Does love at first sight really exist?

Jiang Xun looked at the girl beside him in a strange way. She lowered her head and her ears were a little red. He didn't know why the girl was blushing inexplicably. He didn't realize that this was due to the influence of his peaceful appearance.

"You are not having a fever, are you?"

Jiang Xun curiously touched the girl's forehead and found that it was indeed a little hot, but not to the point of having a fever.

Lingyin only felt a warmth, and then felt a hand covering her head. She instantly became a little nervous. Fortunately, Jiang Xun only touched her lightly and put his hand down.

"I.....I just feel a little hot!"

He fanned himself with his hands.

Jiang Xun felt that the ringtone was a little strange at this time, and felt that the other party was a little different from before.

"By the way, I’ll give you this!"

Then, the girl took out a small bamboo tube with some colorful paintings on it. Although it was not exquisite, it was obvious that it took a lot of effort.

"This is a testimony of our friendship. If you come to me to make fireworks with this, I will give you a discount......."

Jiang Xun also smiled and accepted it.

Seeing that the other party did not refuse this time, Ling Yin was happy. After thinking it through, she also knew why she had such a change of feelings. Now that the other party did not refuse her gift, it meant that Jiang Xun did not hate her.......

While the two were discussing, the event officially began. Many people began to perform their talents. It must be said that so many folk arts appeared in Inazuma later, and they all evolved step by step.

The performances on stage today are the prototypes of later performances, but each era has its own aesthetics, so it will cause visual differences, but the core has not changed.

Jiang Xun thought it was very interesting. Just when people's emotions reached a certain height, fireworks suddenly rose and exploded on the top of the stone wall space.

This should be what Lingyin was going to perform. I didn't expect that the other party could make fireworks with limited materials. This technology is really amazing.

After the performance, the space around the stage was also filled with stalls. There were food and small toys. Although no money was required, everyone could only take one.

Lingyin also joined in. Jiang Xun was not interested in this, so she had to go alone. After all, she was just a seventeen-year-old girl. This was the style she should have at her age.

"Why don't you go play together?"

Hu Zhai Gong appeared beside Jiang Xun without knowing when. Jiang Xun was far away from the center of the activity. Compared with the bustling scene over there, there was only a quiet and peaceful atmosphere here.

"I thought you were going to perform, too."

"Then do you want me to perform for you on the spot?"

Hu Zhaigong said jokingly with a smile on his face.

"How can I have the nerve to let the palace master perform for me? If those people knew about it, I would be in trouble!"

Jiang Xun responded

"Humph, it's good to know, but I found that you are indeed different from ordinary people."

"Why do you say that?"

"You seem to be fearless and careless, and you do whatever you want. To be honest, I'm beginning to envy you now."

The tone of Hu Zhai Gong was a little bit jealous. It was really as she said. Envy

"You are wrong about one thing. I don't care about anything."

Hu Zhaigong heard this and asked,"Oh? Tell me about it?""

"It is not a good habit to pry into other people's secrets, Master Kitsusai"

"Tsk, stingy, shrewd!"

Hu Zhaigong stuck out her tongue at Jiang Xun to express her dissatisfaction. She felt a lot better. Sure enough, talking to this storyteller made her feel much more relaxed.

"Unless you jerk off that little fox for another ten minutes."

Jiang Xun changed the subject and turned his attention to Yae Shinko.

After hearing this, Yae Shinko, who was lying on his shoulder, instantly stood up with his hair standing on end. He jumped off his shoulder and got into the shrine maiden's clothes of the Kitsuzai Palace, trembling with fear.

"Hey, I finally got the Son of God to forgive me last time!"

Hu Zhaigong complained. It was because this girl had caused such a big psychological trauma to the Son of God last time that he had to use a lot of oil tofu to make the Son of God willing to pay attention to her.

Jiang Xun was glared at and shrugged helplessly. It seemed that his plan to rub the scumbag fox again was declared bankrupt.

"By the way, you seemed to be worried just now, can you tell me about it?"

After a while of silence, Jiang Xun asked.

Hu Zhaigong heard this and looked at Jiang Xun with contempt, snorted softly.

"Humph, you just said it’s not good to pry into other people’s secrets, and now you’re prying into mine?"

"You can also make requests to me, but I can't guarantee that I can do it."

Jiang Xun's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, which makes Hu Zhaigong speechless.

"I can tell you, but you must not tell anyone else."

The tone of Hu Zhaigong suddenly became serious. Jiang Xun also realized that the next thing was very important, and he immediately made a promise.

"Alas, many of the barriers guarding Inazuma have been destroyed."


Jiang Xun couldn't believe what the other party said. With the main body still there, how could the barrier be broken? Those monsters shouldn't have the opportunity to destroy the barrier?

However, although he had many doubts now, he didn't interrupt.

"Just a few days ago, the monsters that attacked various places in Inazuma seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, but only a day later, those monsters reappeared, and they were even more ferocious, destroying many barriers at a very fast speed."

Hearing the other party say this, Jiang Xun had a bad premonition in his heart. One day later, that is, the day after he lost contact with his original body, the monsters came back again. So that's how it was. Jiang Xun finally understood at this time that the original body was probably trapped now. No wonder he couldn't contact him.

"So you're going to do that now?"

"The only thing we can do now is wait for the general to return from the battlefield. Inazuma's outskirts are almost completely occupied by monsters. It is almost impossible to repair the barrier now with only the Tenryo Bugyo and Inazuma's monsters. I and a few others need to guard the Narugami Taisha Shrine. If this place falls again, Inazuma will be in trouble......."

Having said this, Kitsusaigu stopped talking, but anyone could guess what he was going to say next. If the barrier of Narukami Taisha falls again, then Inazuma will be completely shrouded in darkness. At that time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Xun did not expect things to develop to this extent. It seems that the original body's behavior has long been noticed by them. The abnormality that day was completely planned by the monsters.

Now he has lost contact with the original body and does not know his current situation, but one thing is certain, that is, the original body is safe at the moment, he should just be trapped.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun did not know what to do next for a while. Looking at the event that was coming to an end, he was a little overwhelmed.

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