Countless demons roared, turning the originally quiet Naruto-shin Grand Shrine into a ghost den. If there were still shrine maidens in the shrine, they would probably faint from fear after seeing this scene.

Jiang Xun quietly watched the carnival of the demons. Paimon and Ying had returned at some point. From their expressions, it was not difficult to see that they were shocked by the scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

However, the gloomy environment still gave them goose bumps.

Du Lin was also attracted by the noise, but what Jiang Xun did not expect was that the little guy asked if these demons floating in the sky were midnight snacks, as if he had already planned to eat all these demons.

Fortunately, Jiang Xun's explanation made Du Lin put away this idea. If Du Lin transformed and swallowed these demons in one bite, Jiang Xun could not imagine what the reaction of Yae Shinko would be.

He estimated that after that, he and Du Lin would probably be permanently blacklisted by Naruto-shin Grand Shrine.

After learning that there was no midnight snack, Du Lin tilted his head and fell asleep again, while Jiang Xun watched quietly.

Soon, the wind began to die down. Perhaps due to its limited power, the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons was about to end.

The dark clouds that had covered the moon once again turned into countless points of light that sprinkled on the earth and merged into the earth veins.

Yae Kamiko watched all this quietly, not knowing what to feel in her heart.

Just as she was about to take action, she suddenly found that the sacred cherry tree in front of her had reacted, and the cherry blossoms began to fall. Before she could react, a pair of white hands gently covered her eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

The gentle voice entered the ears of Yae Shenzi, making her stunned.

She hadn't heard this voice for five hundred years.......

Yae Shinko's hands slowly covered her eyes. Her mind told her that this could not happen, but the emotion in her heart made her unable to deny it.

"yes.....Shadow, when did you start playing tricks on people?"

Yae Shenzi regretted asking........

"Unfortunately, the little god guessed wrong!"

The soft voice replied with a smile, and then put down his hand. The eight-fold god reached out to grab it, and actually caught it in his hand.

"This is.....Really?"

Yajyou Shenzi's tone became a little unbelievable. The touch and temperature of her hands told her that this was definitely not fake.

She turned around and saw that the figure buried deep in her memory overlapped with the person in front of her.......

"You're still alive, really....."

Seeing the Son of God like this, Lei Dianzhen hugged him in her arms with some heartache. It was not her intention to hide everything. It was only now that she could come out openly.

""I'm sorry, Shenzi, I made you worry."

Lei Dianzhen patted Yae Shenzi gently, holding her in his arms like a little fox to comfort her.

Yae Shenzi enjoyed Zhen's embrace very much, but she was not the little fox she used to be, so they separated after just a few seconds.

After a pause, he said

"Youlezai is right, this is indeed a surprise."

Yae Shenzi had to admit that it was beyond her expectations that Zhen would appear at this time, and it was indeed a surprise.

"Yes, but I came back, but they can't come back."

Zhen was referring to the monsters who had just performed the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. They all sacrificed their lives to protect Inazuma, and they survived, but they didn't.

"But, how did you survive, since you are still alive, why don't you return to Inazuma?"

Since Shin didn't die in Kanreya, why did Ying say that she had died, why didn't she return to Inazuma?

"I will answer the second question later, but it is better to ask the person involved about the matter of Kanreya, don’t you think so, Mr. Jiang who cheated on your feelings?"

Zhen turned around and stared at Jiang Xun who was still lying on the roof. A trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her beautiful face, and she was a little angry.

Jiang Xun? This guy is also related to the Kanreya War?

Zhen's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and then all shifted to Jiang Xun.

Including Ying, who was originally prepared to watch the show, couldn't sit still at this time. Through her previous adventures, she also roughly understood some things about Kanreya, and her brother also got involved in it and became the prince of the Abyss Cult who wanted to restore the glory of Kanreya.

She couldn't help but care about her brother's affairs.

Jiang Xun saw that everyone's eyes were looking at him, and he couldn't sit still.

"Ahem, I did what happened to Kanreya, but I want to clarify one thing, I didn't cheat on anyone."

Jiang Xun said that he would never take the blame. He had never cheated on anyone, at least subjectively.

But the people present obviously didn't believe his explanation. Compared with Jiang Xun, the gentle and kind Miss Zhen beside him was more convincing.

"Then may I ask why Mr. Jiang Xun didn't come back to find me? I thought you were dead!"

Zhen asked again. She had always thought that the other party had fallen, but after being sad for so long, he appeared alive and well again?

Jiang Xun was speechless. It was really difficult for him to answer Zhen's question.

If he answered, the existence of the system would be exposed. Jiang Xun didn't want anyone except him to know the existence of the system for the time being, even if they were very good friends.

Seeing that Jiang Xun couldn't explain, everyone present thought that Jiang Xun was in the wrong, and Jiang received three contemptuous looks at once.

Seeing Jiang Xun's embarrassment, the little resentment in Zhen's heart disappeared.

Did she hate Jiang Xun? That must be impossible. Whether it was from the time they spent together or from the fact that he finally changed his fate that should have died, how could she hate him?

So to speak, it was just a small punishment for this guy. Who told you not to come to me for so long?!......

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little off, Zhen spoke again

""Well, I was just kidding. If I made you angry, I apologize."

She originally wanted to give him a small punishment, but if Jiang Xun felt disgusted with her because of this, that was definitely not what she wanted to see.

Jiang Xun was naturally not such a petty person, and this matter was caused by him, so he naturally couldn't be angry.

"I'm not that bad at taking a joke, but I'm glad to see you again.

Jiang Xun waved his hand.

"Okay, I know Mr. Jiang Xun is broad-minded, so can you tell me what happened at that time?"

Yajei Shenzi lost interest when she saw that there was no fun to watch. Now she is still very curious about what happened in the Kanreya War.

Jiang Xun saw that everyone, including Zhen, was looking at him, so he stopped keeping them in suspense and told them everything that happened after he went to Kanreya.

After listening, the scene fell silent again. After a while, Ying said

"So that's what Zhongli was reluctant to say. So that war was so cruel."

"So, you were.....Did they kill a lot of civilians?"

Zhen felt a little sad after hearing this. She felt that no matter what Kan Ruiya did, at least the innocent people of their country were saved.

"Civilians? What civilians? I only remember that I dismantled a lot of tillers?"

Jiang Xun looked strange. Since when did tillers become civilians?

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