The atmosphere of the Lantern Festival is joyful, but short-lived. After the night of the Lantern Festival, the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival lasted for a few days before slowly dissipating.

Liyue has entered a new year, but the only thing that has not changed is that the people of Liyue are not too nostalgic for the beauty brought by the Lantern Festival. After one Lantern Festival, there will be another one. A seed of longing is planted in everyone's heart, and it will germinate in this year.

Until the next Lantern Festival arrives, the unique happiness will bloom......

Jiang Xun also began his next plan. He had planned to visit other countries to see his old friends and absorb the resentment of the demons.

At this time, his physical body was already at a bottleneck. He could feel that there was a force in the dark that was preventing him from breaking through this layer of shackles. For this matter, he once used the Word of Truth to impose orders on himself, but the result was still useless. The power still existed.

After this period of exploration, Jiang Xun understood what that power was. It should be the restriction imposed by the law of nature to prevent the creatures of Teyvat from becoming stronger without limit.

It seems that they are afraid of the emergence of a second throne?.....

Jiang Xun also knew something about the war between the two thrones, but he did not think that he would become the third or fourth throne, and he had no interest in ruling others.

But even so.

Jiang Xun felt that he would most likely confront the supreme god sitting in the sky in the future, not for anything else, just because his own existence was enough.

And with just himself now, it was not enough to face the winner of the throne war, unless he joined the abyss and used the power of the abyss to deal with it.

But this was bound to cause unimaginable consequences. Jiang Xun did not like this kind of uncertain thing, so he now had only two ways to go.

One was to continuously absorb the resentment of the demon god as his own body, to cause qualitative change with quantitative change, and finally to break through the rules with strong force. Jiang Xun felt that after breaking through the physical body of the top demon god, he would step into a new world.

The second way is to continue to complete the system's tasks and upgrade the Word of Truth. Jiang Xun feels that the reason why the Word of Truth has no effect now is that the level is too low. When this ability reaches the level where the rules of the continent of Teyvat can be modified at will, then even if this is the opponent's home court, he will not be afraid.

However, neither of these two methods can be completed immediately, and they still need to be done step by step.

Fortunately, Jiang Xun still has time. Today, the maintainer of heaven's law is missing, and heaven's law is obscure and difficult to understand. Presumably, something has happened that prevented him from coming forward directly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun suddenly remembered the fragments of memory, the broken buildings and the throne he saw at the border between life and death. He thought it should be related to this incident.

Otherwise, the Ice Queen of the Kingdom of Winter would not have been so high-profile in collecting the Heart of God everywhere......

Jiang Xun was thinking about which country he should go to first. Except for Liyue, any other country has a lot of demon resentment to absorb, and there is a chance that the mission can be triggered.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xun finally decided to go to Inazuma. In his opinion, Inazuma's war for the Seven Rulings was also quite fierce. There must be a lot of demons who died under the Shadow Blade, so there is no need to worry about demon resentment.......

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun suddenly had a gentle and beautiful face in his mind.

He smiled with some emotion.

"Calculating the time, you should also remember what happened back then, really....."

"Hey, Jiang Xun, what are you thinking about here alone?"

As soon as the voice fell, Paimeng flew to Jiang Xun's side and was about to pat his shoulder, but when he saw Du Lin's slightly dangerous eyes, he immediately put away his hand that was about to fall.

Thinking of the red and swollen fingers that day, Paimeng decisively flew behind Ying, as if this would make her feel safe.

"Jiang Xun, can you take care of this guy on your shoulder?

Jiang Xun had already noticed the two people coming, and he found it very interesting to see Paimeng hiding from Du Lin as if he saw a devil.

"Dad, I want to bite her."

Du Lin expressed his thoughts at the right time, but was rejected by Jiang Xun. Last time, it was Paimeng's own fingers that were not honest, so he just taught him a lesson, but biting her again this time would be too much of a bully.

Seeing that Jiang Xun did not agree, Du Lin was a little disappointed, but he still looked at Paimeng fiercely. Since he couldn't bite her, he would attack her with his eyes!

Jiang Xun didn't care about the little fight between Paimeng and Du Lin, and turned to ask Ying:"What are you doing?.....Fighting with others?"

Jiang Xun noticed that Ying had traces of fighting on her body. Although there were no wounds on her body and no scratches on her clothes, she had just been through a fight just by looking at her breathing and the mud on her feet.

Ying looked at Jiang Xun in surprise, and was surprised that he could tell the truth with just one look.

Her eyes were full of curiosity and shock.

However, Ying seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly hugged her chest, kept backing away, and looked at Jiang Xun as if he was a dangerous person.

"You won't secretly follow me, will you?"

Jiang Xun was speechless after hearing this. Ying has a small head, but she has a lot of strange ideas. Who did you learn this deduction from, the Eightfold Son of God?

"Do you think I'm that boring?"

Perhaps realizing that she had thought about something wrong, Ying resolutely apologized to Jiang Xun and made up her mind not to talk so much with Yae Shenzi, the woman who wrote light novels, and lead her thoughts astray.

"We just completed a commission and now we have another commission from Inazuma."

"Really? Then we happen to be going the same way.

Jiang Xun had just finished speaking when he realized Ying was looking at him with a suspicious look. It was obvious that she was beginning to doubt him again.

"If you are really worried, I can go first."

Jiang Xun said with some pain, and was about to take Du Lin away.

But in the end, after Ying apologized again, they still went together this time.......

"Jiang Xun, aren't you an immortal? Why do you still need to take a boat?"

When they got on the boat, Ying looked at her wallet with some pain.

"Why can't immortals take a boat?"

Jiang Xun was a little confused. Could it be that immortals in this era don't even have the right to take a boat? It's really infuriating.

Besides, he, Jiang, has never admitted that he is an immortal. As long as he doesn't admit it, then he is just an ordinary Liyue citizen.

"Ying meant that immortals can fly and take others with them, so isn't that faster than taking a boat?"

Paimeng explained.

Ying nodded frantically, expressing her confusion.

Jiang Xun looked at the two men strangely. It seemed like they were talking behind their words........... oh~

"So you two want to go with me to save some boat fare?!"


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