In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 90 The Secret of Takao Ohkawa

Akikawa Kyusuke didn't stop just because Ohga Takao's upper body went limp.

He maintained the position of squeezing Takao Ohga's carotid artery, and only let go after Takao Ohga lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

In Hotta Yoshitoki's personal lounge, a dull sound like a "thunk" sounded like a sandbag falling to the ground.

Ohga Takao fell to the ground like a corpse.

‘Sig Sauer P226 is really a popular model. ’

Akikawa Kyousuke squatted beside Takao Ohga who had fainted, looked at the pistol that fell on the ground, and commented in his heart.

He stood up and looked around Hotta Yoshitoki's personal lounge.

Then I saw a lighter and a candle on the table.

‘I’m quite prepared. I even thought about how to cover my fingerprints. ’

Akikawa Kosuke walked to the table, picked up a lighter, melted the candle, and applied it to his fingertips.

Akikawa Kyusuke put the used candles and lighters into his pocket.

Afterwards, Kyousuke Akikawa scraped off the paraffin on Takao Ohga's fingers.

After confirming that Takao Ohga's fingerprints were not covered by paraffin, Akikawa Kusuke grabbed his palm and asked Takao Ohga to re-grasp the pistol on the ground.

In order to prevent Takao Ohga from suddenly waking up while holding the gun, Akikawa Kyousuke stepped on the middle of his forearm with his foot the entire time.

The middle part of the human forearm is filled with many muscles and nerves that control hand movements. As long as you step on this area, you can effectively inhibit the strength and mobility of the hand.

At the same time, in order to avoid leaving shoe prints on Takao Ohga's clothes, Akikawa Kousuke deliberately rolled up his sleeves and stepped directly on his arms.

After confirming that Takao Ohga had properly left his fingerprints on the pistol, Akikawa Kousuke threw the pistol on the table and began to pick out Takao Ohga's coat pocket.

There was nothing in Takao Ohga's right pocket.

In Ohga Takao's left pocket, Akikawa Kyusuke found a cardboard box and a syringe.

‘It’s exactly what I guessed. ’

Akikawa Kyusuke thought to himself and took out the syringe and carton.

In this case, the cause of everything was Kosaka Tsunekazu's "accidental death".

At the dinner yesterday, Akikawa Kyusuke and Okino Yoko greeted Kosaka Tsunekazu and others together.

Although the directors on the first table have very different personalities.

But Akikawa Kongsuke was keenly aware of the "commonality" between several people.

That is, all three of them showed signs of drug abuse.

Yesterday, when Akikawa Kyusuke and Okino Yoko went to say hello, the first one to speak was the obese director Tsunekazu Kosaka.

He seemed extremely excited when he spoke.

At the same time, Akikawa Kyusuke also noticed that the cup in front of Kosaka Tsunekazu was not filled with high-quality foreign wine.

But beer.

Perhaps for those who are weak drinkers, beer is enough to quickly reach a state of excitement.

But there is another possibility that Kosaka Tsunekazu had been injected with drugs not long ago.

Then Soma Miho, who shook hands with Akikawa Kyusuke, suddenly suffered from back pain when she stood up.

The causes of muscle and joint pain are also diverse.

But one possibility is the withdrawal reaction within 24-48 hours after drug addiction.

Finally, there is the third director, Ryo Sogabe.

He appeared extremely sleepy from the start.

At the same time, he also said that if he had known earlier, he would have slept in the hotel.

If you don't get enough sleep, you won't realize you are sleepy until you have dinner at night.

Although this explanation sounds very far-fetched.

But in Akikawa Kongsuke's view, Sogabe Ryo's words "I knew it earlier" refer to something that Sogabe Ryo had not expected that happened yesterday.

——That is, the initial withdrawal reaction.

Of course, the symptoms of the above-mentioned people are not necessarily due to drugs.

But the main reason that made Akikawa Kousuke aware of the clues was the sudden death of Kosaka Tsunekazu.

Akikawa Kyusuke first observed the reactions of Masumi Sera and Conan.

The cause of death of Kosaka Tsunekazu was reduced to poisoning and suffocation.

Secondly, another point that aroused Akikawa Kyusuke's suspicion was Ohga Takao's reaction after noticing Kosaka Tsunekazu's sudden fainting.

Takao Ohga did not even understand Kosaka Tsunekazu's condition, so he performed chest compressions and artificial respiration on Kosaka Tsunekazu.

It was as if he knew the cause of Kosaka Tsunekazu's symptoms in advance.


Takao Ohga's overreaction after confirming Tsunekazu Kosaka's death is also one of the doubts.

Perhaps Takao Ohga was close to Kosaka Tsunekazu and was heartbroken after seeing his friend die.

However, in Akikawa Kongsuke's view.

Ohga Takao's performance clearly showed that he was panicking because Kosaka Tsunekazu's sudden death would expose his ulterior secrets.

There is one more thing.

After watching the opening ceremony of the film festival yesterday, Akikawa Kyusuke noticed when he was invited by Suzuki Sonoko to visit the film festival exhibition area,

A group of people did not choose to go to the exhibition area, but chose to go back to the hotel directly.

Akikawa Kyusuke recalled the appearance of the group of people after yesterday's dinner, and they were clearly Ohga Takao, Kosaka Tsune and their group.

All the above clues led Akikawa Kongsuke to deduce a possibility.

That is, Kosaka Tsunekazu and the other two all abused drugs.

Considering that Ohkawa Takao owns a plastic surgery hospital.

So Akikawa Sosuke naturally judged that Ohkawa Takao was using his identity to provide morphine to the three directors.

Akikawa Sosuke opened the box he found in Ohkawa Takao's pocket.

Sure enough, he found several medical morphine and naloxone hydrochloride in it.

Medical morphine is mainly used in the medical field as a powerful analgesic to relieve moderate to severe pain.

Especially after surgery, cancer patients and other severe chronic pain conditions.

At the same time, medical morphine is an opioid drug,

which directly acts on the opioid receptors in the brain and central nervous system, blocking the transmission of pain signals and producing analgesic and euphoric effects.

Long-term use may lead to addiction, drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.

Kosaka Tsunekazu's situation yesterday just matched the performance of a person who had just injected morphine.

Morphine has an inhibitory effect on the respiratory center.

When alcohol is consumed, it will significantly enhance the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, eventually leading to severe respiratory depression.

Since Tsunekazu Kosaka consumed beer, the alcohol content is relatively low, so the impact may not be great.

But considering that Tsunekazu Kosaka is obese, he is likely to have respiratory problems.

So even if it is just beer, it is enough to pose a fatal threat to him who has been injected with morphine.

So yesterday, Akikawa Sosuke had already determined the cause of Tsunekazu Kosaka's death.

It was death caused by severe respiratory depression after drinking alcoholic beverages after injecting morphine.

After the Metropolitan Police Department performed a forensic autopsy on Tsunekazu Kosaka's body, it naturally exposed the fact that Tsunekazu Kosaka abused morphine.

So until yesterday, Takao Ohkawa has always been a "victim".

Because he was not the direct culprit who caused Tsunekazu Kosaka's death.

But he will be affected by Tsunekazu Kosaka's death.

In this case, people around Tsunekazu Kosaka will definitely be thoroughly investigated.

So Takao Ohkawa faces two choices.

On one hand, he believed that the other two morphine users could withstand the pressure from the police and not expose themselves.

On the other hand, he killed all those who might further expose his secrets.

‘Obviously, Mr. Ohkawa chose the latter. ’

Akikawa Sosuke thought to himself, and then he opened the bottleneck of an ampoule of medical morphine and sucked the liquid into the syringe.

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