Du Lin transformed into his original form and lurked under the ship, scaring away all the creatures that approached the ship.

Jiang Xun's original intention was to prevent the person behind the scenes from attacking the ship while he was away, and it turned out that his guess was not wrong. At this time, there were already many creatures gathered under the ship.

Without exception, these were carnivorous animals in the ocean, with cruel and bloodthirsty eyes, eager to rush up and attack the ship directly, but they seemed to be waiting for something and did not take the initiative to attack.

The original plan was disrupted by Du Lin's sudden appearance. This sudden appearance of the behemoth really scared these creatures. They used to be invincible in the ocean, but now they were inexplicably afraid.

The instinct of the creatures kept transmitting the signal of escape in their brains, which had not evolved a complex emotional system, but this signal was erased by a mysterious force as soon as it came out.

What followed was killing and resentment that directly dominated all their actions. Countless black air filled the surroundings of these marine creatures, making them even more bloodthirsty. At this time, they could no longer suppress the killing intent in their hearts and decisively swam towards the direction of the ship.

However, Du Lin's mission was to protect the ship. If he really let these guys destroy the ship, he would definitely be scolded by Jiang Xun.

In order not to be disliked, Du Lin decisively took the initiative to attack, opened his big mouth towards these creatures, and a huge suction force came from his mouth. In a flash, all the creatures in one direction were swallowed into Du Lin's stomach. He twisted his neck, opened his big mouth again and began to clean up these creatures......

Jiang Xun appeared in the thundercloud. Inside the thundercloud, countless thunders were raging, even more violent than what he had seen on the ship. Thunders would attack him from time to time, but without exception, they were broken into pure thunder elemental forces before they could get close to him.

""Want to play hide-and-seek with me?"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party had not shown up, and he did not intend to waste time. Since he liked to hide, he would leave him nowhere to hide. He waved one hand forward, and with the swing of his arm, the air was compressed crazily and exploded. In an instant, an extremely terrifying wind pressure was formed, which instantly blew away the black clouds in front of him.

The sunlight shone through the clouds. From the bottom of the boat, it looked like a hole was torn in the boundless darkness, and the light shone through the hole into the dark seabed.

This scene stunned the people on the boat. They didn't know what was happening at this time. They just thought that this scene was incredible. The sky seemed to be torn apart by a huge force.

As the black clouds were torn, the original strong winds and pouring rain slowly reduced their offensive.

""Look, there's a person over there!"

At this time, many sharp-eyed people saw Jiang Xun in the sky, but because the distance was too far and he was surrounded by black clouds, they could only barely see a figure wearing Liyue clothing. As for more, they couldn't see clearly.

However, despite this, they were also excited. That person should be the legendary immortal. Jiang Xun's arrival gave them a shot of reassurance.

Jiang Xun didn't know what the people on the boat were thinking at the moment. He was still looking for the figure of the mastermind. It was obvious that his attack just now did not hit the opponent. Jiang Xun did n't make a blind attack because he didn't hit the target just now. I think the mastermind must be on guard at this time. It would not be an easy task to hit him again.

""Break the delusion!"

Jiang Xun tapped his own eyes and opened them again. The originally pitch-black thunderclouds slowly became transparent in his eyes. After a while, the entire sky became invisible in his eyes. He turned his eyes and easily found the abnormality.

An energy body composed of pitch-black gas was fleeing towards the north.

The speed was as fast as thunder. Jiang Xun found the target, but unfortunately, the target did not have enough strength to escape from under his nose.

Jiang Xun chased after him without hesitation, and the distance between the two was visibly getting closer and closer.

The black gas in front felt Jiang Xun's speed, and it seemed to understand that it could not escape, so it decisively turned around and attacked Jiang Xun. During this period, the black gas kept changing, and finally turned into a body covered with The thunderbird bathed in thunder.

This should be what it looked like when it was alive.

Seeing that the other party dared to rush towards him, Jiang Xun stopped chasing and waited quietly for the other party to arrive. At the same time, he was constantly looking for information about this thunderbird in his mind.

Soon he thought of a rumor in his mind.

Comparing the image described in the rumor with the thunderbird at this time, Jiang Xun quickly understood the identity of this thunderbird. Isn't this the monster that was killed by Ying on Qingse Island?

It seems that the seal is a little loose, and it has come here to hurt people everywhere.

While Jiang Xun was thinking, the figure of the thunderbird had already arrived in front of Jiang Xun. It was a demon god who could use thunder and lightning when it was alive, and naturally it had this ability after death.

But for Jiang Xun, it was not enough.

"You are not my opponent even if you are not dead, let alone now you are just a wisp of resentment....."

Jiang Xun didn't even look at it, he just slapped it out, the moment his extreme physical strength came into contact with the thunderbird, it was like magma hitting ice, the thunderbird's body collapsed wherever his palm passed. It was directly beaten into mist by Jiang Xun's palm.


But what surprised Jiang Xun was that it had a backup plan?

It was seen absorbing the lightning elemental power in the thundercloud and reorganizing its body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Xun found it very interesting, no wonder it was said that this kind of creature born in the elements was difficult to deal with, in the final analysis, it was too difficult to kill. As long as it was not completely wiped out from the material level with one blow, it could use the elemental power between heaven and earth to reshape its body.

"However, you don’t think you are the only one who can handle this, do you?"

Jiang Xun's mind moved, and the surrounding lightning elemental power instantly gathered around it. He stretched out his hand and gathered it in his palm.

This scene was like a thunder god, controlling thousands of thunders.

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang had passed that hot-blooded (middle school) age, he would have said to him:"All the thunder in the world is for my use!" The thunderbird was horrified to find that the body it had just built with thunder was falling apart, and the destination was exactly the direction of the weirdo in front of it. It desperately wanted to take back the control of the thunder, but it was still too naive in front of Jiang Xun's alchemy.

His alchemy has been polished for so long that it has already reached [gold]. How can the control over the elements be compared with this monster formed by resentment?

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment. All the thunder in the black cloud gathered in Jiang Xun's hands, forming a thunder ball. The thunder ball flickered, and it contained extremely terrifying natural power.

Jiang Xun glanced around to make sure that the thunderbird The resentment had completely disappeared, and the palm that was originally facing the sky to support the thunder ball suddenly clenched. The terrifying power of thunder exploded instantly, filling the entire sky, and the impact force generated instantly destroyed the slowly dissipating black clouds. The originally dark sky turned clear in an instant.

So far, the resentment of the thunderbird has been killed!

Jiang Xun returned to the boat quietly and continued to enjoy the sea view, and Du Lin also swallowed all the sea creatures affected by the resentment.

However, Jiang Xun thought that this was just a slightly bigger storm during the voyage and would not attract other people's attention.

But he didn't expect that the noise he just caused had been noticed by the two people in the Inazuma......

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