The clone Jiang Xun did not expect that the original body suddenly contacted him just to praise him. Although, he also felt that he had done a good job. Both Jiang Xuns had a smile on their faces.

Another day passed. At night, Jiang Xun was still sitting on a high place. Suddenly, he felt something and asked calmly,"How is it, is there any progress today?" As soon as he finished speaking, the same voice came from the side again:"There is no progress, but I found something strange. Since we finished in the morning, I have not found any traces of monster attacks today."

The original body had appeared beside him at some point and replied lightly.

"Could it be that the black disaster is over?"

"Impossible, if the black disaster was over, the system would have already reminded me that the mission was successful."

The main body Jiang Xun shook his head. The system did not issue a reminder that the mission was successful, which meant that the matter was not over yet. The current silence only revealed a hint of weirdness.

"By the way, is the soil still there?"

The clone nodded and took out a delicate box from behind. This was a gadget that Jiang Xun left for the clone before he left. Its only function was to pause the time of the objects inside, and even to collect the enemy's attacks, and then release them. However, the quality was limited. If it exceeded the limit, it would be damaged.

Jiang Xun twisted the soil and carefully examined it, and found that there was still blood of the monster in the soil.

"Yes, the information about the blood has not disappeared.

Jiang Xun used alchemy to create a piece of paper, and then performed magic. The originally flat white paper automatically began to fold in half, and then turned into a paper crane. Jiang Xun sprinkled soil on the paper crane.

The paper crane glowed slightly, and then flew straight out of the stone wall.

"I'll go check it out first. If there's anything, tell me at any time."

Jiang Xun said to his clone.


Jiang Xun hid his figure and passed through the stone wall silently, without even creating a hole in the stone wall.

Following the paper crane all the way to a lake, the paper crane stopped on the lake and did not move. Jiang Xun probably guessed that the destination should be in this lake.

Then he cast a water-avoiding spell on himself and the paper crane, and dived into the lake.

The paper crane swam all the way to the bottom of the lake, and gradually, there was no light around Jiang Xun. Jiang Xun did not expect that this lake was so deep. Judging from the current scale, it was at least one or two thousand meters deep. This was too abnormal.

After swimming about another five hundred meters into the depths, the paper crane stopped, but there was only emptiness around it, except for darkness.

"It turns out that I am the fish that has been hooked......Do you think you can defeat me?!"

Jiang Xun said with a chuckle, not panicking at all as he walked into a trap alone.

His eyes instantly turned to the side, where there was a dark chaos, but in Jiang Xun's eyes, countless monsters were hidden in that huge darkness.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow attacked Jiang Xun, opened its bloody mouth, and prepared to swallow Jiang Xun in one gulp. In front of this huge monster, Jiang Xun was just like a small dot. The collision of the two was like an egg hitting a stone.

But Jiang Xun was the stone!


The monster's huge body was cut in half by a knife, and the blood dyed a large area of water red, but a magical scene happened. The blood did not spread, but was swallowed up by the darkness along with the flesh. Abyss


Jiang Xun also reacted at this time. This layer of space should be composed of the power of the abyss. No wonder he didn't discover it at the first time. The problem is that he has only come into contact with the power of the abyss a few times, only in the few encounters with Ba Che and the Abyss Cult.

Although they possess the power of the abyss, they only use it to attack and strengthen themselves. Jiang Xun has never seen a space composed of the power of the abyss.

At this time, Jiang Xun's face began to show interest in the power of the abyss. He didn't want to touch the abyss before, because this thing was unstable. He didn't want to touch it unless he had to. But now, he has no second choice. If he doesn't touch the abyss, he may be trapped here for a while.

As for how long, he doesn't know.

The fastest way at this time is to learn about the abyss. He emptied his mind and prepared to contact the abyss.

However, the monsters around him will not give him this opportunity. Even though he just had a record of cutting off a giant monster with one finger, it did not affect the murderous intent of these abyss monsters at all.

""Don't put me in danger!"

Jiang Xun said this, which caused a slight change in this space. The monsters that wanted to rush up to attack Jiang Xun automatically collapsed when they were ten meters away from Jiang Xun, as if they were strangled by some invisible force.

The bodies of the dead monsters were absorbed by this space, and then new monsters were constantly created, and then they rushed towards Jiang Xun fearlessly.

But the result was the same.

The monsters were constantly broken into pieces by the power of the Word of Truth.

Jiang Xun floated in the water, snatched a ray of the power of the abyss from the dead bodies of the monsters, and tried to understand it.

The abyss has always been a taboo on the continent of Teyvat, and Jiang Xun could not get more information.

Now learning and analyzing the abyss is equivalent to starting from scratch.

Even if he has the wisdom of the Gods and the learning ability at the top of the Demon God, it takes time for one person to explore.

But it shouldn't take too long to get to the point where he wants to get out.......

In the stone wall, Jiang Xun found that he had lost contact with his original body a few hours ago. No matter how he tried to contact it, all the messages he sent out were like a drop in the ocean, and he did not get any response.

Although he felt a little strange, he did not care too much. As an alchemical creation with Jiang Xun's memory, no one knew the strength of the original body better than him.

Except for Tianli and the Abyss, he did not need to care about the rest. Even when facing the legendary four rulers under Tianli, he dared to go up and touch them.

"There must be a reason for the entity to do this......"

Jiang Xun simply stopped worrying about nothing. He just needed to do his job and wait for the main body to contact him.

According to the changes in the environment inside the stone wall, it should be almost early in the morning. The people inside the stone wall got up early today.

Everyone's behavior was a little strange, as if they were rehearsing something.

"Wow, you got up so early, it seems you already know it?"

Naganohara Lingyin patted Jiang Xun's shoulder and said something that made Jiang Xun puzzled.

"what do you know?"

"This is an event we held spontaneously. Didn't anyone tell you about it?"

Ling Yin saw that Jiang Xun was still confused and realized that he really didn't know.

"There are enough supplies in the stone wall, but not many entertainment projects. In order to keep everyone passionate about life, we hold an event every once in a while. Everyone can go on stage to perform their own programs or show their own skills. By the way, this is approved by the Lord of the Palace. Maybe she will participate!"

Hu Zhaigong will also go on stage?

Jiang Xun thought it was interesting.

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