After solving the problem of the culprit, there were no accidents during the rest of the voyage. Perhaps to prevent any more trouble, the crew members worked at full speed. Jiang Xun could feel that the entire voyage speed had increased a lot. In just one day, the ship reached Inazuma.

The moment the ship stopped at the shore, almost all the passengers got off the ship impatiently.

The solid feeling of stepping on the ground made them feel for the first time that life was so beautiful. Obviously, they had not yet come out of the shadow of the accident two days ago.

I wonder if these people will develop a fear of the ocean in the future......

Jiang Xun walked last and got off the boat slowly. He was quite satisfied with this sea trip.

After all, the boats in Teyvat were quite different from those in his previous life. Except for some twists and turns along the way, this experience was generally good.

"Well~, it's finally over!"

Ying stretched herself. Even though she had seen many big scenes in the past few days, she still couldn't stand what had happened. It wasn't because she was afraid, but she was tired. Although she wasn't afraid, it didn't mean that some emergency foods were the same. In the past few days, Paimeng had been sticking to her almost all the time, like an overly frightened squirrel. Almost any slight movement could alarm her. You know, the last time Paimeng did this was when he was facing Ying.

And her frightened performance naturally aroused Du Lin's contempt.

But the interesting thing is that since knowing Du Lin's identity, Paimeng has been acting according to his heart. He didn't argue with Du Lin anymore, but chose to ignore his contempt directly, which made Du Lin a little bored. He had nothing to do these days and had been sleeping, and he hasn't woken up until now.

"Jiang Xun, do you have any plans for coming to Inazuma?"

Ying asked.

Jiang Xun shook his head.

"I don't have any plans. Rather, my purpose is to visit Inazuma and see if there is a chance to meet some friends."

"In that case, come with us to deliver the commission. By the way, we will treat you to a nice meal as a token of our gratitude for your care these days.".....


Jiang Xun thought about it and accepted Ying's invitation.

He didn't know where to go first, so he just followed the two of them. And judging from the fact that the two of them often encountered problems, maybe following them would be faster than finding them on his own.

Seeing Jiang Xun's agreement, Ying didn't say anything and prepared to hand in the task.

This time she came to Inazuma to deliver a letter. Many Inazuma people working in Liyue jointly funded someone to help deliver a letter home. As a senior errand runner, she naturally did not refuse.

Although the journey was a bit bumpy, fortunately, the reward they gave was quite generous, so it was not a loss.

Walking on the streets of Inazuma, Ying He and Paimon did not take any measures to conceal their identities. They walked openly on the street and even greeted familiar people from the Tianling Bugyo when they met them. This was in stark contrast to their embarrassing escape during the Eye Hunting Order.

Jiang Xun followed the two of them to deliver envelopes from house to house. He also had a general understanding of the changes in Inazuma now. From the expressions on the faces of the residents at this moment, they were very satisfied with the lifting of the lockdown order.

There were not many envelopes, and they were delivered quickly with the speed of several people. Fortunately, the envelopes were not soaked by the rain, otherwise this mission would have been completely messed up.

"I finally finished delivering them. I’m so tired!"

"You obviously didn't do anything....."

Ying couldn't help but complain, but that was all. She had heard Paimeng's remarks many times.

But each time it represented a signal.

Paimeng is hungry and wants to eat!

But Ying was in a good mood at the moment. She felt relieved without any tasks, as if a heavy burden had finally been thrown off.

After delivering the task to Catherine and waiting for Catherine's confirmation, Ying also got her reward. She was discussing with Paimeng where to go to reward herself.

Jiang Xun did not participate in their discussion. He was now interested in the receptionist of the Adventurer's Association.

"Miss Catherine, do you have any sisters?"

"Sir, why do you ask this?"

Catherine still had a faint smile on her face, and it was hard to tell what her mood was at the moment.

"Well, I have a friend......"

"Hey, Jiang Xun, are you going to leave or not?!"

Before Jiang Xun could finish his words, he was interrupted by Paimeng behind him, urging him to leave. It was obvious that he couldn't wait to eat something delicious.

"It seems that I can only ask for my friend next time. See you later, Miss Catherine.

Jiang Xun said with a smile, looked at Catherine meaningfully, and then left with the two of them........

After Jiang Xun left, Catherine could no longer maintain the smile on her face.

The clothes on her back were soaked by sweat, and she looked as if she had just been pulled out of the water.

She looked in the direction of Jiang Xun with some fear. She had just felt an extremely terrifying aura from him, as if she was being stared at by an extremely advanced life form. As a bionic doll, her perception of life was more acute than that of ordinary people.

She couldn't help but compare him with her creator, but found that there was no comparison at all.

Fortunately, the other party had no ill intentions and just took a look and left......

""Jiang Xun, what were you talking about with Miss Catherine just now?"

Paimeng asked curiously on the way.

"Nothing, just asked if she had any sisters."

""Do you like Miss Catherine's sister?"

Paimon asked with a gossipy look on his face. Ying also pricked up her ears to listen to the explosive news, but the ending was destined to disappoint her.

"Aren't you curious why Miss Catherine always arrives at the Adventurer's Guild before you?"

"Of course it's because Miss Catherine has a prop that can teleport!"

Paimon answered confidently.

She clearly remembered that this was what Catherine said herself.

Jiang Xun was puzzled after hearing this, and then glanced at Ying, as if asking:"Did you say that?" In response, Ying just covered her forehead helplessly, trying to pretend that she didn't know the other person.

She really didn't expect Paimon to take the joke that Catherine said casually at the time seriously, and now he said it with confidence......It was such a disgrace.

Jiang Xun did not laugh at Paimeng. He already knew about Catherine's situation.

"Bionic doll...."

As an alchemist, Jiang Xun also knew something about bionic dolls. This technology had many similarities with his creation technique, so Jiang Xun could naturally see Catherine's foundation.

I didn't expect that the Kingdom of Winter would even master the doll technology of Kanreya. It was really amazing......

Jiang Xun sighed inwardly and stopped thinking about it. What the Dong Kingdom wanted to do had nothing to do with him. As long as it didn't affect him, he didn't bother to think about it.

Now, he should think about how to make a killing from Ying, the little rich woman who just made a fortune!

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