"So that's how it was. Wait, you did that thing on the sea as well?"

It was evening.

Ying said thoughtfully.

Now that the general's program had been revised, she had some time to chat.

"I was just forced to fight back, how can you say that I took the initiative to provoke trouble?"

Jiang Xun said speechlessly

"Oh, really?"

Ying looked at Jiang Xun with suspicion, seemingly not believing it.

Jiang Xun was too lazy to continue arguing with this guy, and gave her a look, letting her experience it herself.

Sure enough, when it comes to the art of speaking, the elder sister knows more.

Zhen didn't say anything, but just sat quietly aside, watching the two bickering with a smile. Judging from the smile on his mouth, it seems that watching the two bickering is a very interesting thing.

"By the way, Zhen, you haven't told me why you didn't want to go back to Inazuma at that time?......"

Ying then asked, now that she knew the truth about Kanreya, she was more eager to know why her sister was alive but refused to return to Inazuma.

Zhen paused after hearing this, as if he was lost in his memories. After a while, he explained:"Because of the law of nature"

"Heaven's will?"

Ying was still confused, but Jiang Xun seemed to be thinking about it. He could probably guess the reason.

Zhen continued:"My"fall" that year was obvious to all, and I think this was most likely part of Heaven's will's plan. It was because of this that I couldn't come back. Think about it, if I had appeared in Inazuma at that time, what would Heaven's will think?"

"Then the law of nature will suspect that you and Kan Ruiya have a secret relationship, and Inazuma will most likely become the next Kan Ruiya."

Ying hasn't figured it out yet, Jiang Xun said

"Not bad!"

Zhen smiled and nodded.......

"What about now?"

Ying continued to ask

"That's why I told you to go out more often, don't stay in your pure land all day."

Jiang Xun complained

"Humph, you know, then you tell me!"

Ying was a little unconvinced.

""You can feel it now, what is the secret of the sky?" Jiang Xun pointed to the sky and said.

Ying followed Jiang Xun's instructions and soon found something.

"The heavens are in disarray, nothing can be observed......"

Ying also discovered this problem at this time. Speaking of it, she hadn't observed the laws of nature for five hundred years. She had been in the Pure Land of One Mind, and she was really out of touch with this era.

At this time, she suddenly realized that if she didn't understand the situation after being explained to this extent, she would be really stupid.

"The justice of heaven is dark, and the maintainer is nowhere to be found, which is why I choose to appear in front of you."

Zhen finally explained. Ying now understands the whole story of this matter.

However, she still does not accept Jiang Xun's ridicule.......

""It's getting late. You've been apart for so long, you must have something to say, I won't bother you any more."

Jiang Xun looked at the time, then stood up and prepared to leave. Seeing this, Zhen wanted to keep him, but she didn't mind Jiang Xun staying to chat more. However, considering Ying, she didn't continue to persuade him.

Ying was a little surprised. She did have a lot to talk to Zhen about, but she was not in a hurry to get rid of him.

Even though she didn't like Jiang Xun before, these five hundred years have made her temperament a lot more stable. Now she knows that he saved Zhen's life and helped Inazuma a lot. There is no reason to hate him.

Jiang Xun waved behind him and then left the castle tower.

Jiang Xun returned to the street and came to Wuyou Pavilion to prepare. Eat something. Zhen and Ying don't seem to have the habit of three meals a day, but he is different. If there is nothing important, he will eat more or less when it is time to eat.

It is not easy to change the habit that has been maintained for so long, and he doesn't want to change it.

After entering Wuyou Pavilion, Jiang Xun found a seat and sat down casually, and then started to order food, while Du Lin woke up on time by smelling the food.

In order to take care of this little guy, Jiang Xun ordered a lot of things.

After ordering, he sat there and waited. During this time, he heard the conversation of the guests next to him. It was not that Jiang Xun intentionally eavesdropped, but that the other party had no intention of hiding anything at all.

"Do you know who the masked guy next to the general this morning was?"

"have no idea"

"Hey, I tell you, I don't know either."

"I don’t know, what a waste of time!"......

Jiang Xun was not surprised that he became the topic of conversation after dinner. Given the sensation of that morning incident, it would be strange if it was not talked about.


The wind chime at the door rang, and Jiang Xun subconsciously looked over. When he saw the person coming in, he immediately became interested. After the person came in, he went straight to the bar and ordered a glass of wine, and then walked straight towards him.

"Wow, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you here."

Jiang Xun looked at this guy dressed in a forgiving outfit and exposed him on the spot:"Is it really a coincidence, or was it premeditated?"

"Hehe, this is all the guidance of the wind."

Wendy was exposed and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"So, why did you come to Inazuma? Can't you stay in Mondstadt anymore?"

"Oh, I'm a bard, isn't it normal to travel around, see the scenery of different countries, and collect stories from all over the world?......"

"And by the way, can we see if we can find someone we know to have a meal with?"

Jiang Xun added, and Wendy just laughed.

Jiang Xun didn't care. Wendy might really come to Inazuma to have fun. After all, he was a wind god who didn't do his job properly. Now he even lost his heart of god. Mondstadt no longer needed the protection of god, so why did he stay in Mondstadt?

"Is this Du Lin? How cute!"

Wendy then noticed Du Lin lying on the table waiting for his meal. Although his current appearance was completely different from his original appearance, Wendy could still tell at a glance that Du Lin was a cute boy.

""Barbatos, although we are not enemies anymore, don't think that I will give in to you when we eat later."

Du Lin shouted at Wendy in a fierce tone.

He would not be polite to anyone except Jiang Xun, let alone a former enemy.

Wendy looked at Jiang Xun with confusion, and was a little puzzled by Du Lin's foodie remarks. How did the former magic dragon become a foodie dragon now?

Jiang Xun noticed the other party's gaze, but just shook his head. When he brought Du Lin out, he didn't expect Du Lin to become such a foodie.

"Well, then we'll each try our best!"

Although Wendy only came to get some snacks and had no intention of snatching food from Du Lin, she still put a little pressure on Du Lin out of bad taste.

She looked like she was going to go all out.

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