuke's body.

Now he wants to confirm whether Akikawa Sosuke really has insomnia.

If not, it means that the sleeping pills Akikawa Sosuke took were prepared in advance for suicide.

Then he heard Akikawa Sosuke blurt out without hesitation:


Nakajima Takuto thought, as expected, and confirmed again.

"That means Akikawa-kun can fall asleep easily on weekdays, right?"

"Yes, I don't have insomnia."

Akikawa Sosuke looked at Nakajima Takuto, his jewel-like blue eyes were full of confusion.

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