There was light in Jiang Xun's eyes. The magic eyes that gathered immortal arts could let him see through the fog and illusion. Now he was naturally looking for the cave of Minghai Qixia Zhenjun.

"We are here."

Jiang Xun pointed at the ordinary waterfall in front of him and said to the people behind him.

"Is this the cave of Minghai Qixia Zhenjun? Why can't I see it?"

Paimeng scratched his head. This place looks like a waterfall, how can it be a fairy's cave?

"It's a formation."

Shen He saw the truth at a glance, and Ying opened his elemental vision after hearing it.

Then he found that the elemental force was gathering in front of the waterfall.

The three people present understood, leaving only Paimeng still confused.

Jiang Xun pinched his fingers, and the formation at the door was opened, and a hole appeared in front of the three people.

This time, there was no need for elemental vision.

"Well, I wish you three a smooth operation."

Jiang Xun gave up his position and said to the three people

""Hey, aren't you coming with us?"

Paimeng thought Jiang Xun would go in with them, and he thought so.

After all, although this guy has a bit of a bad taste, it would be more reassuring to have him follow them.

"Of course not, I am only responsible for leading the way, the rest is naturally your business."

Jiang explained immediately, he was too lazy to play the game of digging for treasure.

If he had the time, he might as well go and see the restless guy in the sea, at least that thing would make him more interested.

"Well, since Jiang Xun can't go, let's go first."

Ying said

"By the way, let me remind you that the cave of Master Minghai Qixia has not been repaired for a long time, so some monsters have invaded it. Be careful."

"Okay, I understand."

Ying said the last sentence and turned to go into the cave.

Jiang Xun saw the other person disappear, and then he did not stay here any longer. He was not worried about the safety of the three people. Not to mention that Ying herself has good strength, even Shen He's own strength is quite strong. It is still easy to deal with those monsters that broke into the cave.

A gust of wind blew, and Jiang Xun's figure disappeared in front of the cave entrance, and the next moment he appeared at the seaside.

Here, he saw a familiar figure

"Why don't you go to the opera today?"

Zhongli heard this and turned his golden eyes towards Jiang Xun. After glancing at him, he turned his head and looked at the bottom of the sea.

"Sometimes I want to come and see other things."

Zhongli replied, but his eyes did not move.

""Are you worried?"

Jiang Xun asked Zhongli. Both of them knew why the other party appeared here, because the threat from the bottom of the sea had returned.

Last time it was the vortex demon, Osel, and this time it was his wife, Ba Che.

The latter came this time to avenge the former.

Jiang Xun's eyes were also fixed on the seabed, his sight passed through the cover of the sea water, and pointed directly at the three-headed demon below. Its huge figure wandered in the sea water, and just looking at it could make people afraid.

"I'm not worried. Liyue has proven to me that they are capable of dealing with the invasion of the demon god. It's just that I still care a little bit."

Jiang Xun could understand the old man's situation. After all, his children had just left his protection and encountered the crisis of the demon god.

As a god who created and protected this land for thousands of years, it would be a lie to say that he didn't care.

"Excessive concern is just worrying. You might as well spend your time experiencing your life."

"What you said makes sense, but...."

"Are you going to Mr. Yun’s performance these two days?"

"Go to


Not long after, Jiang Xun returned to the cave entrance again. It was only about half an hour after he left.

Not long after, there was a noise at the cave entrance.

They must have succeeded. The next moment, a huge rock broke through the gravity and flew into the sky. But if you look closely, there is another person under the rock. It seems that the other person lifted the rock up.

"That's Shen He?"

Jiang Xun saw the identity of the man under the boulder at a glance, but he was not surprised. Shen He was a disciple of the immortal after all, so it was normal for him to carry a boulder, right?

Although Jiang Xun felt it was normal, the two people who came out of the cave did not think so.

"Jiang Xun, Shen He is so amazing."

Paimeng said to Jiang Xun in amazement as soon as he came out.

After all, that scene really had a strong visual impact on the eyes. A woman was holding a huge rock that was many times bigger than herself and jumped up like flying.

Seeing the other party's relaxed look, she doubted whether she could do it.

"I'm sure you guys have a general idea of Shen He's strength after the adventure just now, right? There's no need to be so surprised."

"Hey, I'm just expressing my feelings."

"Since you have found the floating stone, I will leave first."

Jiang Xun waved his hand and disappeared from their sight.

The remaining ones are the Qianqi core and the immortal talisman. With their relationship with the immortals, it is not a problem to get the immortal talisman, but the problem is the so-called Qianqi core.

This thing will take some time.

I guess the next time we meet, it will be time to complete the mission.......Bar.....

"So, you guys want to ask about the location of the Star-Breaking Iron Mine and the Secret Hua Stone now?"

Jiang Xun was speechless as he looked at the three people who came to see him just one day later.

They treated him like a wishing machine, right? They asked him whatever they wanted.

"Don't be anxious, Jiang Xun, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Yun Jinyun, I'm sure you must have heard of her name, this time it's also Mr. Yun who wants to find these materials."

Paimeng directly pushed Yun Jin out when explaining, and it was obvious that he came prepared.

"Mr. Jiang Xun, it's nice to see you again. I didn't expect that the bad guy Paimeng was talking about was you."

Yun Jin greeted Jiang Xun first.

Jiang Xun also nodded, but then looked at Paimeng meaningfully.

You secretly gave me a nickname, right?


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