"I have seen this thing of Mr. Jiang Xun in a book passed down from my ancestors. It was drawn by one of my ancestors, but I am not sure about it now, so I want to take it back for comparison."

Xiao Gong explained patiently.

"So, let's go together. We just had a meal........"

""Ahem, Paimeng, I'm a little sleepy, let's go back."

Ying said, and before Paimeng could answer, she pulled her away.

Ying didn't let go of Paimeng until they reached a corner.

"Hey, Ying, why do you suddenly want to sleep? Didn't you say that if you eat and sleep, you will turn into a pig?!"

Paimon looked at the other party with disdain, ready to return all the cold stares he had just received.

"Paimeng, this is Xiao Palace's family affair, we are not suitable to help. If I don't pull you along, you will definitely go in and meddle."

Paimeng thought about it and felt that it made sense. They were not suitable to join.

But since they were not going to help, then....."Well, let's go back to sleep!"

Paimeng said happily, but Ying's next words poured a bucket of cold water on her.

"No, that would turn me into a pig. Now I'll go find Catherine to see if she has any commissions......."


Looking at the two people going away, Jiang Xun also understood what they meant, smiled, and said to Xiao Gong:"In this case, if you don't mind, do you want me to go back with you?"

"Of course, if you are free."

On the way home, Xiao Gong chatted with Jiang Xun very familiarly, and the two looked like good friends who had known each other for a long time.

"Here we are. Please wait for me. I will go find it."

At the entrance of Naganohara Fireworks Shop, Xiao Gong went in first, and Jiang Xun stood quietly at the door, waiting for her to come out.

After a while, the girl came out with a box in her hand and a strange expression, as if she was wondering if she had made a mistake.

"Mr. Jiang Xun, this thing is exactly what is recorded in the book. Moreover, it says that if anyone comes with this thing, give this box to him.

Jiang Xun took the box from Xiao Gong. This was the one he gave to Ling Yin. Although hundreds of years have passed, the box was made by Jiang Xun himself, so time has not left obvious marks on it.

Jiang Xun checked the box and found that there was something inside. Jiang Xun took it out and found that it was a piece of paper with something recorded on it.

"Someone unknown, I.....I can't seem to remember you. I find myself forgetting everything. I forgot your face and even your voice. But I know you exist. Please forgive me for losing all my memories of you. Maybe we will never have the chance to meet again. Thank you for the gift you gave me and thank you for appearing by my side......."

There weren't many words on the paper, and Jiang Xun finished reading it in an instant, but after reading it, he didn't know what kind of mood he should be in.

He and she shouldn't have had any intersection, but fortunately, she could forget about him and didn't affect her life because of him.

"Mr. Jiang Xun, are you okay?.....Please don't pay attention to what's on the paper. What happened in the past is over."

Xiao Gong was standing aside and suddenly saw Jiang Xun sighing. He thought that his ancestors had written a bunch of ugly words on the paper, which made Jiang Xun sad......

"you're right....."

Jiang Xun replied with a smile, and then crushed the paper directly. Jiang Xun had already fallen on the land of his former wife, Inazuma. Perhaps in the past, Jiang Xun was secretly watching the other party grow up. However,

Jiang Xun's relieved behavior frightened Xiao Gong who was standing by.

She didn't know what the other party was thinking, but she saw a piece of paper being crushed by the young man in front of her. Is this really something a human can do? He was still angry......

My dear ancestors, what on earth did you write on the paper?!

Xiao Gong was worried that the other party would tear down the fireworks store in anger, but fortunately, all this was just her imagination.

"Miss Xiaogong, this box is for you."

Jiang Xun then threw the box in his hand to the other party. Xiaogong reached out to catch it, but asked in confusion:"Give it to me? This is not good, I have to give it back to you."

"Since this box belongs to me now, I will give it to you as a gift for our meeting."

"However, we have only known each other for less than an hour, and this gift is too expensive."

Xiao Gong still seemed unwilling to accept this inexplicable gift.

"Since it is a gift, it is used to give to others. In my case, it is just right to use this as a gift for meeting someone......."

Jiang Xun disappeared after he finished speaking.

Xiao Gong wanted to say something, but when he looked up, he found that Jiang Xun had disappeared long ago. There was no trace of him anywhere. However, this time, Jiang Xun did not hide in the dark, but really left.

"Mr. Jiang Xun.....What a strange person."......

""Dad, did you encounter anything happy? Do you want to have something delicious for lunch?"

On the road in the suburbs, Jiang Xun was slowly heading towards the direction of Mingshen Taisha. He did not forget that there was a night parade of one hundred demons to watch tonight. At his current speed, it would be night by the time he got there.

Du Lin vaguely sensed Jiang Xun's mood at the moment, and immediately wanted to contribute to his food plan.

"Let me think, how about eating roasted dragon meat for lunch today?"

As soon as Jiang Xun finished speaking, Du Lin fell silent. Looking closely, this guy was pretending to sleep!

I really don't know who he learned this from......

Jiang Xun ignored this foodie. He was actually looking forward to the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.���It is said that the demons of Inazuma used to like to go out for team building when they had nothing to do. In the end, more and more demons joined in, and the scale became larger and larger, gradually evolving into the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

However, after Inazuma was controlled by General Raiden, this activity began to be restricted. After all, every Night Parade of One Hundred Demons would make people panic, which is certainly not what General Raiden wants to see.

However, this activity can still be carried out during festivals.

"I really don't know what the surprise that Youlezhai mentioned is?"

Jiang Xun was also present at the conversation that night, and he naturally heard all the conversations between Yae Shenzi and Youlezhai.

Then let me enjoy this last night parade of a hundred demons........

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