Du Lin was very excited.

Jiang Xun had kept him in the snowy mountains and hadn't come to see him for a long time. He didn't expect to receive a message from him just now asking him to come over.

Seeing him again at this moment made Du Lin very happy.

"Du Lin, long time no see, can you do me a favor?"

Jiang Xun sent a voice message first, controlling the other party's next move, otherwise, with this guy's initial move, he would probably really hit Jiang Xun with a flying dragon.

Du Lin obeyed Jiang Xun's words very much, after all, the other party gave him a new body without any problems, so he naturally had to listen to his instructions.

"Dad, please tell me"

Du Lin's voice echoed in Jiang Xun's mind, making his scalp tingle.

He couldn't stand such a huge and ferocious dragon calling him daddy.

Jiang Ruoli's situation was not so bad, but Jiang Xun didn't care about this problem. It would be better to solve the problem at the moment.

" See that three-headed demon down there? Get rid of her and take her away. I want her alive."

Jiang Xun pointed at Ba Che below and said.

Du Lin also looked in the direction Jiang Xun pointed. He had not noticed this guy just now.

At this moment, with Jiang Xun's reminder, he found that there was a demon god on the sea.

Ba Che saw the black dragon suddenly appear and turned his eyes to her. Her heart skipped a beat. Just feeling Du Lin's breath, she felt a huge pressure. Now she was stared at by the other party, as if she was stared at by some terrifying existence.

Almost without hesitation, Ba Che changed her arrogant appearance just now and went directly to the bottom of the water.

Facing Du Lin, she didn't even have the courage to look at him, and immediately chose to run away.

However, Du Lin saw that the target Jiang Xun wanted was about to run away, and he was anxious in an instant. If he couldn't even do such a simple task well.

Jiang Xun might dislike him for being useless and completely don't want him.

As if the wings that could cover the sky were waving violently, Du Lin's huge dragon body rushed to the bottom of the sea.

The sound of sonic booms continued to occur in the air like firecrackers, and the next second, Du Lin went directly to the bottom of the water.

The huge body entered the water and the sea level seemed to be raised.

The sound of fighting was heard from the bottom of the sea, but it disappeared in just a few breaths.

Then a black spot appeared on the sea, followed by Durin's huge head and his huge mouth.

But at this time, the other party was biting something in his mouth.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Ba Che's neck!

Durin bit one of the necks, then flapped his wings, and his towering body like a mountain slowly rose into the air.

Ba Che's body was also dragged up by it, and her body was full of deep wounds that could be seen to the bone.

It was enough to prove how fierce the resistance just now was. It was not until it flew up completely that everyone saw Ba Che's entire appearance. It must be said that it was indeed huge. It was much larger than the Qun Yu Pavilion.

But even such a giant was as big as a child in front of the black dragon that suddenly appeared in front of them. After all, Durin was a top-level alchemical creature that even Barbatos and Tevarin couldn't deal with together, so it was natural for him to deal with Ba Che.

" Ying, do you think this black dragon looks like something you've seen before?"

Paimon reminded Ying that she seemed to have seen the description of the black dragon

" I remember it, it was when we were in the snowy mountains!"

Paimon suddenly had an idea and recalled that he had seen the language describing the black dragon somewhere.

" Snow Mountain, you mean...."Du Lin?"

After being reminded by the other party, Yingjing also remembered that the black dragon in front of him was very similar to the demon dragon Du Lin described in the legend.

But the only difference was that in the description, Du Lin's minions all had poisonous blood flowing in their bodies, but the one in front of him did not have this condition.

"Do you know this black dragon?"

Ningguang asked curiously after hearing their conversation.

" We are not sure, but it is very similar to the description we have seen"

" Did you hear any information about this black dragon?"

Although Ba Che had been defeated by the black dragon, Ning Guang's worries did not diminish at all.

After all, this black dragon of unknown origin had become the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, and it could fall at any time.

" We don’t know this, because according to legend, Durin has long been dead. We only heard that he was called the Demon Dragon."


These two words are by no means good words, which means that the existence of the other party is still very likely to cause damage to Liyue.

The existence of the black dragon that can easily deal with Ba Che made everyone present feel desperate.

However, Du Lin's next action made them feel relieved.

Du Lin did not stay, but took Ba Che away directly without any additional movements.

This scene made everyone feel unreal.

After all, it was too dramatic. Originally attacked by a demon god, when there was no way out, a more powerful creature appeared the next moment to deal with the opponent.

And this creature left directly after dealing with Ba Che. This magical development makes people feel very unreal......

" So, we have won?"

Someone in the Qianyan Army asked.

But no one could answer because they also wanted to ask this question.......

"Mr. Jiang, the black dragon just now was......"

Master Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but look at Jiang Xun and ask

"Yes, I hired the thugs"


Master Liuyun Jiefeng looked incredulous. Such a terrifying existence was actually just Jiang Xun’s thugs?

" Actually, you can think of him as my relative, he is on my side anyway."

Jiang Xun thought that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun didn't understand what the thugs meant, so he explained it in words that she could understand. As for whether it was true or not, of course it was Jiang Xun's decision. Du Lin obeyed him and whatever he said was true.

" Haha, so that's how it is. I'm just surprised by this."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun smiled awkwardly. If it was a family member, it would be understandable.

"Okay, now that this matter is over, I will not stay any longer. I would like to trouble you to explain what happened just now."

Jiang Xun knew that the other party would meet Ningguang and others next, so it was just right for her to explain

" No problem"

After saying this, Master Liuyunjiefeng wanted to leave

" etc.;

"Mr. Jiang, is there anything else?";

" Remember, don't let anything slip this time!"

Liu Yun:";....."

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