Director Yoshitoki Hotta's personal lounge.

Doctor Ohga Takao took out his mobile phone, activated the screen, and glanced at the time displayed on it.


‘There are still 50 minutes until I meet that young artist. ’

Taiga Takao thought silently in his heart.

The constantly shaking right leg reflected the irritability in his heart at the moment.

‘That idiot Kosaka was so immortal, why did he die yesterday? ’

‘Obviously I told him yesterday afternoon, but he just didn’t listen! ’

'Sogabu and Soma are both idiots. Even though Kousaka is already dead, they still couldn't hold back last night! ’

'Although stupid people are easy to control, if they are too stupid, they will really make people angry.'

If anyone saw the gloomy look on Taiga Takao's face at this moment, they would probably be shocked.

Because at this time, Takao Ohga was completely different from the self-confident smile of a successful person that he always showed in front of outsiders.

More than an hour ago, he personally killed his loyal "customer" Ryo Sogabe.

And forty minutes ago, he killed Souma Miho, who was also apparently very close to him.

Whether it’s Tsunekazu Kosaka who died yesterday,

It was Ryo Sogabe who had just been killed by him, as well as Souma Miho.

All three of them are well-known directors in the Japanese industry.

Basically, in this circle,

As long as you are a little older and have a good reputation in the circle.

More or less, there will be a need for plastic surgery.

Even if they are not directors who rely on their faces to make a living.

Takao Ohga is one of the most well-known plastic surgeons in the industry.

His approach is to provide the so-called industry giants with the plastic surgery services they need and analyze them in the process of getting along with them.

Once Takao Ohga discovers that the opponent's willpower is not that firm and his brain is relatively not that smart, he will continue to seduce him.

As long as the other party can't resist the temptation, start it.

Then the other party will only get deeper and deeper with him, and eventually become a "loyal customer" controlled by him.

At that time, whether it is the other party's wealth or connections, they will become things within Takao Ohga's reach.

Of course, Takao Ohga would not kill the goose to retrieve the eggs.

He knows that it is far better to keep these people and continue to generate value than to directly drain them dry.

Originally everything went smoothly.

Until yesterday, the sudden death of Tsunekazu Kosaka broke Takao Ohga's stable life.

Originally, Takao Ohga still had a chance to make amends, but there was a detective at the dinner party who was so keen that he was in the way.

In the end, he was unable to perform secondary processing on Kosaka Tsunekazu's body.

Once the Metropolitan Police Department conducts a forensic autopsy on Kosaka Tsunekazu's body, Kosaka Tsunekazu's secret will be exposed in an instant.

After that, he will also be exposed to danger.

In order to prevent this from happening, the hidden dangers of Sogabe Ryo and Aima Miho must be silenced forever.

But just killing them both isn't safe enough.

Because the risk still exists with the handsome but actually female detective Sera Masumi.

‘That guy was obviously not a doctor, but he immediately pinned the cause of Kosaka’s death on poisoning and breathing problems. ’

‘Then today’s deaths of Sogabu and Souma will probably make her aware of the connection immediately. ’

‘In order to confuse her judgment, there must be “interference items” among today’s dead. ’

The person chosen by Takao Ohga as the interference item was Akikawa Kyousuke, who he met by chance this morning and seemed a little foolish.

As for what happened after killing Akikawa Kongsuke, he had already thought about it all.

As long as you disguise yourself as the victim, you can easily pin the entire case on Hota Yoshitoki, who had no alibi during this period.

Takao Ohga believed in Sera's pure ability.

I will definitely be able to investigate the grievances between Hota Yoshitoki and myself.

By then.

The fact that he deliberately disfigured Hota Yoshitoki back then would become an armor to protect him and become the perfect motive for Hota Yoshitoki to commit murder against him.

Moreover, Akikawa Kyusuke died in Hotta Yoshitoki's personal lounge,

And the pistol used as the murder weapon to kill Ryo Sogabe and Miho Soma will also become strong evidence to push Hota Yoshitoki to the gallows.

As for whether his disguise as a victim would be revealed to detectives?

Just kidding, if I, a doctor who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tokyo, were to be seen through by an outsider high school student, then all my years of work would have been in vain.

"It's better to start preparations early."

Ohga Takao said softly, then took out the candle he had prepared in advance, heated it with a lighter and applied it to the fingertips of both hands.

When the paraffin wax is heated and melted, it will form a film on your fingers.

This way you won't leave fingerprints when using the gun or grabbing things.

In addition, one advantage of using paraffin wax to cover fingerprints compared to cyanoacrylate glue (commonly known as 502) is that it is easier to remove.

Just use a knife or fingertips to gently scratch it, or heat it again to remove the wax film attached to the fingertips.

Just as Takao Ohga applied the melted paraffin to his fingertips and waited for it to dry,

The sudden knock at the door startled him.

‘Who? ! ’

According to Takao Ohkawa’s thoughts, no one should come here at this time.

If someone saw him staying alone in Yoshitoki Horita’s lounge, a lot of problems would arise later.

Takao Ohkawa reached into his coat pocket and grabbed the pistol.

At the same time, he stood up and approached the door quietly.

The knocks continued, and then there was a sound of trying to open the door.

Since Yoshitoki Horita’s personal lounge was locked by himself, the person outside naturally couldn’t open the door.

Takao Ohkawa had no intention of responding. After approaching the door, he was ready to confirm the figure outside through the cat’s eye.

Then, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

“Hello, Mr. Horita, Mr. Ohkawa asked me to come here.”

Hearing the voice of the artist Akikawa Sosuke who he had met in the morning, Takao Ohkawa was relieved.

After confirming from the peephole that only Akikawa Sosuke was outside, he opened the door.

"Akikawa-kun, why are you here so early? Didn't we meet at one o'clock? I just fell asleep by accident."

Takao Ohkawa greeted him with a smile.

After welcoming Akikawa Sosuke in, he quickly closed the door.

Then he quietly locked the door by making the sound of talking.

"Is Mr. Horita not here? Why is Mr. Ohkawa alone?"

"Horita will probably be back around one o'clock, so he should be having dinner now."

"Ah! Did I come too early?"

Akikawa Sosuke looked terrified.

"It's okay, it's okay, just wait a little."

Takao Ohkawa was chatting with Akikawa Sosuke, and suddenly thought of something, so he asked:

"By the way, why did Akikawa-kun come so early today?"

"I was originally going to watch a movie directed by Sogabe, but the movie was suddenly stopped for some reason, so I slipped away early."

"Is that so? Then does your agent know that you came here?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell her."

Takao Ohkawa looked at Akikawa Sosuke, who just remembered something, and felt a little funny in his heart.

"I clearly agreed to come at one o'clock, but I came more than 40 minutes early, and I didn't inform anyone."

"Isn't this an opportunity to create an alibi for me in vain?"

Originally, in Takao Ohkawa's mind, the first person to discover the crime scene should be Akikawa Sosuke's agent Itakura Misaki.

But now that Akikawa Sosuke has arrived early, he can use the appointment to meet him at one o'clock to create an alibi for himself.

This is safer than meeting Akikawa Sosuke at one o'clock.

Ohkawa Takao looked at Akikawa Sosuke who was looking down at his phone in front of him, as if he was about to contact his agent.

He reached into his coat pocket again and grabbed the pistol inside.

Akikawa Sosuke was decisively different from Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho, that is, he didn't need to "fire two shots" himself.

As long as one shot killed, that was enough.

Having made a decision, Ohkawa Takao listened to the roar of the movie coming from the next door screening room.

Then, at the moment when the roar suddenly became louder, he took out the pistol from his pocket, pointed it directly at Akikawa Sosuke's eyebrows, and then pulled the trigger.


The familiar gunshot did not sound.

The scene of Akikawa Sosuke falling backwards with a bloody hole in his head did not appear.

This was not a dud.

But he didn't even pull the trigger completely.

Ohkawa Takao saw.

At this moment, the slide of his pistol was held down by Akikawa Sosuke's right hand, and his right index finger was inserted into the back of his pistol's trigger.

He completely blocked the trigger that he wanted to pull to the back.

And the thin artist Akikawa Sosuke, who was originally looking down at his phone in front of him,

was now staring at him with his blue eyes full of teasing.

This scene made Ohkawa Takao feel like a bomb suddenly exploded in his head.

He reacted instantly.

If Akikawa Sosuke in front of him was not familiar with his pistol to the point where he could not be more familiar with it.

How could he have judged that the trigger of his pistol was the type that could be inserted into his finger to block the firing the moment he took out the pistol?

But Akikawa Sosuke in front of him was obviously just an artist who looked like he was not yet an adult.

How could he have done this?

This strong sense of contrast instantly turned into a chill that hit Ohkawa Takao's heart.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Akikawa Sosuke's handsome face in front of him with a very horrified look, looking behind him.

Ohkawa Takao subconsciously looked back.

However, there was nothing behind him except an empty room.

Suddenly, Ohkawa Takao felt someone's hand around his neck, and his carotid artery was pressed down.

Strong fear instantly swept through Ohkawa Takao's body.

This scene was very familiar to Ohkawa Takao, a doctor.

This is what doctors call the "carotid sinus reflex".

Even when facing an opponent with a huge difference in physical fitness, it only takes five seconds at most to paralyze the opponent's half body.

"How... How is it possible!?"

Takao Ohkawa stared and uttered the last sound.

Then his upper body suddenly went limp.

It's a pity that

he didn't figure out why Akikawa Sosuke's image changed so drastically in a short period of time until the end.

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