Jiang Xun was originally a resident of Liyue, so it was no problem for him to be in Liyue Harbor at this moment.

But the problem was the five people who were traveling with him.

The appearance of these five people was indeed a bit eye-catching, and they all disguised themselves.

" I don’t know why mortals have to wear clothes. It’s really uncomfortable."

Fushe felt the clothes sticking to his skin, and his face was full of discomfort.

" Brother Fushe, if you don’t wear clothes, you might be taken away by the Qianyan Army."

Yingda saw his elder brother complaining and smiled secretly

"Take away? Why? I didn't do anything to harm Liyue Harbor."

Fushe obviously couldn't understand this behavior. What was there to be ashamed of with her perfect body?

Would she be.....

"Okay, Fushe, since we are here to have fun, don't complain, just follow the local customs."

Mi Nu saw Fu She's face full of dissatisfaction, and smiled and advised

"Okay, okay"

Seeing that his brothers have spoken, as the eldest brother, he naturally cannot be so petty anymore.

"However, this Liyue Harbor is really very different from the previous one!"

Fushe saw the prosperity of Liyue Harbor at this time and praised it immediately. Today's Liyue Harbor is indeed more prosperous than hundreds of years ago.

There are endless ships coming and going, and there are many more shouts on the street.

Fushe was like Liu Laolao at this moment, looking east and west, and exclaiming from time to time.

Although Mi Nu was also surprised, he did not sigh like Fushe, but just nodded from time to time.

After all, outside, the image of a male god still needs to be maintained.

Xiao looked around with his hands on his chest, although he had to admire that the night view of Liyue Harbor was indeed beautiful.

But he has seen this kind of scene quite a lot, so naturally he would not have much reaction.

The other two water and fire Yakshas did not seem to be thinking about the beauty and prosperity of Liyue Harbor.

" How to get Fanan/Yingda away?"

The two of them seemed to have a telepathic connection, and they were both thinking about how to get each other away.

After all, they both wanted to have a chance to be alone with Jiang Xun.

However, just as they were thinking about how to proceed with the plan, they suddenly felt a warmth wrapping around their hands.

They looked down and found that it was Jiang Xun's hand that was holding their hands.

" Remember to look at the road when you walk,"

Jiang Xun's voice of warning reached the ears of the two people, and they immediately came back to their senses.

Their faces turned a little red, and it was not known whether they were embarrassed or really realized their mistakes.

They all lowered their heads and said nothing.

However, Jiang Xun did not pay attention to their reactions at this time. He was still wondering about one thing.

" Strange, where did Fushe and the other two go?"

I turned around and found that there were only these two left of the original five.

At this time, the crowd was moving, and Jiang Xun gave up the idea of looking for the three of them. Maybe they were attracted by something.

" Let's go. You two are new here, so let me, a local resident of Liyue, show you around."

Jiang Xun held their hands tightly. The touch was very good, soft and smooth, like mutton-fat jade, which was very comfortable to touch.

However, this unintentional action made their cheeks red again.

The look at this time made people want to take a bite.

"He...How could he be so bold?"

Fannan was still dreaming. Although she wanted to be alone with Jiang Xun, she just wanted to be together.

Although she had thought about holding hands, it still felt very dreamy every time she thought about it.

But now the other party not only did it, but also kept kneading her hands like a toy.

This completely shocked Fannan's innocent heart.

" Really....Is it so fun?"

Fanan subconsciously raised his other hand and took a closer look. This hand was very beautiful, but he had never paid attention to it.

And Yingda's situation was not much better than Fanan's.

Although he liked to be lively, he was still a little unprepared for this sudden hand-holding.

Especially the other party's next action made her become like Fanan, and she was also curious about this.

Jiang Xun was looking for fun things. After all, as a local resident, he believed that he had an obligation to take the two Yakshas out to play.

As for holding hands, it was also to prevent the two from getting separated from him.......

Jiang Xun was looking for interesting places.

He didn't care that his actions were being watched by three pairs of eyes.

After all, he was so handsome, it was normal to be stared at in the crowd.

" I didn't expect Brother Jiang to be so powerful?!"

Fu She saw the state of his two younger sisters and was amazed at Mi Nu who was standing beside him.

" Let me tell you, these two girls have been acting strange since they found out that Brother Jiang is not dead."

" As expected, I guessed it!"

Fushe laughed, somewhat impressed by his own amazing observation skills.

"Haha, Brother Jiang is really good, but that's not the most important thing"

Mi Nu said mysteriously

"What is that?"

Seeing that the other party was keeping it a secret, Xiao on the side couldn't help but ask

" The most important thing is that I have seen the handles of these two girls, especially Yingda. I want to see how she will mock me in the future!"

Mi Nu looked very proud, but after seeing Xiao's speechless expression, he realized that he had damaged his image a bit.

The image of a male god still needs to be maintained.

"Ahem, but did you notice that I found that Brother Jiang has changed a little bit?"

Ignoring Mi Nu's little trick,

Fu She continued

" Changes? Talk about it in detail"

" I found that I like Brother Jiang more and more now, and he even looks a bit handsome."

Fushe scratched his chin and expressed his doubts.

But this result immediately caused a strong reaction from the two people beside him.

His body subconsciously moved a little further away from the other party.

Fushe was very upset when he saw this. It was obvious that these two guys had wrong ideas.

" What are you thinking? I mean I am becoming more and more fond of Brother Jiang."

This also sounded very strange, but the two of them roughly understood what Fushe meant.

They nodded, because they also had this feeling.

It was very strange.

Jiang Xun: Can the peaceful appearance be used as an active skill?

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