"Huh, I can barely get out."

In the dark space, Jiang Xun exhaled. He has been trying to learn and understand the abyss these days, but he seems to have underestimated this power.

In a few days, he has only touched the surface, not even the entry level, but fortunately, his goal this time is not to truly comprehend and understand, but to find a way out.

At this level, it is still no problem to get out.

Jiang Xun slowly opened his eyes. There were still countless monsters around him constantly attacking him, then they were broken apart and attacked again. Seeing them still attacking him tirelessly, he admired them a little.

However, Jiang Xun didn't have time to continue playing with them here. He had been in this space for a long time. He didn't know what happened in the outside world in the past few days, but he thought that the direction of development would definitely not be what he expected.

Jiang Xun then took a deep breath, and then the whole person's breath became weaker and weaker, and finally he actually merged into this space.

This is the result of Jiang Xun's work in the past few days. Although it is just the tip of the iceberg and he cannot control the power of the abyss, at least he has some understanding of this power. Since he cannot control them, he can control his breath to turn towards them.

After Jiang Xun's breath assimilated with the abyss, the monsters that were originally full of fierceness suddenly became stunned. They lost their original target. That person seemed to have evaporated from the earth and disappeared in this space.

Looking at this group of originally violent monsters now stopped being restless, Jiang Xun even suspected that even if he appeared in front of them at this moment, these guys would think that he was the same kind as them.

Not only the monsters created by the power of the abyss, but also the moment Jiang Xun's breath disappeared, this space also began to tremble violently. The dark power of the abyss inside kept surging, as if searching for Jiang Xun's breath.

After several surges, it was found that there was no breath other than the abyss. This space actually began to collapse. The originally dense darkness gradually dissipated and turned into wisps of black gas that drilled into the ground.

Jiang Xun seized the opportunity to escape from here in one fell swoop.

"Humph, you want to escape?"

Jiang Xun saw that the power of the abyss still wanted to escape, so of course he couldn't agree. After locking him up for so long, he must charge some interest.

Jiang Xun stretched out his hand and grasped the void.

The power of the earth veins that was originally isolated by the power of the abyss emerged again, forcing out the black gas that had penetrated into the ground, forming a barrier that kept shrinking.

After a while, this forbidden power was held in Jiang Xun's hand.

The power of the abyss was still constantly hitting the surrounding barriers, but now they were in Teyvat, the home of elemental forces.

Although the scale of the abyss power in front of them was not small, it was still rootless and had no power to resist.

Jiang Xun put it away and planned to study it slowly later. As for now, he wanted to see the current situation of Inazuma.

Jiang Xun had just broken through the seal. Jiang Xun received many messages from his clones, most of which were asking about his current situation. He then immediately contacted his clone, and the clone was happy and immediately reported the current situation to him.

Jiang Xun felt a little toothache after hearing this.

Sure enough, this group of monsters took advantage of the time when he was trapped and began to attack vigorously. It seemed that his existence had been discovered by them a long time ago. He still underestimated the other party.

Fortunately, things have not reached an irreversible point. The Narukami Taisha Shrine has not been lost, and the disaster has not launched the final attack. Now the safest way is to go back and guard it himself, and just wait and see.

Although it is different from his plan, as long as the task can be completed, it will be fine.

Jiang Xun then rushed in the direction of the Narukami Taisha Shrine......

The clone in the stone wall space was also relieved after learning about the original body's situation.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, the original body finally escaped, and now the mission is almost certain to be accomplished.

Just when Jiang Xun felt that the future of things was already doomed, he suddenly felt a huge vibration under his feet.


The huge movement like a dragon turning over almost made everyone fall to the ground. Jiang Xun didn't know what happened. The next moment, he heard a priestess shouting anxiously towards this side:"Please come to me!"

Jiang Xun's heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Something happened.

Kitsunesai Palace also felt the movement. The next moment her face changed drastically, because the barrier that originally shrouded the Naruto Taisha Shrine was now being eroded by darkness.

"Is there something wrong with the barrier? How could it be?"

Kusaigong hurried to the foundation of the barrier.

The scene before her filled her with anger. She saw a shrine maiden with her back to her, and many other shrine maidens were lying at her feet. She understood everything at once.

"Who are you?"

Hu Zhaigong asked coldly.

The witch in front of him slowly turned around, revealing a pretty face. Hu Zhaigong knew her. She was the witch in charge of the seal.

"Hehe, who am I? I am the source you have been looking for!"

The witch's voice was mixed with different tones, like a man and a woman.

"You didn't expect that, I used that old man to attract your attention, and my real target is her!"

As she said this, she touched her face.

"Look at this cute little face. She resisted fiercely when I took her body. Unfortunately, she is still too young!"

Honzai Palace's eyes were full of murderous intent, but reason told her that she must not act on impulse at this time.

"You are really brave."

Hu Zhaigong said, not knowing whether it was a compliment or a mockery.

"Thank you for the compliment. I didn't want to take such a risk, but there was no other way. The monster came from nowhere and was destroying my plan everywhere. Even the abyss couldn't trap him. I didn't dare to be discovered by him, so I could only choose the fastest way."

Monster? Destroy the plan?

Although Kitsai Palace suppressed her anger in her heart, she still had the ability to think. She easily got the key information from the other party's words. Someone has been fighting against the monster in front of her?

No wonder the number of monster attacks has been decreasing during that period of time. It seems that it was done by the monster he mentioned, but who is he?

""Hahaha, run away, run away. If the Inazuma leader dares to attack us, I will let her also taste the feeling of losing her home. If you insist on dying, I don't mind sending you on your way!"

After saying that, the body of the shrine maiden in front of him softened all of a sudden. Kitsunayami hurried forward to support her. However, because she had been possessed by the disaster for too long, Kitsunayami didn't know if she could be saved. At this moment, she could only temporarily keep her alive. After settling the shrine maiden, Kitsunayami quickly asked the remaining shrine maidens to lead everyone away. As for her, she had to go and solve this trouble.

At this time, the original sunlight of Inazuma had been blocked by black clouds, and no light could penetrate. Kitsunayami saw a huge monster taking shape in the air, and its size exceeded all the monsters he had seen before.

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