In Ryo Sogabe's personal lounge.

Conan carefully observed the body of the dead Ryo Sogabe.

"Sogabe Ryo was shot twice in total, once in the arm and once in the forehead."

“The location where he was shot was ‘lower in the middle of the forehead’, that is, on the midline of the forehead near the top of the eyebrows.”

"Since there is no wound on the back of my head, it is a blind leg wound caused by the bullet remaining in the body."

"Preliminary judgment is that the bullet penetrated the prefrontal lobe and damaged the middle cerebral artery."

"Whether the brainstem is damaged is unknown, but damage to the middle cerebral artery can lead to massive intracranial hemorrhage and rapidly increase intracranial pressure."

"In this case, regardless of whether the brain stem is damaged or not, Ryo Sogabe will die quickly."

"There is no doubt that the cause of death was the gunshot wound to the forehead."

Conan quickly made a judgment on the cause of death by observing Ryo Sogabe's wounds.

"In addition, the wound on my arm has a reaction to life, so he should have been hit in the arm first and then in the forehead."

Sera Masumi was also observing Sogabe Ryo's body. She judged the order in which Sogabe Ryo was shot through the life reaction on Sogabe Ryo's arm.

At the same time, she found a bullet embedded in the floor and the flying bullet casing on the ground.

Masumi Sera picked up the cartridge case with her gloved hands and looked at the bottom.

"It's a 9mm FMJ, so it's a pistol."

Sera Masumi frowned, feeling more and more the danger of this case.

I really didn’t expect that someone would bring a gun into the exhibition area of ​​this film festival.

"Although the order in which Sogabu Ryo was shot was that he was shot in the arm first and then in the forehead."

"But there are signs that prove it was not the murderer who accidentally hit his arm."

"Because if it was missed, the bullet would not be embedded in the ground at this angle, but should fly backward."

While Sera Masumi was observing the wound on Sogabe Ryo's arm and the bullets on the ground, Conan had already checked Sogabe Ryo's whole body.

"Boy, how's the situation?"

Sera Masumi looked at Conan with a solemn expression.

"After inspection, except for the two gunshot wounds, there are no other wounds on my body."

Conan said, then grabbed Ryo Sogabe's sleeve, raised his right arm, and showed the dead man's palm to Sera Masumi.

"Not only that, but we can't see a single scratch on his hands. It was obvious that he was shot without any defense, or the ability to resist."

"Based on the judgment you just made, Miss Shiliang, the murderer should be an acquaintance who can make Sowabu lower his guard."

"In addition, there is another point that cannot be ignored. Our department and Kosaka, who died yesterday, sat at the same table at yesterday's dinner."

"In this case, there should be some connection between the two cases."

Sera Masumi nodded and agreed with Conan's view.

She gently touched her lower lip with her fist and thought:

"In this case, there are four doubts about this case."

"First, since Sogabe and Takasaka knew each other, the murderer should have killed them for the same reason, but why did Sogabu and Kosaka die in completely different ways?"

"Second, what was the murderer's motive for killing our subordinates?"

"Third, since he can make our troops lower their guard, why bother shooting him in the arm? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just shoot him in the forehead?"

"Four, why didn't the murderer attract anyone's attention when he fired?"

Sera Masumi vaguely felt that if she could figure out the cause of Kosaka Tsunekazu's death yesterday.

Perhaps we can solve the mystery in this series of cases.

But it's a pity.

Even if the judicial autopsy is expedited, it will take nearly a week to issue the results.

"We don't have the luxury to wait for the Metropolitan Police Department to issue judicial autopsy results this time. If we can't find the real culprit quickly, other people may be killed!"

Sera Masumi said anxiously.

"As for the fourth point, this is easier to explain."

Conan said.

"The decibels when fired from a standard 9mm handgun are typically in the 160-170 decibel range."

"After adding a silencer to a pistol, the decibels are usually reduced to 130-140 decibels."

"If subsonic ammunition is used later, the volume when shooting will be further reduced."

"The murderer must have closed the door when he committed the crime. In addition, the personal lounge is far away from the exhibition hall, and the sound of the stereo from the screening hall can be heard from time to time next to it."

"In this case, as long as the pistol is equipped with a silencer and uses subsonic ammunition, it is completely possible to use the sound of the screening room to cover up the sound of the shooting so that it is not noticed by visitors in the exhibition hall."

Conan said and looked up at Sera Masumi.

"The murderer must have planned all this a long time ago. This is an out-and-out murder!"

"The murderer must be an acquaintance who can make our troops lower their guard, and he is covering up something by killing people."

"And the key to solving this case lies in the first three doubtful points you mentioned, Miss Shiliang."

As Conan spoke, a drop of sweat dripped down his chin and fell to the ground.

He reached out and wiped his neck and forehead, which were already covered with sweat, then raised his head and looked sharply at the air conditioner in the room.

"Under normal circumstances, the temperature in the exhibition hall and the screening room is maintained at a normal temperature of about 20-25℃, but someone deliberately turned on the air conditioner in the room to 32℃."

"Usually, the murderer has only one reason to do this, which is to speed up the transformation of the corpse and accelerate blood coagulation, and enhance the oxidation reaction in the blood, so as to cover up the real time of the death of the deceased."

"But if you want to cover up the time of the death of the deceased by controlling the temperature in the room, you must make sure that the time when the body is discovered is long enough from the time of the death to make sense."

"Now Sogabe has obviously not been dead for a long time, so turning on the air conditioner has left a flaw."

"According to the high temperature environment of 32℃, the dark red color of Sogabe's blood at this moment, and considering that he must have been alive before the last movie started"

"The time when Sogabe was killed should be between 9:30 and 11:10."

"As long as you know the tourists who entered and left this exhibition hall during this period"

Conan raised his wrist and glanced at the watch on his wrist and made a judgment.

However, he was interrupted by a hesitant voice behind him when he was halfway through his words.

"But the problem is. There are no cameras in the exhibition hall or in the personal lounge. How can we tell who has entered or left the exhibition hall?"

Conan was startled when he heard this and hurriedly looked back.

He saw Suzuki Sonoko leaning on her knees with her hands, bending over and looking at him.

"Sister Sonoko, and sister Xiaoxiaolan?!"

Conan was a little flustered.

He didn't know how much of his reasoning was heard by Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan.

And Sera Masumi took the lead in speaking and directing Suzuki Sonoko's attention before she became suspicious of this.

"Why are there no cameras installed in such a large exhibition hall?!"

"Won't this be a safety hazard?"

"Well, at last year's film exhibition, someone in charge of surveillance appeared and uploaded the undisclosed movie information to the Internet privately."

"As a result, there have been no cameras installed in the exhibition hall since this year."

Suzuki Sonoko replied.

"There are no cameras installed indoors, which means there are still cameras outside, right?"

Sera Masumi asked.

"I'm not sure if there are any who are directly facing the entrance of the exhibition hall, but there should be some at several important intersections."

Sera Masumi looked at Suzuki Sonoko's reminiscence and thought to himself:

'In this way, those who had the opportunity to come to Sogabe's personal exhibition hall during this period, and who have no alibi and are familiar with Sogabe, are suspected of committing the crime. '

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