The sun rose in the east and set in the west, and a day passed as Jiang Xun strolled.

When the moon just came out, Jiang Xun's figure just happened to appear at the entrance of Mingjin Taisha. When he arrived, he saw Yae Shinko and one yellow and one white in the shrine.

"It seems that I am not the only one who came early."

Looking at their appearance, they seemed to be chatting about something. Jiang Xun did not choose to join their conversation, but chose to lie on the roof of the shrine building, silently waiting for the full appearance of the moon.

He concealed his breath when he came, not to mention Ying and Paimeng, even Yae Shenzi did not notice anything unusual, and continued to chat casually.

"Little guy, I'll trouble you from now on!"

Yae Shenzi said with a smile

"After this, the royalties must not be reduced!"

Ying stated her condition directly, that is, the other party agreed to her royalties.

With the help of Yae Shinko, Ying selectively wrote some of the things that happened that night into the novel. She has already written a lot of content. Now the novel is ready to be published in Yaedo. After the One Hundred Demons Night Parade is over tonight, the novel will be officially published.

And Yae Shinko also promised that all the royalties earned from the novel would belong to her, which made Ying willing to help her.

"Oh my, look at what you said, is the relationship between us not as good as that little Mora?"

Yae Shenzi pretended to be hurt.

"This is a matter of principle!"

Ying was not affected by the Eightfold God's Son at all, and said firmly that what she wanted was the royalties, and she would not do it for less than one Mora!

"Okay, don't worry, I will give you every penny of the royalties."

Seeing that the other party was not buying it, the Eightfold God Son returned to normal.

After getting the promise from the scumbag fox again, Ying was relieved a little, and then went to complete the task that the other party had just instructed.

Jiang Xun watched the two people leave from the top. Although he didn't know what the two guys were going to do now, he was sure that they must have been called over by the scumbag fox to work.

After the two left, the Eightfold God Son began to prepare the ceremony on the spot. After placing the necessary materials on the ground, he was ready to start the gathering spirit ceremony.

"What kind of ceremony are you preparing for?"

Yajyou Shenzi was about to start when she was frightened by a sudden voice behind her. Although she concealed it well, Jiang Xun still noticed that the hair on her ears suddenly exploded.

"Couldn't you make a sound when you came?"

After recovering from his shock, Yae Shinko realized who this guy who suddenly appeared behind him was, and said unhappily

"I just saw you guys were having a good time chatting."

Jiang Xun shrugged, not feeling that he was wrong at all.

When Yae Shenzi saw Jiang Xun again, she found herself a little scared, as if she had been bullied by this guy before. This made her feel very strange, because she didn't feel this way when they were together yesterday.

Jiang Xun always felt a chill behind her........

"you....."Get in front of me!"

Yaezakami didn't want to pay attention to Jiang Xun, but as soon as she turned around, she felt a chill on her back and couldn't concentrate on preparing for the ceremony.

Yaezakami's tone obviously changed, no longer as calm as before. Jiang Xun also noticed the change in the other party at this time, but he didn't say much, and slowly walked to the front. Of course, he knew why the other party had such a feeling.

But he couldn't say it. After all, he couldn't tell the other party that his clone had raped Yaezakami, otherwise, this scumbag fox would probably keep him away from Mingshen Taisha. It wasn't until Jiang Xun stood in front of her that the chill on her back disappeared.

This made her more certain that she and Jiang Xun must have met before, and she must have a bad impression of him.

After clearing up the sudden thoughts in her mind, she began to prepare for the ceremony, because her old friends were like this. Today's power is already quite weak, and it can no longer support them to carry out the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, so this is where the spirit gathering ceremony has to be held.

During the preparation for the ceremony, Jiang Xun was watching from the side. Yae Shinto held Kagura in his hand and began to dance in the center of the shrine. As the dance progressed, Jiang Xun could feel that the flow of the earth veins was now converging here.

In addition to the surging elemental force, there were also some energy bodies mixed in the earth veins. These should be the"Hundred Demons".

Suddenly, Jiang Xun felt a familiar breath, and there was some surprise on his face. This breath flashed by, and it only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

When Jiang Xun thought it was an illusion, the breath appeared again, and then disappeared again, as if playing hide-and-seek with him again.

At this time, Yae Shinto's ceremony was also ready, and they only had to wait for the moon to be in place before the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons could begin.

"Miss Yae, do you sense a vague aura?"

""The erratic breath?"

Yae Shenzi shook her head when she heard this. She had just focused on the ceremony and had no time to care about this thing.

Jiang Xun was still feeling the breath, and the next moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"You are the surprise......"

Jiang Xun muttered to himself. He now roughly understood what the surprise Youle Zhai had mentioned that night was.

This was indeed a surprise, both for him and for the Eightfold God Son.

"What surprise?"

Yae Shenzi also heard what Jiang Xun just said and was a little curious.

"If the surprise is revealed, it is no longer a surprise. Just wait and see......."

After saying this, Jiang Xun returned to the top of the shrine again, leaning against the top, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

"One or two of them said it was a surprise, I want to see what it is....."

Yae Shinko was a little unconvinced. As a great monster who had lived for hundreds of years and the chief priest of the Narugami Shrine, she had seen a lot. There were not many things in the world that could be considered surprises for her.

Time passed by minute by minute. With the completion of the ceremony, all the monster memories were ready to go, ready to carry out the last One Hundred Demons Night Parade in this world.

At this time, the shrine was particularly deserted. The shrine maidens who originally lived in the shrine had been sent down the mountain by her, because when the One Hundred Demons Night Parade was in progress, if there were still mortals in the shrine, they would inevitably be possessed. So as early as when Ying and Paimon left, they were taken away with the shrine maidens.

Yae Shinko looked at the time and thought it was just right.

Then she waved the Kagura, and the gathering ceremony on the ground was fully launched. The One Hundred Demons Night Parade began!

A beam of light shot straight into the sky.

The moon, which was originally covered by clouds, was now dispersed by the power of the earth veins. The bright moonlight shone into the shrine. In an instant, countless light points floated around, gradually forming a layer of black clouds that covered the sky and the sun.

The originally calm breeze suddenly became violent. It was accompanied by the roars of countless monsters. The so-called Night Parade of One Hundred Demons had a grand atmosphere, but it was after all a hundred demons, and the roars during the period were terrifying.

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