After dinner, Jiang Xun was pulled by Qiqi, listening to the other party telling him about his experiences over the years.

There was nothing shocking during this period. Qiqi spent most of her time either practicing or visiting her family. According to her, although she had lost her memory of Jiang Xun, she would always miss that place in her heart. When she was tired of practicing, she would go back home to visit.

"Whenever I feel tired, I will go back home and stay there for a while. Even if I do nothing, I will feel a lot more comfortable."

Qiqi said softly.

Jiang Xun was about to ask the other party why he didn't take the initiative to make friends, but suddenly thought of Qiqi's situation at that time, and he probably understood it in his heart. He touched her head with some heartache and guilt.

The lifespan of immortals and mortals is different. The lifespan of mortals is only a hundred years. After a hundred years, it is nothing more than dust to dust to dust. But immortals are different. Their lifespan is very long. Although it is not as long as some extremely powerful elemental creatures, it is much longer than that of mortals.

Qiqi experienced the death of her parents, and she must not want to experience life and death again.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun wondered whether he should have completed the system's task at that time. Let a little girl endure hundreds of years of loneliness. Even if it changed her ending, was it really a good thing?

And these things happened more than once, whether it was the five Yakshas or Guizhong and others. It seemed that he had never considered their feelings over the years. Whether it was sadness or self-blame, he subconsciously ignored their feelings.......

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it through."

Faced with this situation, Jiang Xun could only express his apologies and try to make up for these old friends in the future.

"I don't blame my brother. If you hadn't sacrificed yourself to save me, we might never have had the chance to see each other again!"

Qiqi saw that Jiang Xun felt a little guilty, and quickly explained. However, Jiang Xun did not change his mind because of the other party's explanation, because he knew that Qiqi could survive even without him.

He just changed his way.

"No matter what, if you have anything you want to do in the future, you can come to me and I will accompany you."

Jiang Xun did not continue to waste time on this matter. Instead of blaming himself for the past, it is better to do well in the future.


Qiqi nodded vigorously.

Her fists were clenched, and it was obvious that she was very excited at the moment.

She thought that the two of them would become estranged because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, but now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

While Qiqi's face was full of smiles, Jiang Xun also noticed another resentful look.

Turning around, he found that Diecarpian was holding chopsticks and looking at him with a pout. Visible dissatisfaction appeared on her face, and the food in the bowl seemed to be untouched. It can be seen that the other party's mind was not on eating at all.

Miss Diecarpian was very dissatisfied. Although she expressed sympathy for the little girl after listening to Qiqi's experience over the years, she was still a little jealous in her heart.

Jiang Xun has never said these words to me!

She suddenly realized It seemed that Jiang Xun was about to be snatched away by this sister who suddenly appeared, but she couldn't teach this guy who dared to snatch her things a lesson, which undoubtedly made her feel very aggrieved.

You know, up to now, no one has been able to make her so embarrassed. In the past, such a person would have been thrown out of the royal city by her and left to fend for himself in the snow.

Suddenly, she felt that her head seemed to be a little heavier, and then a warm feeling covered her head, which made her feel very comfortable. When she looked up, she found that Jiang Xun had come to her without her knowing.

The feeling on her head was his hand.

Seeing such an intimate action, Miss Diekarapian was a little at a loss for a moment. After all, she didn't expect Jiang Xun to do this to her suddenly, and in public. This was simply too foul!

"big....Bold, who allows....You are allowed to touch my head!"

The bewildered Diecarpian could only stammer and threaten in a low voice, unconsciously using the tone of the lonely king, but her appearance at this time had no deterrent power at all, just like a cute and fierce kitten who could only express her dissatisfaction verbally, but her body remained motionless.

Jiang Xun did not think as much as the other party did. He just looked at Diecarpian's eyes and thought that she just felt it was unfair, so he came over to express his determination

""Forgive me for overstepping my bounds. If the king wants to do anything, please let me know at any time."

Jiang Xun was much taller than the other party. He leaned down to look into her eyes and answered softly.

This scene was very ambiguous in the eyes of outsiders, especially for Decarabian, who had not done any other intimate actions except for the last time when she took the initiative to hug the other party.

But now Jiang Xun's behavior seemed more intimate than last time. His tone, like coaxing a young wife, made Decarabian's language function seem to be attacked. He was unable to speak for a long time and froze in place.

Jiang Xun looked at Decarabian's state at this time with some doubts. His ears were red and his face was blue. The big green eyes blinked, looking very tempting.

Seeing the other party's reaction.

At this time, he also realized that their actions at this time were a little abnormal, so he quickly stood up, but he didn't think too much. In his opinion, he had successfully expressed his thoughts. As for whether the other party listened to it, he didn't know.

Jiang Xun was not interested in guessing the thoughts of a female demon. There was really no pattern to this. If she didn't listen, he would remind her next time.

Qiqi naturally noticed the actions of the two people, but she surprisingly didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, she felt like a winner.

"Haha, this woman’s reaction is obviously the first time she heard brother say this. I got brother’s promise before you!"

""Dikarapian, I won this time!"

Qiqi didn't know why she had this inexplicable desire to win, but it made her feel happier.

Then she hummed an unknown tune and cleaned up the dishes.

"Du Lin, how does it taste?

Jiang Xun turned around and found the little dragon who had been eating hard. Seeing the satisfied look on his face, he must be very satisfied with this breakfast.

"It's delicious!"

Du Lin did not hesitate to praise him and immediately expressed his opinion of the meal.

He had just eaten a lot during the"chaos", and it can be said that most of the meal went into this guy's stomach.

It must be said that the stomach of this alchemical creature is really amazing.......

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