"Where is the person?"

After the two of them left the stone wall, they looked around, trying to find the figure they had just seen.

However, after looking around, they still couldn't find the figure. Fortunately, after a careful search around, they still found some clues.

"Jiang Xun, there are footprints here."

In an open space not far from the stone wall, Naganohara Suzune pointed to the footprints extending outward on the ground. The footprints were not big. Jiang Xun got closer and found that the footprints matched the hunched figure.

The two immediately chased in the direction of the footprints. It was night time. The footprints extended all the way to the depths of the forest. The dark forest was like an abyss, staring at the two. Jiang Xun was about to chase in, but found that the girl behind him was standing there motionless.

Jiang Xun looked back curiously and found that the girl's face showed a trace of uneasiness and fear.


"Why don't you go back first, I'll be back soon."

Jiang Xun then realized that the girl didn't have the same extraordinary power as himself, she was just an ordinary person after all, and it was commendable that she was brave enough to chase him here.

"How can that be? It’s too dangerous for you to go in alone!"

Lingyin did not agree with Jiang Xun's opinion. After thinking it over again and again, she decided to go in with him. Jiang Xun wanted to persuade her, but seeing that she was so persistent, he said no more. He just needed to pay more attention to her later.

Jiang Xun led the way in front, and Lingyin followed behind him. As the two of them moved forward, the moonlight was gradually swallowed up by the darkness in the forest, and the only plants with luminous cells that could provide lighting were some plants with luminous cells.

However, compared to the bright moonlight, the light emitted by these plants was low and dim. Jiang Xun focused most of his attention on finding footprints on the ground. Seeing that the footprints were getting newer and newer, he thought they were about to catch up with the black shadow.

However, Jiang Xun did not notice that the girl behind him was getting closer and closer to him because of fear, and in the end they were almost sticking together.


With a bang, Naganohara Suzune made a sound of pain. Jiang Xun suddenly stopped. She didn't dare to look up and bumped into his back, as if she had hit a steel plate. Her head hurt a little.

Why is his body so hard?

This was the first thought in Naganohara Suzune's mind, but before this thought could continue, she felt a pair of big hands holding her and hiding behind a tree.

She was almost dragged over during the whole process, without any room for resistance, which made her even more curious.

"Is he really a storyteller?"

She suddenly became curious about this storyteller whom she had just met for a day. This power is much greater than those blacksmiths, right?!

However, it is obviously not the time to answer the doubts. Jiang Xun's eyes are fixed on the pool in front of him. Following his gaze, he found that the person standing in front of the pool is the black shadow they have been following.

"Grandpa Watanabe?!"

The shadow was also illuminated by the surrounding light, revealing its true form. Naganohara Suzune also recognized the other party's identity.

"Do you know him?"

Jiang Xun asked in a low voice.

"Well, I'm not familiar with him. Since I met him, he has always been silent. I heard from other elders that this is because Grandpa Watanabe's grandson disappeared during the escape.......What is he doing here?"

Shh, shut up!

The conversation ended here, and the two of them stared at the lake, only to see countless bubbles suddenly appear on the originally calm water. The next moment, a figure slowly emerged from the bubbles.

It was not until the figure was fully revealed that its identity was proved. It was the monster. Jiang Xun, who was observing all this from the back, brightened up at this moment. As an avatar with the memory of the original body, he naturally recognized the monster in front of him.

It was the monster that led the team, but the attack here did not seem to be planned in the plans of those monsters?

Just when Jiang Xun thought there was something wrong with his memory, Watanabe, who had been silent, also spoke:"Sir, can you let me see my grandson?"

The old man pleaded.

However, the monster did not know what it meant to respect the elderly and love the young, and replied impatiently:"What are you doing here, have you finished what I asked you to do? If not, I can't guarantee that your grandson can come back intact."

The monster's vicious tone and sharp voice sounded like a banshee screaming in his ear, which made old man Watanabe dare not keep it a secret.

"My lord, I just miss my grandson so much. The places you mentioned are guarded by witches, and I really have no way to get close to them!"

"This is not something I am considering. I have given you the power to destroy the foundation. I will give you three more days. If you can't destroy the damn shrine barrier, you can wait for your grandson to collect his body!"When the old man heard this, his old face was immediately filled with anxiety. He begged the other party not to attack his grandson, and was ready to kneel down in front of the monster in a hurry.

But it was obvious that this had no effect on the monster, but made it more excited.

When the monster was laughing happily, a sound of breaking air came from his ears. When he looked closely, a stone was hitting its head at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

This sudden attack made the monster a little flustered. Although he finally avoided the fatal blow, he still wiped off a piece of meat from his body.

Blood dripped on the grass by the river, and the plants that came into contact with it instantly withered and rotted, and the nutrients in the soil were instantly eroded. The originally fertile land , under the erosion of the polluted blood, a barren soil of several meters in radius was formed.

The attacked monster was full of anger. It did not expect that someone would attack it from behind while it was enjoying itself. When it was about to check who was attacking it in the dark, countless sounds of breaking through the air exploded in its ears.

It was so scared that it quickly chanted a spell to form a layer of protection around it, so as to avoid the risk of being hit further. When the stone touched the protective shield, a ripple was formed, but in the end, the attack still failed to break through the protective shield.

Finally, it lost its kinetic energy and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Jiang Xun felt a little pity when he saw that his attack was ineffective. The power given to him by his main body was too weak, not even one ten-thousandth of it. Now he couldn't even break through its means of protection against this thing.

""Old thing, you dare to plot against me?!"

The monster looked at the ground angrily and found that the old man who was supposed to be kneeling on the ground had disappeared.

Realizing that his plan had been exposed, the monster did not dare to stay any longer and quickly chanted a spell to leave. The space where he was was distorted, and after a while, he disappeared from the spot.

Jiang Xun quietly waited for it to disappear. He did not have the strength to stop the opponent now, and it was useless. When the monster disappeared, Jiang Xun's figure appeared on the polluted land. He grabbed a little soil and hid it in his pocket, and then rushed in the direction of Lingyin.

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