In the following time, Jiang Xun repeated the same questions he asked the previous lucky guy.

Facts have proved that these monsters really deserve to be punished. They were still not honest even after being slapped three times in advance. After several questions, their bodies also exuded a dark luster like coal, just like the previous one.

Its face was full of a look of despair, and it was still whimpering in its mouth, as if it wanted to say something, but its lips were swollen from being slapped, making it difficult for it to speak.

Jiang Xun did get a lot of information. The reason why he asked again was to make sure if there was any discrepancy between the two information, and the facts proved that there was indeed no discrepancy.

Monsters: 6

However, the disaster information mastered by this lucky guy was somewhat different from that of the previous one. The previous one knew about the north, but this time it was the west. The discrepancies between the two information made Jiang Xun a little confused, but he did not doubt the power of the Word of Truth. This monster must not be lying.

This is interesting......

The two people's information is different, but they are true, which can only mean that the information of these two people must be related, so it should be in the northwest direction.

Jiang Xun combined the information and finally concluded that the location of the disaster should be in the northwest direction, but where it is hidden specifically still needs to be tortured.......Oh no, it's time to interrogate the remaining monsters.

Jiang Xun felt that he needed to speed up. He first dealt with the monster team responsible for destroying the barrier, but sooner or later, the disaster would notice it, and the continuous failure of the mission would naturally arouse the other party's vigilance.

Fortunately, the destruction of the barrier cannot be completed overnight. With these beast hounds alone, it would take ten days or half a month to scratch the wall with their claws. He had plenty of time.

Jiang Xun pressed his palm downwards, and the monsters that were still alive around him seemed to have encountered great pressure. They were instantly crushed on the spot, especially the monster in front of him. The death was much more miserable than those beast hounds. The whole body was like a balloon that was squeezed and exploded.

But Jiang Xun naturally had no psychological burden. Being kind to the enemy was cruel to himself.

After making sure that the remaining parts of these monsters were absorbed by himself, Jiang Xun left for the next monster gathering place.......

It was already night, but there was no sign of day and night changing in the shelter.

No matter what time it was, the place remained the same, but the ambient light was relatively soft, so there was no difficulty falling asleep. Jiang Xun even found that at night, the brightness in the space would automatically decrease to a level suitable for sleeping.

It seemed that Huzhai Palace had considered this very carefully. The clone naturally couldn't sleep at night due to the task of the original body, and as an alchemist, it was no problem for him to not sleep for ten days or half a month.

"Is there anything bothering you?"

Jiang Xun sat alone in a higher place, looking around. This kind of terrain was good for him to observe the situation at all times.

But he didn't expect that someone was just like him, still not resting at this point.

"I'm not sleepy now, Lingyin, can't you sleep either?"

The only one who was willing to take the initiative to greet Jiang Xun here was the enthusiastic and lively Miss Lingyin. As for why she didn't rest, Jiang Xun didn't know.

"I'm just a little worried seeing you sitting here alone so late."

"You care so much about someone you've only known for less than a day?"

Jiang Xun thought this was very magical.

"Haha, I don't know why, but I always can't help but care about other people's emotions. Do you think I am the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs?"

Lingyin laughed at Jiang Xun's question. She had discovered this problem a long time ago, but she couldn't change it.

"Everyone's personality is unique, there is no need to worry, just let it be."

"Wow, you are indeed a storyteller, your words are quite philosophical."

Faced with her teasing, Jiang Xun just smiled and didn't care.

Then, the two of them stopped talking and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere until a hunched figure appeared in Jiang Xun's vision.

His eyes immediately focused on the other person, and now the direction of the figure seemed to be.....Going towards the entrance

""Well, I'm a little sleepy, you should go back and rest early."

Jiang Xun stood up and said to Naganohara Suzune, and then he followed the figure.

During the tracking, he reported the situation to the main body, and the main body gave the order: follow and see!

After receiving the order, the clone quietly followed behind the figure, ready to see what the other party wanted to do.......

Back to the main body Jiang Xun

"What bad luck!"

Jiang Xun looked at another gathering place of monsters that he had solved with depression. This time it was still in vain.

No matter how he asked these leading monsters, they still couldn't spit out any information about the disaster.

This was the seventh one today. Among the seven, only the first one got the information, and the remaining six were clueless. They had never heard of the relevant news at all.

Jiang Xun realized that not every leading monster knew the information. Only a few leaders knew some of the clues. Coming to this conclusion made Jiang Xun feel that things were a bit tricky. This disaster was really careful.

Before knowing the specific information, he didn't dare to act rashly. Who knows if the disaster has some strange power that can avoid Jiang Xun's detection? It's a bit troublesome.....

In the shelter, the figure in front paused. Jiang Xun behind him noticed that he had approached the entrance without realizing it. He did not dare to act rashly for a moment and took the initiative to suppress his vital signs, leaving only the most basic breathing.

As expected, the figure did not find anything unusual. As he stretched out his hand and gently touched the stone wall at the entrance, a large hole slowly appeared in the original stone wall. The size of the hole was enough for two adults to pass through.

The figure saw that there was nothing unusual around him, so he went out.

Jiang Xun was about to move, but found that his clothes were gently pulled by someone.

He looked back with some shock and found that the person who came was Naganohara Suzune, who was supposed to go back to rest. Suzune put a finger in front of her mouth at this time, signaling Jiang Xun not to make a sound.

Obviously, she also noticed the figure just now, which made Jiang Xun blame himself for being careless. His attention was all on the black shadow, and he didn't notice that there was a little yellow bird following behind him.

However, at this point, it was obvious that the other party would not go back just like that. The two exchanged glances and then rushed towards the cave entrance. Finally, they successfully got out of the stone wall before the hole disappeared.

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