As the black dragon left, the raging waves gradually subsided, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated. The sun once again shone on the land of Liyue. If it weren't for the huge destruction brought by the demon god, everyone present would have thought that what had just happened was just a fantasy.

Everyone in the Qunyu Pavilion also breathed a sigh of relief, and they all felt lucky to have survived the disaster. After all, the visual impact of the scene just now was not ordinary.

"Everyone, let's go check on Shen He."

After hearing Paimeng's reminder, several people finally reacted and quickly looked at the white-haired woman who had fainted. Ningguang quickly ordered people to help treat her.

From a distance, it didn't seem like anything, but after a close inspection, it was discovered that

Shen He's condition at this time could be described as terrible. She was already seriously injured and had not recovered yet. At this time, she had experienced another battle. Her face was very pale at this time, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was even more shocking.

"How is it? Is it serious?"

Ningguang frowned and asked softly.

""Miss Shen He's injuries are very serious, and her meridians are in a terrible state. I can't treat her with my ability."

The female doctor in charge of the treatment answered truthfully.

Hearing this, everyone's faces were more or less anxious.

They were not unreasonable people. They all saw why Shen He was injured, especially Ying. She understood that the reason why Shen He forced himself to come forward was because of her.

A sense of guilt suddenly arose in her heart.......

"Don't worry, I, your disciple, have my own way."

The mature voice reached everyone's ears first, and then they felt a breeze blowing on their faces, and a fairy crane with fairy spirit appeared in front of them without knowing when.

""It's Master Liuyunjiefeng!"

Paimeng called out subconsciously.

Those who didn't know the identity of the visitor at first also understood the identity of the crane. Master Liuyunjiefeng was a real immortal!

He was not some nameless wild immortal or charlatan in Liyue. He appeared in many Liyue myths!

""Does the True Lord have any way to treat Miss Shen He?"

Ningguang couldn't help but ask. She was very concerned about Shen He, the hero who had the courage to withstand the huge waves.

"With my ability, this kind of thing is nothing special."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun answered proudly, and then, as if to prove that he was not bragging, he flapped his wings and countless breezes followed, caressing Shen He's body like a mother's hand. The unconscious

Shen He made a sound subconsciously, and it can be seen that the breeze was indeed healing his injuries; the magic of immortal arts is quite simple to treat this kind of trauma, but the regrown tendons still need to be restored through cultivation to restore to their original appearance.

Shen He's face became visibly ruddy, and then the expression on her face was no longer painful, but calm, and soon she made a slight breathing sound, she fell asleep.

Seeing this, everyone's hanging hearts were slightly relieved........

"Thank you for your help, Master!"

After leaving the door, Ningguang bowed slightly and thanked Master Liuyun Jiefeng, referring to the matter of Bazhe.

"This matter has nothing to do with me.....There is someone else."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun subconsciously wanted to expose Jiang Xun's identity, but fortunately she remembered in time that the other party had asked her not to let it slip before leaving, so she quickly changed her words.

"Someone else.....Could you please tell me the name of that immortal so that we can go and thank him?"

Ningguang did not pay attention to the difference in the tone of Master Liuyunjiefeng, but only asked him about Jiang Xun's true identity.

"No need, that person doesn't want to be disturbed, I have already thanked you on your behalf"

"That....Well, thank you for your trouble, Master."

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to reveal, Ningguang did not continue to ask, and she did not feel any doubts about the character of the person mentioned by Master Liuyun Jiefeng.

After all, most immortals are like this, disliking the mundane world and only liking tranquility.

Seeing that the other party did not suspect anything, Master Liuyun Jiefeng was glad that he did not let the cat out of the bag, and at the same time, he was a little proud; Ha! I want to see who still says that this immortal is a big mouth?!

A certain Master who rolled down the mountain: A-choo!

After instructing the people of Qunyu Pavilion to take good care of Shen He, Master Liuyun Jiefeng did not stay any longer, she did not like it.

She communicated more with mortals, and at this time, many people in the Jade Pavilion were staring at her quietly, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she immediately found a reason to leave.

Seeing the immortal leave, everyone present returned to their posts reluctantly.

After all, such a big thing happened, and their next work would inevitably increase greatly.

Whether it was to appease the people, count the losses, or prevent the recurrence of this situation, the Jade Pavilion needed to operate.

Ningguang, who was a

Tianquan star, was no exception. After saying goodbye to everyone, she went to work......

Unlike the busy people in the Jade Pavilion, another work is being carried out on a snowy land.

""Dad, why don't you just kill her?"

Du Lin's innocent voice appeared in Jiang Xun's mind, and his doubts could be heard from his voice.

"There is something about her that interests me, so I'll spare her life for now."

Jiang Xun had gotten used to Du Lin's address to him at this point. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable, his reaction wasn't as intense as it was at the beginning. But by comparison, he still liked Ruoli calling him that.

Du Lin didn't continue to be curious after hearing that. Compared to asking questions, he was happier that Jiang Xun could be with him.

Thinking of this, he nudged Jiang Xun's arm with his huge mouth, like a child acting coquettishly with an elder. Jiang Xun also smiled and touched his huge head. As the creator who gave Du Lin life again, he could clearly feel the other's mood at this moment, which was full of joy and excitement.

This made Jiang Xun blame himself for not spending enough time with Du Lin.

Du Lin then���He stopped talking and quietly watched Jiang Xun observing the dying Ba Che.

The wounds on Ba Che's body were healing, and there was a chilling aura coming from his body, which Jiang Xun was very familiar with.

This was the power from the abyss.

Since he had the system, Jiang Xun had dealt with the Abyss Cult a lot, and even personally participated in the war of annihilation with his real identity. He was very familiar with the aura that was now entangled in Ba Che.

"This Abyss Cult is really everywhere."

After careful study for a while, Jiang Xun was finally able to confirm that the power in Ba Che was the power from the Abyss, but it was not strong. It seemed that the Abyss Cult did not expect Ba Che to cause much damage to Liyue.

In Jiang Xun's opinion, this was more like a test.

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