Just now, he was responsible for attracting the attention of the monsters, while Lingyin took this opportunity to take old man Watanabe away. At this moment, the two of them should be not far ahead.

Jiang Xun had just arrived when he heard a scolding:"You little girl, do I need you to meddle in my business? If you interfere, will my grandson still have a chance to survive?!"

The old man changed his humble look just now and started to scold Naganohara Lingyin. In short, it was the two of them who killed his grandson. Naganohara Lingyin was stunned by what he said and had no idea how to refute. Her little face was aggrieved, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

At this time, old man Watanabe saw that Jiang Xun had also arrived at the scene, and immediately turned his spearhead from Lingyin to Jiang Xun:"And you, where are you from, why are you meddling in other people's business, my grandson was killed by you!"

The old man became more and more excited as he spoke, his face flushed at this time, and he looked like he was about to take action.

"Old man, are you done yet?

Jiang Xun's words startled Watanabe Laodeng, who was originally planning to continue attacking. He obviously didn't expect the other party to have this attitude.

"you.....What did you say?"

"Stop being so self-indulgent, old man. I'm telling you the truth. Your grandson died a long time ago. You're not really so old and confused that you think those monsters who are destroying everything will spare your grandson's life just because he's a child, right?"

Jiang Xun's words made the old man blush. He wanted to speak again, but Jiang Xun didn't give him the chance.

"I don't care whether you are dead or alive, but considering your conversation with the monster just now, I think it is necessary for me to capture you and hand you over to the witches for processing, just as a way for me to thank them for their protection."

Jiang Xun said calmly, not paying any attention to the change of face of Watanabe Lao Deng in front of him.

"Do you want to go by yourself, or do you want me to beat you up and carry you away?"

Jiang Xun's merciless words let old man Watanabe know that the young man in front of him was not as easy to bully as the little girl just now, and the other party would really hit him.

"Humph, I'll go by myself!"

Old man Watanabe knew his own limitations. Although he had the power from the monster, it was only for eroding the foundation of the barrier. It was of no help in actual combat.......

"Do you think I'm exaggerating?"

Jiang Xun said this out of boredom on the way, waking up Ling Yin who had been looking down and wondering what was going on.

"Ah, ah, oh actually I think there is a little bit, but......I think you looked really cool when you said those words just now!"

Lingyin said her thoughts a little embarrassedly. She has a straightforward personality and doesn't like to hide things. She will say whatever she wants directly.


Jiang Xun felt that what the other party said was absolutely true. Sure enough, he still liked this kind of honest girl!

Although Jiang would give a certain degree of respect to the elderly, this was not a capital that they could rely on their seniority. For someone like old man Watanabe, there was no need to be polite to him.

The two chatted with each other and soon returned to the stone wall. It was already dawn at this time. The witch guarding the entrance of the stone wall saw the three people and hurried forward to understand the situation.

Jiang Xun immediately explained the situation to them. Obviously, this result also successfully attracted their attention. However, for safety reasons, Jiang Xun and Lingyin also needed to follow them to test whether there was any problem.

In this regard, both of them expressed their understanding and had no objection.

While following the witch to test, Jiang Xun contacted the main body by the way and reported what they had just experienced one by one.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please protect the soil."

"Got it!"

After giving the order to protect the soil, the main body did not transmit any more information, probably still dealing with things.

Jiang Xun followed the shrine maiden to the Naruto Grand Shrine, but strangely, the shrine maiden who brought him here left directly afterwards, leaving Jiang Xun to learn about it here for a while.

While waiting, Jiang Xun was bored observing the surrounding buildings. The most eye-catching of them was the huge sacred cherry tree in front of him, which was the symbol of the Naruto Grand Shrine.

Jiang Xun had explored it before, and he found that there was a very magical power on this tree, which made the sacred cherry tree seem to not exist in the past, the future, or the present.

This power system also explained it to him, which is the power of time.

And time is such a mysterious thing that only Tongzi and the legendary ruler of time, Istaru, can play with it now, but just because Tongzi dragged himself through time everywhere, he had not been found by Istaru. In terms of time, Tongzi is much more powerful than Istaru.......

""Jiang Xun, how have you been recently?"

A brisk voice came from behind Jiang Xun. It was Hu Zhai Gong.

Miss Hu Zhai Gong seemed to be in a good mood at this time. She was holding a pipe in her fair little hand and smoking it intermittently. There was also a pink little fox lying on her shoulder. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the Eightfold God Child.

"Good morning, Huzaigong, you look like you are in a good mood!"

"Yes, I don't know why, but there have been fewer monster attacks recently. The whole Inazuma territory has become much more peaceful, and I finally have time to relax."

Jiang Xun guessed that the reason for the decrease in monster attacks should be the main body's action, but I don't know if he has got any clues.


By the way, tell me about Watanabe. I checked and found that he does have the power of a demon.

"Don't you need to check me?"

"Do you want me to check you?"

Hu Zhaigong replied with a smile on his face. Jiang Xun knew that the other party might have secretly investigated it a long time ago, otherwise he would not let him stand here. Fortunately, Hu Zhaigong did not find the difference between himself and the original body.

Jiang Xun then repeated what happened in the evening.

"It seems that they want to directly destroy the barrier of Narukami Taisha Shrine to achieve the purpose of invalidating other barriers."

As a chief priest, Kitsune Saigū also directly guessed the intentions of the monsters, but fortunately this plan failed because of Watanabe's unstable factor.

"Thanks to you this time, do you want any reward?"

Kusaigong suddenly changed his tone and asked in an ambiguous way.

"Reward, no thanks, after all, I am also doing it for my own safety"

"Oh, let's put things in perspective. You've helped me a lot. Tell me, what reward do you want~"

As he spoke, Kitsai Gong leaned forward and got closer to Jiang Xun. Seeing that he was about to get close to him, Jiang Xun could only fall back.

His face was full of question marks at the moment. Did he underestimate his handsomeness? After only meeting for a few days, a big monster wanted to"reward" him?

"Hahaha, your reaction is so funny!"

Kitsuzhai Palace suddenly straightened up with a smile on her lips. It was obvious that she was amused by Jiang Xun's reaction.

Jiang Xun was very upset. He finally understood why Yae Shenzi was so despicable. It turned out that he had a pretext for it!

Kitsuzhai Palace had a smile on her face. It was impossible for her to fall in love with a human. The time of a human was only a moment. The two of them would not have a result after all. However, Jiang Xun still left a very good impression on her. They could be friends.

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