"How about it? Do you want to join us?"

Lingyin asked Jiang Xun

"I don't know how to perform, so I won't go on stage."

Jiang Xun refused decisively. He always liked to watch the fun, but if he was asked to perform, he didn't know what to perform for a moment. He couldn't just punch Watanabe Lao Deng one by one, right?

"Oh, is that so? That's fine too!"

Although Jiang Xun didn't agree, fortunately many people had prepared programs this time, and Jiang Xun's participation was just icing on the cake, and it didn't have much impact.

"What about you? Judging from your appearance, you should have something to show off, right?"

"Of course, but I can't tell you now, you will know when the time comes!"

The little girl explained mysteriously, not knowing that Jiang Xun had already guessed her thoughts, but in order not to destroy her expectations for this event, Jiang Xun did not expose her.

"Then I'll wait and see."

After the conversation ended, Lingyin also left, and Jiang Xun continued to observe the surrounding environment.

Due to the special nature of the event, people's behavior was also different from usual, and it was impossible to judge whether these behaviors were abnormal for a while. Jiang Xun could only focus most of his attention on the stone wall. A few days passed unknowingly, and he didn't find anything unusual, but he didn't care. He just wondered why the main body still didn't contact him.

Even though Jiang Xun took the initiative to report the situation, he still didn't get a response, which made him feel a little abnormal, but he still didn't think much about it. Maybe the other party was just dealing with things and didn't have time to reply to him.

According to the plan, tonight is the time for the event. At this time, a simple stage has long been built in the stone wall space, which is specially used for performers to show their talents.

There is also a row of space around the stage. If he guessed correctly, this should be used for people to set up stalls, but unlike in the past, the merchandise for this event is free, and does not require money as usual.

Looking at this The scene was quite similar to a fireworks festival. Although it was not possible to be as grand as the real thing, it could at least soothe people's hearts. Just bringing them a brief moment of happiness was enough.

Jiang Xun's eyes kept wandering among the crowd, and suddenly he noticed a commotion over there. Many people put down what they were doing and ran over there after noticing it.

Jiang Xun saw this scene and looked over there curiously. With his eyesight, although the distance was far, he could see clearly what was happening. He saw a shrine maiden in a shrine maiden's costume being surrounded by people.

And that shrine maiden was none other than Kitsuzai Palace.

Kitsuzai Palace had a smile on her face and greeted everyone. Although she had some mental preparation before coming here, she was still shocked by the scene in front of her when she really got here.

Almost everyone who approached her came with something to say. Some came to express their welcome to her, some to express their gratitude, and most of them were thanking her for her help, but there was still an inappropriate voice.

""Master Palace Master, when can we go out?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy scene became much quieter.

One person's voice also inspired others, and several people asked Hu Zhaigong one after another. The voice was not loud, but it could reach people's ears. Hu Zhaigong could choose not to answer, but she knew that this question was what these people were most concerned about.

Even if many people did not express it, they still wanted to return to their original home in their hearts, instead of living in this limited space.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

Huzhaigong spoke, her voice was not loud, but it was very effective. After hearing this, everyone stopped being restless and focused their eyes on Huzhaigong, waiting for her to speak.

Huzhaigong took a deep breath and said casually

"I am working hard to resolve this sudden disaster, but this matter is not that simple. Please rest assured, I promised the general that I would help her protect Inazuma. Please give me some time."

After saying this, Hu Zhaigong bowed slightly to the people.

Hu Zhaigong's words were obviously effective. He was recognized by almost everyone as soon as he finished speaking, and the few people who took the lead in asking questions also took the initiative to apologize. Everything that happened during this period was seen by Jiang Xun.

If you have concerns, even a free and easy big monster will be constrained by it.

Jiang Xun couldn't understand these people who were cared about by the people. They seemed glorious on the surface, but they had to consider many things in private. However, he respected such people very much, whether it was Zhongli or Hu Zhaigong.

"Jiang Xun, why are you still sitting here?

Ling Yin appeared behind Jiang Xun again, holding some small gadgets in her hands.

"I think it's quite comfortable to sit."

"Come on, that's the lady of the palace, do you really not want to talk to her?"

Lingyin seemed a little surprised at Jiang Xun's attitude of being a bad boy. You know, all the young men she knew admired Husai Palace, but Jiang Xun was so calm.

"No, I like quietness."

Being brought back was not in his plan. He did not want to have too much contact with Hu Zhai Palace. His previous contacts were not initiated by him.

"You are really weird....."

Jiang Xun ignored Ling Yin's complaints and asked,"Don't just talk about me, why don't you go?"

"Me? I like the Palace Master, but I can see that he is very tired and doesn't want to cause any more trouble."

Lingyin said a little disappointed.

Jiang Xun was a little surprised at the girl's observation. Jiang Xun also noticed the state of Hu Zhai Gong at this time. Although she was smiling, it was not the case.

As Lingyin said, Hu Zhai Gong's state at this time was definitely not as calm as she showed now. It seems that she has been busy these days, but he doesn't know what she is doing.

"Okay, don't let these things affect your mood after you've been looking forward to this event for so long. I believe there will be opportunities after everything is over."

Jiang Xun comforted

"You are right, can you go with me then?"

Lingyin's voice was filled with a hint of expectation.

Jiang Xun was startled by the girl's words, and then he continued to look at the crowd.

He thought for a while before speaking.

"I don’t know, maybe it’s possible, maybe not."

The girl felt that Jiang Xun was rejecting her in a tactful way, and she couldn’t help feeling bitter.

But soon, she was shocked by this inexplicable emotion.

What happened to her? Wasn’t it normal to be rejected? Why was it different only with Jiang Xun?

She has always been a serious person, not only to others, but also to herself.

She asked herself and found that she had an inexplicable liking for him since the first day she met him, and after the trip to the woods a few days ago, this liking seemed to have taken a step further.

Such a reality surprised her.

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