After saying this, Paimeng seemed to understand how important what he had just said was.

He immediately waved his hand and explained,"Well, I was just talking casually. You don't have to pay attention to me......Hey, what's the meaning of that pity on your face?"

Paimeng said to Jiang Xun dissatisfiedly. She saw clearly that the expression on this guy's face was obviously pity, right?!

"It's a pity, I thought I could make some extra money."

Jiang Xun replied lazily.

Based on what this guy just said, I think there must be a reward for reporting.

"Okay, stop teasing Paimeng. Can you tell me what you just said?"

If it were any other time, Ying would definitely not miss the chance to see Paimeng's frustrated look, after all, it was really interesting, but this time she had her own ideas. As long as she became the champion, she could ask Ningguang about her brother. Although Qixing said that she would help her find him, she had no idea what the result would be.

"Of course, but.....This information is not free."

Jiang Xun is not a good person. He and the other party are just ordinary friends. How could he provide information for free? Did he really think he was an NPC with golden light on his head?

"Hey, Jiang Xun, we are all friends now, can you just treat this news as a gift to us?"

Paimeng launched a free-for-all declaration, but Jiang didn't buy it.

"Then we are all friends, can you lend it to me?"


This lewd word made Paimeng hide away a lot, after all, he couldn't get in no matter how hard he tried, right?

Seeing this guy's reaction, Jiang Xun raised a little arc at the corner of his mouth. It's really interesting to tease this guy when he has nothing to do.

"What do you want?"

Ying knew that the other party was not like the friends she had met along the way, who would offer free help right away, so she asked directly.

"Please do me a favor, but I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

""Okay, but I also have the right to refuse."

Ying is not stupid to have come all this way. If she doesn't agree on the terms in advance, she will definitely suffer.

Jiang Xun didn't mean to cheat the other party, so he readily agreed.

"As far as I know, there was an immortal named Minghai Qixia Zhenjun. Although he passed away a long time ago, there is a Mingxia Fusheng Stone in his cave."

"So that's how it is. I thought they were going to kill people and rob them. I can't do such a thing!"

Paimeng jumped out again and expressed his own thoughts.

However, Jiang Xun seemed to be trying to cover up his mistake.

Otherwise,.....Try reporting it?

"Hey, are you thinking about something bad?!"

Paimeng seemed to have an unusual reaction to things that might endanger her safety. Jiang Xun only thought about it and she noticed something was wrong.

""No, I'm just thinking about how to make money."

Jiang Xun answered innocently, but it was hard for the person concerned to believe him.

Ignoring the verbal confrontation between the two, Ying fell into thought after hearing what he said.

She had never heard of this immortal, and according to what Jiang Xun just said, the other party had already passed away. Now that he couldn't even be found, how could he get the Mingxia Fusheng Stone?

"However, we don't know where the cave of the real master is, and it's not polite to go to someone else's cave to take things without permission, right?"

Paimeng also found something wrong.

"No, as far as I know, Minghai Qixia Zhenjun is open-minded and won't care about such a small matter."

Shen He suddenly said, and from her tone, it seemed that she knew something about Minghai Qixia Zhenjun. Jiang Xun didn't say much about it. After all, he didn't know the other party, so naturally he didn't know what his habits were.

"Really? That's great, but how can we find the immortal's cave now?"

Paimeng seemed to have thought of something after he finished speaking, and then he turned his eyes to Shen He who had just stood up to explain science.

"Shen He, do you know where this True Lord's cave is located?"

Shen He shook his head when he heard this.

"Master usually only told me some of his experiences, but he didn't mention anything about the immortal cave. If you are willing to wait, I can go back and ask Master."

"I roughly know where the cave of Minghai Qixia Zhenjun is. I will take you there.

Jiang Xun suddenly interrupted the conversation between the three people.

"Hey, you are willing to help us, there won't be any conditions, right?"

Paimeng crossed his arms and looked at Jiang Xun suspiciously, his words and expression full of doubt.

"Don't think I'm so profit-driven. This time it's free."

Jiang Xun spread his hands, indicating that he really didn't mean anything else.


Paimeng obviously didn't believe what Jiang Xun said. After all, she had just given him countless ugly nicknames in her mind, but this guy suddenly offered to help for free.

It's suspicious no matter how you think about it, right?

Jiang Xun didn't know what his image was in the other person's mind. He really didn't have any other purpose for offering to help at this moment, he just thought it was interesting.

"Since you don't believe it, I won't get involved. I wish you a safe journey."

"Wait, please don't pay attention to what Paimeng said, I need your help."

Ying glared at Paimeng, and then said to Jiang Xun in an apologetic tone. Her intuition told her that Jiang Xun was not a two-faced person. Although she didn't know why, in this world, intuition is sometimes more useful than theory.

"Not bad, much smarter than Paimeng!"

Jiang Xun looked at Paimeng with a victorious look, and the guy was so angry that he couldn't stop stamping his feet.

"Let's go, don't get lost."

Jiang Xun drank the tea in his hand, then stood up and walked straight out of Liyue Harbor.

The remaining three people also hurriedly followed, after all, they could only hope that what Jiang Xun said was true.

Along the way, Jiang Xun's eyes were sharp. He had seen the location of this immortal's cave from some places, but now it seemed to be true.

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