At night

, no matter how lively a party is, it will eventually come to an end, even a prosperous place like Liyue Harbor.

At midnight, most of the vendors and stalls on the street went home, and the noisy shouting and talking disappeared without a trace.

Only the cleaning staff were left to clean the streets alone. After all, it was impossible to just leave the garbage on the street unattended.

The bustling scene just now was like a mirage, which turned into a bubble and shattered. Oh my god, why am I so emo again?

Jiang Xun woke up. He couldn't help wanting to be emo every midnight. Fortunately, the feelings he had just expressed were only in his mind.

No one else heard it, otherwise even Jiang would feel very socially dead......

"Huh, we had a lot of fun tonight, what do you think?"

Standing on the mountain next to Yujingtai, overlooking the entire Liyue Harbor, Jiang Xun asked the two women beside him

"I...I am also very happy"

Fanan spoke with a red face and a low voice.���Like a frightened little rabbit.

Looking at Jiang Xun's face, she couldn't help but think of what she had just experienced.

The other party had no reservations at all, and played whatever he saw, but she had hardly touched these things and had no idea about these entertainment facilities. She couldn't get started at all, but what happened next made her tremble. Jiang Xun actually taught them two hands-on!

Now thinking back to the ambiguous posture just now, her face couldn't help but blush. If the other party's expression at that time was not very serious, she really thought he was hinting at something.

However, that feeling just now was really good!

Jiang Xun thought that the other party had not recovered from the prosperous atmosphere. After all, Yaksha had been dealing with demons and evil spirits for many years. When had he seen those things just now?

It was understandable that he couldn't adapt for a while.

But compared to Fanan's whispering, Yingda was much better.

At least she could learn those things quickly, unlike Fanan, who became very stiff for some reason when she was teaching.

Like a robot, it took him a lot of effort.

But fortunately, the final result is still good, at least.....He had a lot of fun.

" Well, how was your fun tonight?"

When Jiang Xun was enjoying the breeze on the top of the mountain, the other three Yakshas also arrived here.

Jiang Xun noticed that they were holding some small gifts in their hands, so they must have gained something tonight.

" I was a little surprised. The development of Liyue is beyond my imagination. After visiting today, I have learned a lot."

Mi Nu raised the small ornament in his hand and said with a smile.

Although he said it in a rather reserved way, judging from his appearance, he must be having a lot of fun.......

"Well, I'm ready to go back. I wonder what you guys are going to do next?"

After standing and chatting for a while, Jiang Xun asked to leave.

" We have to go on patrol too, after all, this is our job"

Fushe answered.

The other four nodded after hearing this.

Although the demons are almost invisible now, it does not mean that they do not exist. Their work still needs to continue.

" Well, be safe"

Jiang Xun nodded to the five people

"Next time you go out to play, please look for me!"

When they were leaving, Yingda came to Jiang Xun and said with a smile on his face.

" also...And me!"

Seeing Yingda taking the initiative, Fanan was unwilling to fall behind and spoke up immediately.

Several people were attracted by her suddenly raised voice, and several pairs of eyes looked at her face.

Seeing this, Fanan's courage that had just appeared disappeared in an instant, and her eyes dodged, not daring to look at everyone present.

She did not notice the teasing expressions of Mi Nu and others.

" Of course!"

Jiang Xun nodded. He felt that Fa Nan was a little strange tonight. He thought that he was acting like this because he was not used to the atmosphere.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

Seeing the other party like this, Jiang Xun had a guess in his mind: Could it be that....She likes me?

But he quickly rejected it. Although he thought he was handsome, this could not be the basis for his wild imagination.

After all, this is one of the three major illusions in life, and countless people died on the spot because of this illusion.

I can't let myself fall into an irreversible situation because of an unfounded guess.

However, although I can't be sure of the other party's situation, I think he must be a little uncomfortable. As a friend, I naturally have to give some encouragement at this time.

"By the way, I want to tell you something."

Jiang Xun's sudden words made the others turn their attention from Fa Nan to him. Ying Da's face changed a little and he became a little nervous.

As for the other three people, they showed a look of eating melons.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xun's sudden words made Fanan nervous, and he asked hesitantly

"You looked really handsome when you crushed the evil spirit's head that day!"



Jiang Xun said something shocking.

I thought you would....I didn't expect you to.....

The person eating the melon suddenly felt that the melon in his hand had expired, and Yingda, who was standing next to him, turned around and trembled.

It seemed that he would soon lose control.

After hearing this, Fanan felt like a bolt from the blue.

She suddenly remembered that Jiang Xun was also there at the time, but she was so happy to see him that she forgot about it.

" It's over, why didn't I choose a gentler way at that time?"

Fan Nan regretted it now.

She didn't want to leave an image in Jiang Xun's mind that could crush his head with bare hands.

The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt.

The next moment, she disappeared without even saying hello as a water shadow.

Jiang Xun vaguely caught the extremely ruddy face of the other party when she left, and couldn't help but sigh that this girl really doesn't stand being praised!

Her defense was broken by his slight praise.

"Brother Jiang, your idea really makes me....Amazing, emm, I'll take my leave first"

After Fushe finished speaking, he left, running very fast, fearing that he would also be exposed by the other party.

The remaining Mi Nu and Ying Da also hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Soon, only the confused Xiao was left.

They....Why are you walking so fast?

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