Because the barrier was lost, the original shelter was no longer safe. People gathered together in panic and went underground under the leadership of the shrine maiden. There was an independent barrier built to deal with special situations.

Even if the Mingjin Taisha Shrine was breached, it could still play a protective role.

However, because there were too many people, it took a lot of time to manage it. So the shrine maiden and others left the shelter too late. Monsters had already appeared and began to wantonly destroy everything they could see.

"Ah, ah! Help, help me, they are coming!"

"General, please save us!"

When many people saw the monsters, their memories of the past emerged in their hearts, the death of their loved ones, the destruction of their hometowns, and the memories that they didn't want to be mentioned came to their minds again. The little hope that had been regained collapsed in an instant.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun hurriedly contacted the main body, but the answer he got was that the main body was also in trouble.

Countless abyss monsters stood in front of him, blocking Jiang Xun's way forward. Jiang Xun glanced at the Narukami Taisha in the distance, knowing that the Narukami Taisha might have fallen. Now most of the monsters appeared in front of him, probably to block his progress.

"Really, you think highly of me!"

Jiang Xun didn't say much to the monsters, and attacked them directly with the force of thunder. Various elemental creations made by alchemy kept appearing and fighting with these monsters. Jiang Xun saw the opportunity and took the opportunity to pass through them.

However, he didn't know how much attention he was getting now. When he saw that he was about to run, these monsters came towards him fearlessly, ignoring their own injuries, and began to self-destruct one by one.


Facing the monsters' self-explosion and counterattack, Jiang Xun had to stop. If it was an ordinary monster, it would be fine, but these monsters all had a lot of power from the abyss. These powers were like additives, multiplying the power by dozens of times.

This was a determined attempt to keep him!

Hu Zhaigong had no time to pay attention to the explosions in the distant sky. She had only one goal at this time, which was to lead the disaster to a place where no one was.

The Guardian Forest was her goal.

However, before the battle, she had one more thing to do.

"Hey, Gobazo, where are you?"

She shouted towards the depths of the forest, and soon a huge raccoon cat emerged from the ground.

"What's the matter, you stinky fox?"

"Nothing, I'm a little bored and want to play a game with you"

"Games? Ha, come on, what do you want to play?"

The big raccoon cat asked as if he was provoked. He was never afraid of playing games.

"How about playing hide and seek? I'll be the ghost."

Kitsuzaigong suggested, but the big raccoon cat was even more disdainful.

"Humph, you stinky fox, when it comes to playing hide-and-seek, I will never lose to you!"

"Oh, is that so? Then you should just hide.."

As if sensing the indifference in the other party's tone, Gobazo said unconvincedly:"The Guardian Forest is our territory, you will never find it!"

After saying that, Gobazo ran away, and on the way he could vaguely hear the sound of the stinky fox.

"I don't believe it. Listen carefully, you must hide well and never let me find you......."......

"Gobazo, don't come out....."

Kitsai Palace murmured.

Then she turned and left, because the disaster had already come, and the rest of the monsters were sent by her to protect the people. What she had to do was to buy them some time............

""Be careful!"

Jiang Xun kicked away the monster that was about to attack. Lingyin, who was rescued, looked at the monster with some fear. At this moment, there were more and more monsters, and the witches were a little powerless.

Then a monster suddenly attacked.

Jiang Xun was a little anxious. It would take some time for the main body to escape, but now the huge monster figure in the Guarding Forest made him very uneasy.

Is the mission going to fail?

I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Due to my intervention, the original trajectory was completely disrupted.

""Jiang Xun, what are you waiting for?"

Seeing Jiang Xun standing there motionless, Naganohara Suzune shouted anxiously, wanting to pull him away quickly.

But how could she pull him?

"You go first, I still have things to do."

The clone Jiang Xun said in a deep voice, looking in the direction of the Guardian Forest.

"Are you crazy? I know you have some ability, but the current situation is no longer something you and I can solve!"

Lingyin's voice was a little hoarse, obviously she didn't understand his behavior.

The girl remembered that tears were rolling in her eyes. Suddenly she felt that there was something in her hand. She looked down and saw that it was an exquisite box.

"This is......"

"This is a gift to you as a testimony of our friendship."

"What do you mean?" the girl asked puzzledly.

"If there is any danger, open it.

Jiang Xun then explained.

"Don't worry, I'm just afraid it might get damaged, so I'm lending it to you for safekeeping. Don't damage it, I'll come back for it!"

After saying that, she left.

Lingyin looked at Jiang Xun's back, tightly holding the box in her hand that was still stained with his body temperature.

"Don't lie to me or I will never forgive you!".....

Above the Guardian Forest, the forest had turned into a battlefield, and everything around was as if it had been ravaged by a storm.

In just a short period of time, Hu Zhai Gong had fought with the opponent for hundreds of rounds. Although it seemed that the opponent was evenly matched, only she knew that she was already at a disadvantage.

Panting heavily, the demonic power in her body was rapidly decreasing, but the opponent showed no signs of fatigue.

At this moment, Disaster seized the moment when Hu Zhai Gong was distracted and directly covered him with an overwhelming palm.

""Oh no, I can't dodge!"

Hu Zhai Gong quickly cast a spell in front of her to form a barrier, but the spell she cast in this desperate situation could not stop the powerful blow. The barrier was like paper and was shattered in an instant.

Hu Zhai Gong's figure was also slammed to the ground. In an instant, the ground shook. It was conceivable how heavy this blow was.

Hu Zhai Gong lay on the ground weakly, blood spurting out of her mouth. She stood up tremblingly and could only helplessly watch the huge palm smashing down on her.

"Really, Ying, I tried my best......"

Hu Zhaigong closed his eyes and waited for death, but suddenly he felt his body being picked up by someone. He opened his tired eyes and saw an unexpected figure.

"Jiang Xun, what are you doing here? Go, I'll buy you some time!"

Hu Zhaigong held back the pain and shouted

"You are already like this, how can you delay time?"

Jiang Xun hugged her and barely escaped the attack range of the disaster.

"I can detonate the demonic power in my body, so you still have a chance if you leave now!"

"No, I never thought of leaving since I came here......."

Jiang Xun's words left Linghu Zhaigong speechless

"Why, don’t you have something else you care about? Why did you come back?"

Jiang Xun smiled at her.

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

".....The truth"

"That's it, it's really embarrassing, the truth is, the only thing I care about now is whether you can survive!"

Jiang Xun's words sounded like a confession to Hu Zhai Gong, but from his own perspective, he really thought so.

Only if Hu Zhai Gong survived, his mission would be completed, and what he and his original body had done for so many days would not be in vain.

"Hahahaha, it seems that I am still very charming. However.....We may not be able to survive!"

Hu Zhaigong said with a smile, not knowing whether he was making fun of Jiang Xun's stupidity or mocking himself.

"I can't do it, but you can."

Jiang Xun had just finished speaking when there was another sound of air explosion above his head.

A fierce attack came towards the two of them. Seeing that they were about to be crushed, Jiang Xun began to speed up and threw Hu Zhaigong in his arms out at the last moment.

Hu Zhaigong looked at Jiang Xun in disbelief. She didn't expect that the other party would give up his life for her.

She wanted to move, but the injuries on her body made it impossible for her to command her body.

She could only watch the big hand pressing towards the other party. At this moment, she understood the meaning of the other party's words, and endless sadness surged in her heart.

The clone Jiang Xun looked at the giant palm above his head quietly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, I'll leave it to you....."


The shock wave generated by the contact between the palm and the ground blew up dust and knocked the seriously injured Hu Zhai Gong unconscious.

Just when the disaster was about to give Hu Zhai Gong the final blow, his movements froze, and then his huge body began to fall apart.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something and looked at the figure in the sky with fear.

The clothes on the other person were a little torn, but he was not injured. It was obvious that he rushed out of the explosion, but even so, he was still not hurt at all.

"You should go die......."

Jiang Xun's calm words were like the truth of the world. If he told him to die, he would die.

Disaster turned his head and looked at his palm, and found only some black soil.

"So that's how it is. What a monster!....."

This was the last words of the disaster.

The disaster disappeared, and the monsters seemed to have lost some kind of power and fell down one after another.

Jiang Xun looked at the clone that had turned back into materials, and had a lot to say.

But in the end, he just said:"Well done, thank you for your hard work."

The system broadcast the success of the mission in his ears.

Jiang Xun looked at the mess around him, and after healing the fox palace, he was ready to go back, but he gave up the idea of going back.

"Oh, and tell that little girl."......

The violent monster fell down. While everyone around was cheering, the girl just kept looking in the direction of the Guardian Forest with a worried look on her face.

At this time, a familiar voice came to her ear:"I have something else to do. I'll leave the things with you for safekeeping. Although life is hard, please stay optimistic now."

The girl looked around abruptly, but did not find the familiar figure in her memory.

Jiang Xun took a last look at the other person in the dark, and then disappeared in this era........

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