After eating and drinking, Jiang Xun planned to go for a walk on the street.

He wanted to take Qiqi and Dikarapian with him, but the former was busy cleaning up the dishes and the latter.....She has been acting a little strange since she came to her senses. Jiang Xun even found that her eyes when she looked at him had become a little evasive.

I really don't know what she is thinking?

Helplessly, Jiang Xun could only drag Du Lin along. It was a good opportunity to bring this little guy to get to know Liyue Port, so that he wouldn't get lost while playing.

They came to the street.

The streets of Liyue were decorated with lights and colors. Jiang Xun found that there were many more goods on the stalls than before, and then he realized that it was the Lantern Festival again.

Unknowingly, another year had passed. Jiang Xun felt a little emotional. He was not as concerned about the passage of time as other immortals. After all, he was not very old now, so naturally he could not experience the feeling of waking up to a different world.

Now he still had plenty of time to enjoy life......

"Hey, Jiang Xun, good morning!"

Jiang Xun was quietly enjoying the atmosphere of Liyue's daily life when the sudden voice caught his attention.

Then, he continued to enjoy himself without paying any attention to the owner of the voice. Sure enough, when he didn't respond, the other party spoke again, and this time his voice sounded a little indignant.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Paimeng once again felt the sadness of being ignored, which was more unbearable for her than being called emergency food!

Jiang Xun stopped teasing her and replied,"Oh, it's little Paimeng and Ying, good morning."

Du Lin, who was lying on Jiang Xun's shoulder, looked at the two of them curiously at this time, but without Jiang Xun's permission, he did not act rashly. However, the facts prove that even if you don't cause trouble, trouble will sometimes find you on its own.

""Hey, Jiang Xun, what's that on your shoulder? Is it a doll?"

Paimeng's words also attracted Ying's attention. The next moment, she found that there was actually a little dragon lying on the other's shoulder. It looked very cute, but she knew that this little dragon was not a doll, but a real creature.

Only Paimeng would be so stupid as to think it was a doll......

Ying once again despised her partner's intelligence, but it was obvious that the protagonist still did not realize this and continued to fly towards Jiang Xun's shoulder.

"Wow, where did you buy this doll? It looks so cute!"

Paimeng poked Du Lin's head. The soft touch made him even more excited. At this moment, Jiang Xun suddenly heard Du Lin's aggrieved voice in his mind.

"Just don't go too far."

Jiang Xun said in his heart.

After receiving Jiang Xun's order, Du Lin was no longer polite. He seized the opportunity and bit it. The next moment, Paimeng screamed and quickly pulled out his hand.

Du Lin just wanted to teach this guy a lesson, so he decisively let go when the other party pulled out his finger. Otherwise, even if his body was smaller at this time, his bite force should not be underestimated.

Paimeng blew on his fingers that still had clear bite marks. Looking at his red fingers, tears were already rolling in his big eyes. In the end, he could only run to Ying to complain aggrievedly.

"Oh, please be more careful next time....."

Ying could only shake her head helplessly, but she had no intention of saying anything. After all, if someone poked her head like this, she would probably bite him.

Although Paimeng was a little pitiful, Jiang Xun wanted to laugh when he saw this scene. However, this action was obviously seen by Paimeng, and he found that he had no way to take revenge. In the end, he could only yell that he would give Jiang Xun and Du Lin an ugly nickname......

"By the way, what are you going to do so early in the morning?"

Seeing that Le Zi had almost finished watching, Jiang Xun also asked about the purpose of the two people. As far as he knew, the two people were basically either doing commissions or on their way to do commissions, and basically had no time to rest.

"We received a commission from Miss Catherine......."

I see

"So who are you going to look for?"

Jiang Xun asked curiously.

"I originally planned to look for Zhongli, but......If you have time, then it's you!"

Paimon jumped out and answered.

Jiang Xun:?

Du Lin: (baring teeth)

"Are you guys looking for me? What's the matter?"

The sudden interruption made the two of them happy.

"So you are here, Zhongli!"

"Well, Jiang Xiaoyou, the traveler, and Paimon, and....."This little friend Long..."

Zhongli's gaze stopped at Du Lin and did not leave. His pair of golden eyes stared at Du Lin, making Du Lin a little scared.

Du Lin seemed a little afraid of Zhongli's gaze, but he looked back as if he would not admit defeat.

After a few seconds, Zhongli seemed to understand something, and then looked away, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Zhongli, are you free now? I want to ask you....."

Afterwards, the two repeated what they had said to Jiang Xun. Zhongli touched his chin and finally agreed happily. I don’t know if he really wanted to learn or if he had thought of something.

""Where's Jiang Xiaoyou?"

As soon as these words came out, Paimeng and Ying turned their gazes to Jiang Xun, with a look of anticipation flashing in their eyes. To them, Jiang Xun was very mysterious. The only thing they knew was that this guy was very powerful.....Their identities seemed to be extraordinary. In the spirit of one more person, one more force, the two of them worked hard to get the reward.

Jiang Xun thought about it and found that he really had nothing important to do at the moment, so he readily agreed.

""Okay, let's go!"

Paimeng regained her vitality when she saw Jiang Xun agreed. It seemed that the pain in her fingers could no longer affect her. She kept muttering the names of delicacies.

One yellow and one white led the way in front, followed by Zhongli and Jiang Xun.

Du Lin seemed to have suddenly become very quiet because of Zhongli, but Jiang Xun could still feel a sense of uneasiness from his emotions.

Jiang Xun was a little helpless. It seemed that his old friend still had a great suppression on dragons. After all, his strength was there, and even Du Lin would still be a little timid when facing him.

On the way to the destination, Jiang Xun still took the time to explain to Zhongli about Du Lin's origins.

Maybe the other party recognized Du Lin as the giant dragon that fell from the sky and took Ba Che away that day, or it might be because of his own reasons that there was no extra action, but for the sake of safety, Jiang Xun still explained to the other party.

After getting Jiang Xun's explanation, Zhongli also showed an expression of sudden enlightenment. I think with his experience, he should also know Du Lin's identity and changes.

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