Normally, judging from the speed of the ship Jiang Xun is currently on, the voyage from Liyue to Inazuma takes several days. Jiang Xun also intends to take this opportunity to experience the peaceful time on the sea, but the reality is not as good as he imagined.

The ship they are on encountered various problems during the voyage, whether it was foggy weather or whirlpools on the sea, he experienced them all in the past few days, so in fact, most of the time was spent in the room.

Although Inazuma has lifted the lockdown order, and the ten-direction thunder surrounding Inazuma has disappeared, even so, the dangers on the sea are not only the wrath of the God of Thunder.......

"All passengers, please leave the deck and return to your rooms immediately!"

A roar came from the ship's watchtower, and everyone left the deck without stopping and ran to their rooms. After sailing for so many days, they also knew that something had happened at sea again.

Sure enough, the next second, the originally clear sky suddenly thundered, and soon it began to rain heavily, with strong winds raging, followed by countless raindrops.

The raindrops fell heavily on the deck and broke into eight petals.

The crackling sound was endless, like an endless stream of artillery shells.

The sea was turbulent, and fierce waves were raging on the sea.

The helmsman gritted his teeth tightly, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and tried his best to control the balance and direction of the ship.

The weather at this time made him curse in his heart.

"Damn it, how could I be so unlucky?!"

I didn't expect that there would be no thunderstorm but this kind of extreme weather. Even though he had experience, he was not 100% sure that he could take the ship out of this extremely rare extreme weather.

While the crew members looked tense, the passengers from Liyue also showed fear. Through the window, they could see the surging sea water outside the window constantly hitting the glass, again and again like the footsteps of the god of death, slowly approaching them.

Many people felt regretful and regretted why they were so anxious to go to Inazuma. Wouldn't it be better to wait for a few years until the safe route was thoroughly studied before going?

After all, Inazuma was blocked for five hundred years, and the routes explored by the ancestors had basically been destroyed in these five hundred years. The current road is still the relatively safest road provided by Captain Beidou of the Death Star, but this does not mean that there will be no accidents.

At this time, the ship was played with like a toy of the sea, and the degree of toppling from side to side was comparable to the upgraded version of the pirate ship in the previous life.

"Will we be okay?"

Jiang Xun and the others were gathered in a room. Paimeng asked worriedly. It was obvious that she was also one of the frightened ones.

However, Ying was much calmer in comparison. However, she still frowned slightly and looked out the window. It was obvious that she was also a little worried about the impact of the weather at this time. Now they were at sea. If something happened, it would not be as easy to solve as on land.......

As for the remaining man and dragon, they still looked indifferent. Jiang Xun was even in the mood to appreciate the sea outside the window. After listening to Paimeng's words, Du Lin looked at her with disdain, and contempt was written directly on his face.

Jiang Xun could clearly feel the pride in the heart of this little guy Du Lin.

It was obvious that he was still remembering the grudge of"poking his head" at that time, and he did not miss any opportunity to mock Paimeng.

You are called Paimeng, right? You were scared by this little noise?!

Of course, Paimeng also noticed Du Lin's gaze. Just when she wanted to put her hands on her waist and chest out to pretend to be fearless, a huge thunder suddenly flashed in the sky, and she was scared on the spot. She turned around suddenly and bumped into Ying's arms, and buried her head deeply in Ying's chest, which scared Ying.

After seeing what hit her, she touched Paimeng's head lightly helplessly.

Suddenly, Ying realized that she seemed to be a little too worried. Isn't there a Jiang Xun who can't tell the depth of the situation by her side? It seems that she doesn't need to worry about this matter. She doesn't think that he will watch the people on the whole ship die.

And in fact, it is true. Although he is not a good person, if it is a small effort, he will not hesitate to help.

The reason why she is still in the mood to appreciate it now is just because it is not the time to need his help.

However, Jiang, who still wanted to continue fishing, was slapped in the face the next moment. In an instant, countless thunders roared in the sky, and one of them just struck in the direction of the ship.

Jiang Xun didn't want to create any strange phenomena to attract other people's attention. He just waved his hand casually, and alchemy led the thunder to change its direction and shot towards the sea not far away.

At this time, there was also an explosion in the sea area struck by lightning. The water column was more than ten meters high. The helmsman on the deck was scared when he saw this scene. He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this lightning struck the deck. If that happened, everyone on the ship would probably be in danger.

Lord Yan, bless us and protect us to go back safely!

Many people prayed silently in their hearts.

When people are desperate, they will seek help from gods, and this phenomenon is even more common in Teyvat, where gods do exist.

The transport ship continued to move forward in the storm and thunder, and during this period, there were dozens of thunders that struck the direction of the ship one after another, but they were all blocked by Jiang Xun one by one.

But he found something wrong at this time.

How could it be so coincidental? It would be fine if it was struck by one or two, but dozens of them?

Did someone on this ship do something that angered the heavens and the people?

"you....Didn't you do anything bad?"

Jiang Xun asked the yellow and white duo.

"Bad things? We never do bad things."

Ying answered decisively, but soon, she seemed to recall something, her eyes evaded a little, and her voice became softer:"Except....In addition to taking Diluk's carrots and eating Timmy's pigeons,......"

Listening to Ying's detailed explanation, Jiang Xun's mouth twitched.

You two are really"kind"

But after listening to Ying's explanation, Jiang Xun also ruled out their suspicion. After all, this kind of thing is at most a bit immoral, but it is not worth saying that it is the wrath of heaven and the resentment of people.

Jiang Xun personally also tends to think that this is not the wrath of heaven, but more like someone secretly doing something bad......

"Huh? That's...."

The next moment, Jiang Xun suddenly saw a dark figure above the thundercloud.

Although it only appeared for a moment, he still caught it.

"Du Lin, you protect the boat, I'll be back soon."

Jiang Xun grabbed Du Lin from his shoulders and put him on the table. Then, without waiting for his reply, he disappeared instantly.

Du Lin naturally obeyed Jiang Xun's words unconditionally.

After Jiang Xun left, he immediately opened the window and jumped into the sea. The next moment, the entire sea level rose by one point.

A dark figure emerged from under the boat. The body like a mountain appeared under the boat, and the breath it exuded made all the surrounding marine creatures retreat.

At this time, only Paimeng and Ying, who were full of surprise, were left in the room.

Jiang Xun just called the little dragon.....

Du Lin?!

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